Live, laugh, toaster bath
Shadowrun with friends.
My RPG sessions are currently in scheduling hell. 6 sessions across 3 different groups cancelled, reshuffled, and then cancelled again over the last two weeks.
Out of interest, 5e or 6e?
6e but with some modifications.
Fair enough. Had one test 6e session, my players absolutely hated it. Mainly due to the weird new edge system and the fact that combat is a lot less lethal and swingy.
Yeah we reworked the edge and armour system.
If it’s not too much of a hassle, mind sharing your house rules? Might give it a go with my players to see if that fixes our issues with the system
I would have to translate them first as they are in German.
Half my main shadowrun group are Germans, I could get them to help instead
Going to my old folk’s village in the north of the country for the annual summer festivities. Looking to relax, swim in rivers, in essence have a good time. I don’t go out much, so I really need it…
media marathon, going to keep watching primal s1, whic is amazing so far, i have a bunch of movies lined up, and a beach break in between when I get restless. Plus ribs and mojitos.
My kid got a fishing pole from his uncle and has been absolutely dying to try it out again. Refuses to use live bait, though. Gonna see if we can get out on the river this weekend. He’s only gonna be doing catch-and-release. He just really likes seeing fish up close.
…also I know nothing about fishing, so I’m gonna be researching fishing, I guess. Lol
Try some powerbait or even cheap pepperoni sticks as bait. Fish go for smell. As a side note…best fish you will ever eat is cooked on a stick over an open fire as you fish.
Be subject to the whims of my teenage kiddo! Get our nails done. Do groceries. Make fancy food for Shadow of the Demon Lord on Sunday. Play SotDL.
Watching Premier League soccer while repairing a fiberglass hatch for my sailboat.
Finish Crysis 2 and start Crysis 3.
Extra sleep and going to be proactive this week and do some meal prep.
Have a deadline for a university paper on Sunday. I’m planning to finish it tonight (it’s 8 PM here) but not sure that’s gonna fly.
same thing I do every weekend. desperately try to get needed things done but at my own pace so its not quite as bad as weekday work.
Party for 3 days straight (Thursday was a public holiday so I already started)
working, both days 😔
Every Saturday I’ve been going to my local game store and playing various card and/or board games.
A lot of the time we play Magic the Gathering. Sometimes we play Dungeons and Dragons.
But I also have a whole backpack of a bunch of other games I bring for variety sake.
Just recently I finally got my physical copy of “Fools Blade”. It’s a new card game where players collect sword parts and craft their own swords to go adventuring (both PvE and PvP). I’m super stoked to play it.