I’m so glad I don’t have to use Comcast any more. A small local ISP (Sonic) expanded to cover my area last year and offers 10Gbps for $40/month - half the price I was paying Comcast for 1.2Gbps.
I’m super jealous. At least I’m moving to a new apartment with fiber from CenturyLink at it, but even they are running $70/mo for gigabit. I’m living the T-Mobile 5G home internet life right now because CL only has DSL at my current place, and fuck Comcast in general.
I’m so glad I don’t have to use Comcast any more. A small local ISP (Sonic) expanded to cover my area last year and offers 10Gbps for $40/month - half the price I was paying Comcast for 1.2Gbps.
I’m super jealous. At least I’m moving to a new apartment with fiber from CenturyLink at it, but even they are running $70/mo for gigabit. I’m living the T-Mobile 5G home internet life right now because CL only has DSL at my current place, and fuck Comcast in general.
Jeez, and I thought I was getting a good deal with Ziply Fiber. 30/30 for $50/month. Jealous!
They’re also pro net neutrality, anti-throttling and anti-blocking (https://www.sonic.com/transparency). A perfect ISP :)