Elon has responded to the criticism and is increasing the limits to a whopping:
Verified accounts: 8000 posts/day
Unverified accounts: 800 posts/day
New unverified accounts: 400 posts/day
Elon has responded to the criticism and is increasing the limits to a whopping:
Verified accounts: 8000 posts/day
Unverified accounts: 800 posts/day
New unverified accounts: 400 posts/day
Now, this is ridiculous, of course. However, you shouldn’t be reading more than 600 tweets a day. I mean, I don’t think I’ve read 600 tweets in my whole LIFE!!
Anyways, mastodon.world.
I’m not a twitter user but my understanding is that any replies to a tweet also apply towards the limit. So scrolling a popular tweet with hundreds of replies could drain your entire tweet limit in a matter of minutes.
Can confirm. I scroll past blue checks when I read comments and I had run out my post limit in under 20 minutes today.
Wild when you think about it… Twitter is supported by ads. The more you are on Twitter the more ads you theoretically will see, making the adspace more valuable. Additionally, the more trouble users experience the less they want to use/interact with the service. Isn’t such a small and arbitrary cap sort of kneecapping themselves?
I’m assuming the Twitter servers are on figurative fire and this is the only way they can deal short term, because I have a hard time seeing the benefit for them.
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Eight dollars a month.
i think you’ve got it to be honest, there’s no way this was anyone’s first choice and is the best worst way to get users of the platform for “just a bit”.
It’s not just reading. Any tweet that loads as you scroll past it on your feed counts towards the limit.