A community for sharing favorite vintage and nostalgic recipes from years past.
The goal of this community is to preserve our favorite dishes and share them
with the world so that they don’t go extinct just because they’re not in the
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believe that information should be freely available. We learn by observing and
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believe that old methods should be forgotten.
If it does a random sampling, 90% will be various combinations of yiff, anime, trans, femboys, and obnoxiously breasted women. There’s gotta be some curation in the lemmysphere for that to work.
Imagine making out with someone and out of nowhere their tits are just like “You know, you should call your mother. Also the grass needs mowing.” Then they go park their car across two handicapped spaces even though they don’t have the little mirror hangy thing.
Well, you see, this is remedied by partnering with people in the itty bitty titty committee. Neither of us are obnoxiously breasted as a result.
Real-life Ds and beyond are their own pain in the ass, I can’t imagine trying to be an anime character with the physics-defying shenanigans.
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Does “tiny sublemmy of the day” exist anywhere yet? Might be a good way to discover and grow small communities.
If it does a random sampling, 90% will be various combinations of yiff, anime, trans, femboys, and obnoxiously breasted women. There’s gotta be some curation in the lemmysphere for that to work.
obnoxiously breasted 😂
Imagine making out with someone and out of nowhere their tits are just like “You know, you should call your mother. Also the grass needs mowing.” Then they go park their car across two handicapped spaces even though they don’t have the little mirror hangy thing.
Well, you see, this is remedied by partnering with people in the itty bitty titty committee. Neither of us are obnoxiously breasted as a result. Real-life Ds and beyond are their own pain in the ass, I can’t imagine trying to be an anime character with the physics-defying shenanigans.
Tl;dr: our tits don’t double park the car <3
Yeah, I believe the Reddit one was curated. Anyone could nominate a tiny subreddit, but the mods would make the final call.
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Let’s make til the new discovery community!