Ever since I started using smart phones, I have been jumping between different weather apps and have not been very satisfied with most of them. I found the apps from the big weather providers like Accuweather and Weather Channel to be bloated and distracting with advertisements and irrelevant news. The app I was closest to being satisfied with was the free version of Dark Sky, but I didn’t get to enjoy it for very long since I discovered it not long before Apple acquired it. What are some of the best weather apps on Android right now?
I recommend Weawow.
Odd name. Great app and widget. Single, dedicated developer and very simple monetization hook (just a donation, if I recall correctly).
Multiple data sources supported, and very customizable.
That’s what I use and it’s the best weather app I’ve seen so far. The coolest thing is, when you’re choosing weather providers, it will show you the current forecast for each one, so you can compare them better.
And it has so many widgets that are easy to configure.
Another +1 for Weawow. The widgets and choice of weather provider put it over the top for me.
I’ve been using Weawow and I like it so far.
Yes. Weawow is customizable and you can switch the weather provider. Also a good selection of widgets if you need them.
second this. its a great app with loads of detail and you can select your data provider
Another happy user of Weawow here!
Meteogram is an amazingly customizable widget-type app that shows everything you could imagine on a timeline/chart. One of my all-time favorite and most used apps. It is updated regularly, and the amount of customization is insane. It is so nice to be able to just look at a chart and instantly know everything you need to know about the upcoming hour(s) and day(s).
I have been also been using an app called Forecaster which is pretty cool, that’s more of a conventional weather app.
My favorite radar app is MyRadar.
Overdrop is a really nice one with a great looking UI.
Carrot Weather is also pretty good and has funny quotes it shows you if you like that kinda thing, but the dev is primarily an IOS developer so the Android app is pretty far behind feature wise if you compare the two versions.
+1 to Overdrop. I like it quite a bit!
Overdrop does have a great UI and plenty of widget options. I go between Overdrop and Today, as I prefer the overall UX of Overdrop, but find the multi-location switching easier to do in Today (unless I’ve somehow missed it in Overdrop).
Shadow weather is what I’ve been using since dark sky shut down. It has multiple sources, including apple(dark sky). Seems to be pretty accurate since it pulls from several sources.
Seconding, the UI isn’t the prettiest but it has a lot of information, one of the best weather radar setups I’ve encountered, and fairly accurate predictions due to pulling data from multiple sources.
I use prognoza - it’s open source and has MD3 widgets
I started using it after the weather apps I use were just so fucking bloated I gave up and looked for another solution
I had never heard of this one before. Very clean thanks!
I worked outside for a few years and found this to be the most reliable app out there. It’d give me a fifteen minute warning for rain and was consistently spot on. I like the ui, but it’s not as snazzy as some of the others.
I can recommend this app: https://github.com/WangDaYeeeeee/GeometricWeather
Here’s a fork of Geometric Weather that’s still being maintained, which is what I use now: https://github.com/breezy-weather/breezy-weather
This app is awesome, has way more data than other weather apps I’ve used. Really nice to see allergen information as somebody that gets bad allergies!
Thanks a lot, I was still using Geometric Weather !
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Good to know, thank you!
I have to recommend Today Weather (not weather today, thats different). Excellent minimalistic UI, radar forecast, percipatation charts, widgets, all works excellent.
I use Geometric Weather from fdroid, it’s very polished. It’s entirely FOSS, so nothing’s spying on you.
Geometric weather hasn’t been updated in ages, its been forked and is called breezy weather fyi
Wow, I’ve been using geometric for some time now but breezy definitely fixes a few things that had been annoying me! Thank you!
can’t seem to find that on the play store or fdroid
https://github.com/weblate/breezy-weather The page says available on Fdroid soon™️
I like yr.no, by the Norwegian meteorological institute.
Pretty neat, installed it from their GitHub. What change I was really hoping for from Geometric Weather was better widgets and to have the widgets include material you colors. Seems like they’re largely unchanged right now.
Just installed it 5 minutes ago from Fdroid, so it’s there.
I couldn’t find
breezy weather
butgeometric weather
is there.
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This one, I presume?
wX (Weather app geared towards storm chasers, meteorologists and weather enthusiasts)
Wx is great, but it is really complex for someone who didnt attend classes in meteorology. Sure it is usable, but a lot of its functions are not geared for the average user IMO.
just downloaded. I think this is going to get to be my new weather app – but that UI is going to take some getting used to.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Windy has been great, it gives a really nice overview of data, and lets you pick from 5 different sources, as well as compare each source to local weather stations to figure out which had the closest predictions in the past.
Check this site for the most accurate weather provider in your area. Then choose an app that can use that as a source. https://www.forecastadvisor.com/
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I was about to write that some local (country level) have the better forecast.
Living in Switzerland, I’m using mostly MeteoSwiss as it gives me good forecast.
Do you know any similar site that works well outside us?
I was about to write that some local (country level) have the better forecast.
Living in Switzerland, I’m using mostly MeteoSwiss as it gives me good forecast.
Do you know any similar site that works well outside us?
I was about to write that some local (country level) have the better forecast.
Living in Switzerland, I’m using mostly MeteoSwiss as it gives me good forecast.
Do you know any similar site that works well outside us?
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Thanks! Never occurred to me to look for an accuracy scoreboard.
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Sorry I don’t.
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I thought I’d heard that Weather Timeline was coming which is what I use, but it still appears to be hidden for new users. My next recommendation would be Today Weather which I’ve heard good things about from others.
Windy, overall, but especially for VFR forecasts, one of the few that will give cloud ceiling and visibility, and detailed winds (both on the ground and aloft, steady and gusts).
DWD Warnwetter for rain and warnings.