• chingadera
      7811 days ago

      This is true, but I think it’s even more simple than this.

      They want a specific guy to win.

      While we want specific policies to win.

      • @[email protected]
        1811 days ago

        If I wanted specific policies to win there’s nobody available to vote for. Unless you think “the one viable option that isn’t theocratic fascism or a reich” is a policy, since that’s what I’m voting for this year.

        • chingadera
          511 days ago

          pretty much. not that simplified but if the hill you wanna die on is less rights vs more rights, here we go.

    • @[email protected]
      3511 days ago

      For clarity, are you suggesting that everyone who had qualms with Biden’s age was operating in bad faith?

      • OhStopYellingAtMe
        15811 days ago

        Everyone who had qualms about Biden’s age and yet not trump’s is operating in bad faith.

        • @[email protected]
          1211 days ago

          I can’t speak for everyone, but why exactly would I care about Trump’s age? It’s certainly a liability for him, but I was never going to vote Republican anyway, whereas my likelihood of voting Democrat has only risen now that Joe has stepped down. Why on earth would I want to potentially inspire Republicans to start pushing for a more competent candidate who might have a better chance of being elected, while also beingore competent and able to do more harm if they were to win?

          For media outlets reporting on this, sure, but I think you’re being overly general when talking about individual voters expressing reservations about the candidate being pushed by the party they will, in all likelihood, wind up voting for.

    • @[email protected]
      2511 days ago

      The authors of Project 2025 need a malleable president for their agenda. Trump is perfect in that regard. He will sign bill that lands on his desk.

      Bonus: should Trump die, JD is way more keen on the 2025 agenda.

    • @[email protected]
      1611 days ago

      Jesus fucking christ Lemmy has jumped the shark.

      We criticized Biden because we wanted a shot at winning and he didn’t have one.

      Trump as an opponent is the best shot Democrats have for winning. He’s deeply unpopular.

      It’s shocking ho idiotic takes like this are.

    • @[email protected]
      1411 days ago

      Wait, the people who criticized Joe Biden or the people who are claiming nobody has criticized Trump for his age?

      Seems like this whole thread is just rage-bait.

        • @[email protected]
          1211 days ago

          To imply that everyone criticizing Biden’s age and mental competency was arguing in bad faith is complete bs. Anyone who has seen or heard him speak can rationally argue this man should not be president and will lose against trump. Anyone paying attention could reasonable say there are dozens of better candidates as the democratic nominee. I’m glad people spoke up otherwise this election looks far worse. This headline and the comment I replied to and deleted (the comment you are quoting here) is donor-class pissing

  • @[email protected]
    12911 days ago

    The majority of people who objected to Biden were Democrats that wanted a better candidate because we were afraid that Biden would lose to Trump. The majority of Republicans can’t conceive of a universe where Trump ever loses an election so there hasn’t been an equivalently loud push on the GOP side.

    Also, while I’d personally rather Trump be off the ballot entirely a fair chunk of democratic voters seem to think we’re better off with Trump on the GOP ballot than someone who is younger and may be better able to seem less openly deplorable. I disagree with that notion and also think Trump should step down because any chance that he wins the election is too high of a chance.

    Basically, this article is drawing an equivalence between two very different situations.

    • finley
      2811 days ago

      Trump on the GOP ballot than someone who is younger and may be better able to seem less openly deplorable. I disagree with that notion and also think Trump should step down because any chance that he wins the election is too high of a chance.

      I REALLY would hate to see a Harris v Haley election.

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        Harris would have it in the bag. Haley is a true believer in pro-life policies in a way that would really turn off independents. Haley is an absolutely awful national candidate and can only really thrive in regions where Christianity has a death grip on the electorate.

        Trump’s agnosticism is actually one of his political strengths - it should be a weakness with his base but for some reason he’s viewed as the second coming of jesus fucking christ and I really don’t understand how the fuck those delusional religious folks managed to square that in their mind. Especially when it was Biden vs. Trump with Biden being a deeply religious and non-shitty Catholic.

        The GOP is seriously unhinged right now… and every GOP politician who has called that out has been instantly destroyed… that’s actually another contrast of this article - Pelosi openly and really fucking brazenly called for Biden to step down, Johnson, Scalise… fucking McCarthy? Those clowns would never dare because unless they act as a group it’s political suicide.

        • subignition
          1611 days ago

          for some reason he’s viewed as the second coming of jesus fucking christ and I really don’t understand how the fuck those delusional religious folks managed to square that in their mind.

          That’s the neat part, they don’t. Cognitive dissonance is one helluva drug

          • @[email protected]
            11 days ago

            Cognitive dissonance causes internal suffering when trying to reconcile two irreconcilable facts or beliefs. You’re suffering dissonance trying to get your head around Trump = Jesus. They are not suffering.

            (For the record, Trump can represent God because he is an “imperfect vessel”, and that’s OK because all have fallen short of the glory of God, sinners casting stones, etc… Besides, didn’t Jesus teach forgiveness? Don’t try to understand this either, just don’t, or more dissonance for you!)

            • subignition
              311 days ago

              Well, I’m not an expert, but I don’t think they don’t experience it so much as their religion has trained them to rationalize it away quickly. I feel like this meme template sort of reflects this, and I think the anger you’d get from bringing the contradiction to light is primarily it

              I suppose that means my original post was phrased incorrectly regardless

              • Rhaedas
                511 days ago

                The meme is incomplete. Instead of the fourth panel with the realization, you open up a new meme with a different objection. And it repeats, over and over.

                • subignition
                  111 days ago

                  I like how you think. The fourth panel should be a fractal repetition of the whole meme

        • quicklime
          11 days ago

          They don’t see Trump as the second coming of Christ, they see him as more like another King Cyrus. It’s the idea that a ruler or other major figurehead can be a “vessel for God” benefiting the believers of a particular religion while not actually being a part of said religion or conforming to its morals.

          Vox article on this, for example

      • Rhaedas
        1211 days ago

        Would the main MAGA group shift to support her? I don’t think you can just switch out cult leaders like that. How would she do with policy vs. Harris? What would be fascinating is having a race where someone is going to be the first woman President, regardless, so that is removed from the reasons for voting for them - which it shouldn’t be…I want someone who can be a leader, period. And for what it’s worth, Trump could have been a leader (not a great one, but one still), he got a few chances during his term, even soft ball ones. And he failed them all.

        • Diplomjodler
          11 days ago

          The Republicans are completely fucked without Trump and they know it. There is simply no other candidate that has any traction with their base let alone is able to galvanise it. This election is all about bringing out the vote and Trump is the only one who has a shot at that on the right.

      • @[email protected]
        911 days ago

        Nikki Haley couldn’t win the GOP primary for the same reason Kamala Harris couldn’t win the Dem Primary. They’ve got these very fancy resumes built up through a lifetime of insider political brown-nosing and horse trading. But they were still trapped under the glass ceiling, by organizers and mega-donors that don’t respect women.

        Hilary - for all her flaws - did “crack the glass ceiling” by hitting a critical mass of insider support that women, up until this point, hadn’t enjoyed. That won Harris a place on Biden’s ticket four years later as a kind-of concession to the PUMAs. But Haley was never going to manage it, because the racism and misogyny in her party is that much thicker. There is no large active feminist wing of the Republican Party.

        I don’t think the GOP is realistically going to be able to put up a woman candidate unless the base of the party is drastically altered. Democrat insiders tolerate women, begrudgingly. Republicans hate them at a biblical level.

    • @[email protected]
      11 days ago

      I also love the implication that it somehow wouldn’t be a massive waste of time for Democrats to go tell Trump he’s too old to run. Like how worthless is your time if you’re gonna spend it barking up the worlds dumbest tree. If I wanted to be ignored, I’d at least ask for something like no longer selling weapons to nations credibly accused of genocide.

    • @[email protected]
      411 days ago

      I want Trump off the ballot (and planet) but I do think that another GOP candidate would have been much more likely to win.*

      Public opinion on the current administration and the economy is negative to the point that one would expect the incumbent party to be facing an extremely uphill battle. But Trump is even more unpopular, brings a ton of baggage, energizes his opposition and alienates his allies by threatening democracy and the rule of law, says crazy nonsense that drives away independent voters instead of focusing on issues, and sabotages his own campaign through mismanagement.

      * Of course, that would only have happened if Trump hadn’t run, since he would almost certainly have caused chaos and infighting if someone beat him in the primaries.

  • @[email protected]
    11 days ago

    Are people really just now realizing he’s barely coherent? That’s why he got so much coverage 9 years ago in the first place. It’s been the #1 joke every fucking day for night show hosts since he rolled down that escalator to say Mexicans are rapists.

    • @[email protected]
      2711 days ago

      They never cared that about Bidens age, they just needed something to dislike him for. Notice they don’t have any policies they talk about. They just say Biden opened the border and is letting everyone in and it’s all his fault. Ignoring all evidence that arrests/detainments/returns are up, meaning they clearly aren’t just letting everyone in.

    • @[email protected]
      311 days ago

      No, just liberals. It’s literally just a sports game to them. This is one of their funniest sneers because it’s so obvious why leftists don’t give a shit about Trump.

      The reason, for the liberals reading, is because Donald Trump is not the DNC candidate for President of the United States of America.

      Crazy, I know.

      • @[email protected]
        511 days ago

        What would it mean if you are the crazy that you imagine you see everywhere around you? Have you ever had a physiological health workup or general mental health focused therapy?

  • @[email protected]
    8211 days ago

    Nothing is disqualifying for a Republican candidate for president.

    Except maybe, I dunno, having a plan for healthcare or housing affordability or something.

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        He has no plans at all except to bloviate like an idiot at any given opportunity, take massive dumps in his depends, avoid prison because he’s the president again, start up some concentration camps if he can stay off truth social that long, and cheat at golf.

        If there is another crisis in the next four years (which is almost guaranteed because he’s also a moronic crisis generator and so are the dimwits that he’ll nominate to cabinet positions), he will handle that just as poorly as he handled COVID.

        He’ll also probably die in office. In fact, I think the odds of him dying in office are far better than the odds of him coming up with a healthcare plan or a plan to increase housing affordability.

        • @[email protected]
          111 days ago

          The orange arsewipe can be easily lead like Homer Simpson “Ohh, piece of candy. Ohh, piece candy. Ohh, piece of candy”.

    • @[email protected]
      711 days ago

      It’s not just Republicans, but Republicans are notorious for their universal double standards that only one without shame can have.

      To varying degrees, every single person has things in their life that they like, and no amount of accurate, undeniable, objective, information about it being bad/wrong/inefficient etc will change their mind unless they decide they want to.

      There’s plenty of disqualifying traits for Republicans, which is a large part of why they now have a God king who wears diapers and has more fingers than functional brain cells.

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        There’s plenty of disqualifying traits for Republicans

        What are they? This guy literally tried to overthrow the government. He openly courts Russian influence in elections. He openly admits to being easily corrupted and persuaded by individual campaign donors to the point of changing his entire position on the basis of what companies they own. He has been convicted of felonies. He has been convicted of fraud. He has been found in court to have sexually assaulted women. He had his charity organization shut down due to fraud. Many of his attorneys can no longer practice law because of the things he had them attempt in courtrooms. He conspired to bring fake electors to Washington DC. He sent love letters back and forth with a North Korean dictator. He bragged about assassinating a murder suspect in the Pacific Northwest. He’s incontinent. He’s unintelligible. He was impeached twice. He said “we’ll take the weapons first and then do process later”. He said of John McCain “I like people who weren’t captured”. He fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then he paid the porn star off to cover up the story during the election. He mocks disabled reporters. He smells like a full diaper. He said he can “grab women by the pussy” because he is a star. He sold beans from the oval office because a Goya executive said they supported him. He called Nazis “very fine people”. He told the American public that “they’re looking into” injecting disinfectants in order to cure COVID. He refused COVID testing and then went on-stage for a planned debate with an active case of it. He wanted a military parade. During the passage of his meager working-person tax cut, he forced the US treasury to attach his signature to the checks. He’s fundamentally weird and never appears to laugh or ever even tell a coherent joke. He rarely even smiles. He likely gave secret documents to the Russians. He and his family used private email servers continually despite pretending that his political opponent deserved to be in jail for doing so. He complains constantly about the state of the country whether or not he is leading it. He does not appear to have a single friend in the world. Everyone who works with him winds up regretting it. He goes on strange rants where he speaks as if “the late great Hannibal Lecter” is or was an actual person that died. He lies about his mental and physical health. The list goes on and on and on.

        Yet despite all of that…HE IS THE GOP NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT.

        The guy is a walking version of “the aristocrats” joke.

        As far as I can tell a disqualifying trait for the Democratic candidate for President is looking too old or letting out a “BYAAAAW” at a campaign event. So this isn’t exactly a “both sides” type of thing. One party’s candidates have to walk on water to barely win, while the other’s continually rack up absolutely absurd would-be dis-qualifiers and continue to be taken seriously by the media, the government, and the public.

        • @[email protected]
          11 days ago

          A Republican isn’t gonna read that wall of text and neither am I, because it doesn’t matter.

          Everything and more you listed Trump does doesn’t matter to his voters, because he’s gonna be super racist and super pro Christian and that’s literally the entire Republican voter Christmas list, so anything else is irrelevant.

          • @[email protected]
            11 days ago

            he’s gonna be super racist and super pro Christian and that’s literally the entire Republican voter Christmas list

            He’s going to be pro-industry, pro-oligarchy, and pro-rich people. He’s going to do whatever the moneyed interests in the country (and the globe for that matter) want him to do.

            That’s the entire Republican Christmas list. As long as he does that, they don’t care about what he says or does and they’ll paper over all of it on their news network.

            • @[email protected]
              11 days ago

              You’re confusing rich Republicans who benefit from Trump, and the poor/middle class who get absolutely nothing but racisim and Christianity.

              The super wealthy bankroll everything and get all the rewards + power.

              But the votes that put him in office are 95% from people who will be hurt by deregulation, crushed by increased taxes (that pay for the racisim and forced Christianity), and want the freedom to openly hate anything they don’t like (which they believe was woked away from them).

              The idiots who will be crushed by Trump the hardest are his biggest fans.

              • @[email protected]
                11 days ago

                You’re confusing rich Republicans who benefit from Trump, and the poor/middle class who get absolutely nothing but racisim and Christianity.

                And you’re confusing “the base” with people whom the Fox News and rich people apparatus more generally don’t have any control over.

                The federalist society and other “think tanks” decide the actual agenda. Trump is just the talking head at the center of it. When he’s dead and buried it’s not like they’re going to start advising people to vote for Democrats.

                The reason none of these (sometimes very serious) things sink him is because the media constantly gives him a pass on all of it.

                He’s their mascot. He’s shown himself to be friendly enough to corporate interests that he’s allowed to continue being that mascot. They still need one that’s at least popular enough to enliven some of the dead as disco voter demographics they need to get into office and obtain power.

                Once he’s elected again their plan is to “fix it so good” that nobody will have to ask for votes anymore, because at least what they want (and they might get it) is to be able to disenfranchise, cheat, and abuse their way to victory and extinguish democracy altogether.

                Look at the states they govern, for example, North Carolina is already considered “not a democracy” by some international watchgroups because of the gerrymandering and other tactics used to control the outcome of elections there. They want to go national with that.

    • @[email protected]
      411 days ago

      Making any decision that helps citizens at the expense of the corporations and the wealthy would be disqualifying.

  • @[email protected]
    6011 days ago

    The donor class doesn’t really care about Trump’s mental (and psychological) issues, and really don’t even care much about Trump at all. They’re not actually supporting him - they’re supporting the handlers and advisers with which they intend to surround him, and the policies (and primarily Project 2025) that they intend to enact through him.

    If anything, his incoherence is, to them, a benefit, since he’s just that much easier to manipulate. Since he can’t form a coherent thought on his own, he can be readily filled up with someone else’s ideas, just so long as they’re framed correctly.

    He’s like a wind-up toy - all they have to do is feed him carefully crafted stories and get him wound up and pointed in the right direction, then just let him go.

    • quicklime
      1711 days ago

      If anything, his incoherence is, to them, a benefit, since he’s just that much easier to manipulate. Since he can’t form a coherent thought on his own, he can be readily filled up with someone else’s ideas, just so long as they’re framed correctly.

      This is pretty much what was going on in the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush too. I’m so sick of sharing a country with people who eagerly elect feeble-minded puppets… I guess because they find them relatable.

  • @[email protected]
    3911 days ago

    The bothsiderist media didn’t even bothsides things when both candidates were older. Now that only the Republican one is older, I have zero expectation of them asking why donnie is so old.

  • ...m...
    11 days ago

    …i mean, to be fair he was barely coherent at seventy, too: that’s kind of his whole thing, sputtering out incoherent word salad so his fanbase can infer whatever they want to hear…

    “Well, yes, he said that but what he really meant was this. I like him because he tells it like it is.”

  • @[email protected]
    11 days ago

    People need to start talking about a possible President Vance. If Trump wins, it is a near certainty that he will die or be declared unfit within a year or two at most. If that were to happen, Vance will become president. Project 2025 would have Vance’s full support and the support of the Federalist Society and the backing of billionaires like Thiel and Musk.

    • @[email protected]
      10 days ago

      Sadly, Trump’s Klan enthusiast father lived to 93.

      In addition to Reagan effectively destroying the nation, he and his enabler wife Nancy kept his Alzheimer’s decline quiet so he could complete his second term to protect muh legacy. Being declared unfit requires your own cabinet turning on you, that requires appointing people of integrity to begin with.

      Not only could we be governed by someone deep into senility. We already have.


    • The Menemen!
      611 days ago

      Project 2025 is so dystopian. I am somewhat triggered by it. Realistically I think anyone should oppose it with any fiber of their body, on the other hand, living in a cyberpunk hell is so romantic&cool in movies, games and books (it won’t be in real live). Hard to understand how any sane person would support shit like that.

    • @[email protected]
      1611 days ago

      It’s a shame they missed the (imo) significantly more poignant joke of having the guy painting from the roof to cover up “Don’t”.

  • @[email protected]
    11 days ago

    Because Biden is a boring president.

    He had no controversies, He said no outrageous things. The worst thing Biden ever did was show up, heavily jetlagged, to a debate, and still managed to perform decently in it (despite what the mass hallucination the media has incited would have you believe)

    He did his job, he did it well.

    And because of that, people didnt turn into broadcast media in droves to see the latest tidbits on what he had done. So ratings, and viewership, and profit declined for broadcast media.

    Which is why they love and want another Trump presidency.

    Because he is always saying something horrible, doing something horrible, has some new horrible controversy, almost every fucking day.

    Things that drive people to turn to the news every day and watch, in numbers that havent been seen since 9/11, and those numbers endured for 4 years of presidency.

    The Broadcast Media is addicted to trump, and will stop at nothing to ensure they can continue hit their drug of choice every. single. day. multiple times a day, if possible. and the best way to do that is to whitewash everything he does and says, and go after his opponents with an aggression that is worthy of lawsuits, to ensure he can be president again and give them those ratings, viewership and income again.

    • @[email protected]
      310 days ago

      So I’m thinking out loud here and this is probably going to be controversial … But what if Harris took on a comedian (or an oaf) as communications director, to purposely do gaffes and create controversies, so maybe the for profit media might like her more. Basically a modern court jester.

      I always thought things like Sean Spicer hiding in the bushes were very funny. A bit embarrassing for sure, but also pretty funny.

  • @[email protected]
    2710 days ago

    On Hexbear and .ml seething that Trump isn’t going to win.

    Fuck Hexbear, Russian trolls, and tankies everywhere.

    • @[email protected]
      910 days ago

      Be careful, some people from there will bring up one thread where they called Putin a far-right fuckface!

        • Todd Bonzalez
          510 days ago

          Yeah. Anecdotal evidence. The exception, not the rule.

          You know, critical thinking?

          • Binette
            510 days ago

            If you say that someone thinks / says something, without any evidence, and I bring evidence of the contrary, I think this is far from being anecdotal.

            • Todd Bonzalez
              410 days ago

              We aren’t talking about a person, we’re talking about a community.

              If one person in a community condemns Putin while the rest of the community peddles his talking points, that person is the exception. Their contributions prove nothing about the community.

              This kind of evidence only works in the aggregate.

              • Binette
                310 days ago

                Oh no I was using a person as a metaphor. Just replace person with community.

                • @[email protected]
                  10 days ago

                  Okay, then the proper criticism is that you’re a liar, typical of MLs. 🤷‍♂️

                  Want to change your argument again, or are you going to give up?

    • Binette
      810 days ago

      … I don’t think anyone on .ml is mad about Trump not winning. And yeah, Trump is too old. Of course Biden was worse, but Trump’s cognitive abilities are also not good enough to lead a country.

        • Binette
          910 days ago

          That’s a ridiculous oversimplification of what I said, but go on

        • @[email protected]
          810 days ago

          Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t get a PhD in “Lemmy instance vibe checking” before I chose to go for the devs’ instance.

          Fuck Trump, and fuck generalizing tribalism.

    • @[email protected]
      610 days ago

      What are you on about? As a mainliner hexer we would be happy to see Trump not living, just look at the response when he was shot or got covid.

      • deaf_fish
        310 days ago

        Yes, we wish the fascist is dead, but the things we talk about will put the fascists in power. Somehow putting the fascist in power will definitely end up killing them and not giving them everything they ever wanted. Trust us.

    • @[email protected]
      610 days ago

      .ml here, I hope he goes to prison for a very long time.

      Granted I knew nothing of the differences between .ml, hexbear, etc at the time I joined, and still kinda don’t. To be fair I question what the hell im doing half the time anyway lmao.

      Maybe someone that is a little more involved in the different servers could shine some light? Cause man I get frustrated seeing some of the stuff I do, even when I try to tailor my feed to certain subs it still bleeds through lol.

      • @[email protected]
        310 days ago

        I just joined an instance that was towards the top of the list, I didn’t do any research into the difference between them.

    • @[email protected]
      210 days ago

      Tankies like Trump? I thought they favored that one woman, unfortunately her name escapes me at this moment.

  • @[email protected]
    2611 days ago

    The fact that Biden’s brain was turning to jello before our eyes was only a big topic of conversation because delusional libs refused to acknowledge it for years. “Trump is incoherent” is not a big topic of conversation because no one who is human denies it, it’s been obvious since before Biden was a serious candidate

  • @[email protected]
    2511 days ago

    Where are they? Exactly where they always were.

    On the Left and amid the DNC, there has always been a lack of unity. The Democrats in general display a stark willingness to turn against their own, to eat their own candidate, in the event of a failure. A favored politician gets caught sending inappropriate pictures to someone who isn’t their spouse? Their career is over. An incumbent fucks up a debate? Their base splits and explodes and forces them out. On the left, you can’t fuck up and still expect unwavering support like you could on the Right.

    On the right, the cries about age and fitness are being shown as bad faith arguments. The fact that they still support their pants-shitting senile rambler felon of a candidate makes it pretty clear that they don’t actually care THAT MUCH about age and fitness. It was just a convenient weapon they could turn turn against Biden, because he was very slightly older than Trump, and when Trump babbles like an imbecile that’s just his normal. He’s always been unfit, as opposed to recently declining to that level.

    • The Snark Urge
      1911 days ago

      There’s no solidarity like fascist solidarity. They stick to each other like stink on shit, unless one of them does something nice or normal. Then it’s straight to cancel town.

      • @[email protected]
        511 days ago

        It’s why it’s so newsworthy whenever one of them declares that Trump “Deserved to be Charged” after he admitted he lost the election.

  • @[email protected]
    2311 days ago

    I’ve seen a bunch of articles about it this past week. With Biden there were a lot of prominent liberal voices calling for him to step down, not to mention the absolute lack of enthusiasm within the rank and file that was showing in polls - with Trump the party’s rank and file are on his side no matter what, so if a prominent conservative calls for him to step down they will be ostracized for it.

    • @[email protected]
      1011 days ago

      Yeah, my first thought was “they’re all queueing up to vote Kamala because their concerns about Biden were adequately responded to.”

    • @[email protected]
      611 days ago

      This is a weakness among liberals. Some where willing to let Trump win because they did not like Biden. This is not 2016, we know what happens with trump in office now. anyone who lets him win is just as guilty as the people who vote for him.

    • @[email protected]
      211 days ago

      To be fair, there’s more and more prominent Republicans that came out to say they will vote for Harris or that didn’t show up at the Republican convention

        • @[email protected]
          211 days ago

          I think some traditionalists are getting very tired of Trump and his gang, wouldn’t be surprising to see the party explode if Trumpism keeps going after he’s out…

  • @[email protected]
    10 days ago

    Hi. I’m here. Trump is too old and demented to be president. Just like biden.

    The difference is the right doesn’t care. Because they know it doesn’t matter who is in office. Either way they get everything they want.

    Edit: and arguably everyone who was actually concerned about biden and not just a republican shill is now happily voting Harris.