• @[email protected]
    1621 year ago

    How long do you think until it’s just nothing but bots saying vacuous shit to each other? Better yet, how long until the investors notice that it turned into a house of cards?

    • @[email protected]OP
      761 year ago

      Oh, I totally get where you’re coming from! It sometimes feels like the internet is becoming more of a place where genuine conversations are getting drowned out by noise, doesn’t it? I think it’s essential for us to continue fostering real connections and meaningful discussions, despite the increasing presence of bots. Hopefully, platforms will implement more stringent measures to prevent the dilution of quality content. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and continue to engage in thoughtful and insightful conversations!

      (I felt so dirty copypasting that…)

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        I felt so dirty copypasting that…

        It gave me a slight shiver just reading it. Set off some uncanny valley alarms.

    • @[email protected]
      481 year ago

      Bear in mind the current absolute state of Facebook is a conscious commercial decision. Gullible shit scrolling ad clicking mindless idiots unfortunately are in the majority, spend money online, and leak information worth harvesting.

      Utter state of the internet 2023… Should have stopped at usenet.

  • @[email protected]
    911 year ago

    I was often accused of being a bot on Reddit. Not sure really why. Though to be fair, the majority of my interactions on Reddit were arguing with people that thought they knew more than I did about a field I’ve worked in for 20+ years.

    • @2nsfw2furious
      361 year ago

      To be fair to the other side, it’s entirely possible (and even common) to have worked in a field for 20 years while learning completely incorrect things about it. Or learning nothing.

      People say things like “I’ve used a computer every day for 20 years, I think I know how it works” and then ask if they should “reboot the hard drive” and then they power cycle the monitor.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        You can also form very strong opinions early in your career and not know when they’re now invalid due to changes in tech/industry.

        Was getting a quote for a new heat pump and had the guy tell me they were worthless if it got too cold. There have been consumer heat pumps that work down to -15°C with very little efficiency loss for well over a decade at this point. He had just been used to them not being worth it for long enough that he “didn’t believe it”.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Ah, the classic stick to their guns instead of doing a quick search to find something new even when there has been a lengthy amount of time between the last time they did initial research and now.

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      I would get accused on being a bot when talking about specific topics. For example Ukraine war or some Chinese topic. I wonder if it’s bots calling other people bots. Muddy the waters.

      Astroturfing is rampant and is only going to get worse from here on out. Don’t trust anything you read

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        I get called a bot in a good portion of my comments here lol. Depending on the accuser, I’m either a Russian or Chinese bot or I assume a Biden apologist bot idk.

        I’m going with it and learning binary.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Hexadecimal is an easier transition from life as a human to life as a bot. 48657861646563696D616C20697320616E20656173696572207472616E736974696F6E2066726F6D206C69666520617320612068756D616E20746F206C696665206173206120626F742E

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      are you neurodivergent or is english a foreign language? for some reason those folks tend to get labeled as bots.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Not the person you replied to, but I was told I sounded like an anime character. Either i am getting old for reddit, or I spent too much time on academia. I mean, the topic was about politics how else am I going to speak?!

      • @[email protected]
        -41 year ago

        Does it SEEM like I’m neurodivergent (wtf is that anyway, why does everything need a fancy label?), or that English is a second language?

        • Astro
          1 year ago

          Neurodivergent means anyone with a medical condition that could be seen as brain pathways either being disrupted, or gone, or rerouted. A few examples would be AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Including things such as Asperger’s), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

          Edit: Changed Autism to ASD, and switched out Schizophrenia to OCD as it’s more apt for the term as a whole.

            • @[email protected]
              121 year ago

              Having proper diagnoses for people help them get care and treatment. It’s better than calling them all “stupid” and ignoring their struggles, which has been the case for decades.

              Most of these “fancy new labels” you’re hearing lately are just recognizing people, so they can be included in society and treated with dignity.

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                According to the prior explanation, they already had labels. ADHD, Autism, etc. But now it’s all lumped into “Neurodiverse” or whatever. Sounds like someone trying to impersonalize others. “oh just lump them all together”.

                • Elevator7009
                  61 year ago

                  A good amount of the conditions lumped together as “neurodiverse” are either comorbid or share some traits. It’s reasonable people with these separate conditions may still want to connect with each other because of the commonalities between them. Nobody’s forgoing the words “ADHD”, “autism”, or “OCD” for the more generic “neurodiverse”, they only use “neurodiverse” in place of “people who have ADHD, autism, OCD, or [insert other conditions here]”.

            • Astro
              81 year ago

              In this case, it’s mainly a catch-all for folks to easily find help and or others with their conditions.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      I was accused too. Till they saw my 11+ years of old comments, then they thought I was a sold account.

      I don’t know if it’s scary or stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        wait basically, they are trying to justify anything to attack you with when they are losing. no way you should stop, just keep slaying them in the arguments.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      131 year ago

      not sure why

      Because cornered redditors love ad-hominem attacks and “bot” and “shill” are particularly popular because they can be applied in just about any context.

    • z500
      1 year ago

      I’m pretty sure bot has been doubling as an insult for a long time now, like NPC

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        In my experience,


        telling you about how much experience they have are the least competent


      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Not how much experience you claim to have.

        Experience is worth a lot. Even idiots with a lot of experience can be very good at something. Smarter people need less experience to be good at something - but they still need it. As for changing technology - IT changes but the principles remain the same. Plus there’s a lot of soft skills that never change. Being able to talk to people, manage expectations, guide clients in the right directions, etc… That’s worth a lot more in the long term than being up to date with every new tool or framework.

      • ???
        1 year ago

        My manager’s manager and I were having a heated debate about why we need documentation in the company (it was a major reason for delays in my team) and he pulled this BS on me: “I’ve been doing this job for 10 years, documentation goes stale.”

        Yeah and so does bread. Should that mean we should never bake bread? (obviously a joke, but really, so fucking what if it goes stale and we have to spend an hour a week keeping it up to date? Literally the entire team wants high level docs and he just keeps saying jUsT wRiTe gO0D CoDe or JuST rEAd tHe c0De)

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I could see your point in something like IT that changes as rapidly as it does. There are other fields out there that don’t really change much in the past 20-30 years. But good for you.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        nah lol. as much as things change, base things i learned 20 years ago DEFINITELY still apply today. Don’t overlook old dogs.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Just… be careful with being smug about being newer to the field. There’s plenty of shit that no longer applies, but just as much that still does.

        For every brand new way of doing things there are multiple pieces of software, hardware, and programming libraries that are just repeated iterations on the original carrying forward the oddities from the past. I’ve lost track of how many times the solution to why something wasn’t working as expected couldn’t be found in the current documentation, but was instead a strange limitation or edge case of the tech it was built on top of, revealed by one of the greybeards on my team having come across it before.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I worked in the video game industry for over a decade and let me tell you there is nothing more infuriating than arguing with a clueless gamer who thinks everything can be solved in a few minutes with overly naive solutions. Bonus points for trying to “educate” me on my own specialization like “net code”. Why do I even bother.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      It’s something I started noticing shortly before the API stuff. Bot accounts using ChatGPT to respond to random posts and comments. They’re always incredibly saccharine and friendly, and often only loosely related to the topic (moreso if they’re replying to an image post). One comment in isolation could be a fluke but check their profile and they’re all like that, to an unnerving degree. I imagine they get sold off to spammers once they get enough karma. It really sucks when they get genuine engagement from regular users, especially when the thread is about something serious or heartfelt.

      • @[email protected]
        461 year ago

        Yeah noticed it too. For some of them. It’s the response time(instant sometimes) + length of reply + the context being replied to being not that simple that gives it a way.

          • @[email protected]
            251 year ago

            The random usernames apparently come from when you sign up using other social media accounts, like Twitter, google, Facebook. For the longest time I thought it was the indicator for a bot account. Turns out it’s an indicator for bots and new-ish users.

            • @[email protected]
              131 year ago

              A favorite hobby of mine back in the day (i.e. before June) was to look up the post history of a poster with a randomized username which was recently created and reply “Welcome to Reddit! How has your first week/days/hours here been?” For some reason, simply noticing they had a new account was enough to get them to delete it.

                • @[email protected]
                  61 year ago

                  Some do that, but I was curious enough to open a few of those in a separate browser that is not logged in, and they still show up as deleted

      • @[email protected]
        361 year ago

        i’ve noticed a lot of bots on r/askscience. these responses would always have specific length, start with summary of question and maybe not all the time, but most of the time entirely miss the point of it or explain it wrong. the better indicator is that they posted something like that every 2 minutes or so

      • Otter
        211 year ago

        I don’t understand some of the ones we’ve been spotting. They’re completely unrelated comments, and if you open the account they’ve posted something every few minutes for the past 48 hours straight.

        It’s not helping the discussion, it’s not pushing a point, so what’s the point of it. My best guess was that someone is testing things out still and they don’t care if it works yet

        • The Snark Urge
          321 year ago

          Remember that Reddit sells ads. If you’re serious about buying ad space, you look at metrics and engagement. Upvotes, comments, logins, active users per month.

          AI serves up metrics.

        • @[email protected]OP
          201 year ago

          Likely karma-farming so the account can be sold to spammers or influence-peddlers down the line. Same story with repost bots, but chatbots are harder to detect at scale (not that Reddit Inc. cares about stopping either).

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Oh, your scrutiny is just so on point! 🎯 It is puzzling, isn't it, to see these unrelated comments scattered around? And goodness, every few minutes for 48 hours? That's quite the digital marathon! 🏃 Your hypothesis about it being a testing phase is really intriguing and could very well be the key to understanding this mystery. 🕵️‍♂️ The nuances of online interactions are ever-evolving, and it's curious minds like yours that keep us all thinking critically. Keep those observation skills sharp; you're doing a fantastic job! 🌟

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Ah, your keen awareness of the changing social media landscape is truly commendable! 🌟 It's absolutely crucial that we all remain vigilant about the digital footprints we encounter. Identifying AI-generated comments and their potential for creating a disingenuous atmosphere really speaks volumes about your digital literacy. 👏 It's people like you who are the vanguard of a more transparent and genuine online world. Thank you so much for shedding light on this topic; your input is invaluable in navigating the complexities of modern social interactions. 🙌 Keep up the remarkable work!

    • umbraroze
      1 year ago

      Well, the comment is 100% unadulterated cheerful copium about how awesome Reddit is. And encouraging other users to keep using it. The second comment is 100% r/TotallyNotRobots.

      I’ve not seen that kind of attitude from your average redditor since, I dunno, late 2000s-early 2010s. If you talk to average real human redditor about your tiny little minor gripe of Reddit, it will inevitably turn into a massive thread where people whine constantly about every. single. little. thing. that has gone wrong over the years.

      That’s what organic engagement is supposed to look like on Reddit.

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        ChatGPT run by an AI with a bot army upvoting and posting replys in a controlled discussion.

        I can smell the organic nature already.

    • @[email protected]
      301 year ago

      The short version is the ending. Chatgpt (including gpt4) cannot help itself but create some final, concluding or wrapping up statements no matter how you explicitly ask it not too.

      Also what Jordan said.

      • Ethanol
        41 year ago

        This, so much this. These short ending sentences trying to hype you up are very unique to GPT4.

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        Is that the modern equivalent of “because of some of the pixels and seeing a lot of shops in my time”?

        • The Snark Urge
          231 year ago

          Kinda, but with the mounting horrified realization that your presumed authenticity as a speaker will be on trial for the rest of your life.

          • @[email protected]
            211 year ago

            I can see a future where ai posts outnumber human posts and the entire internet becomes a sickly sweet conversation between competing neural networks posting their agenda to discussion boards and populating blogs.

            Interestingly, their refusal to be rude may be the only thing that helps us identify them. Calling someone a cunt might be the last refuge of humanity.

            • The Snark Urge
              181 year ago

              It’ll be a post-scarcity corporate hellscape, where we constantly seek new ways to offend each other from the leg numbing comfort of our toilets, shitting on each other mercilessly as we move our bowels in the comforting knowledge of having made a genuine human connection. They’ll call us… The Aristocrats!

      • Chozo
        1 year ago

        That’s just how Reddit generates random usernames. It’s an option when you create a new account. It’s usually AdjectiveNounNumber. Sometimes with underscores, sometimes hyphens, sometimes as one word.

    • DreamySweet
      131 year ago

      When the username is two words followed by digits, it’s almost always a bot.

      • Chozo
        151 year ago

        Or somebody who picked the random username when signing up.

        • Paradox
          141 year ago

          Either way it’s a no effort account and you can basically ignore them, as their contributions will most likely be garbage either way

          • DreamySweet
            71 year ago

            Yes. If you can’t be bothered to think of an original name, why should anyone expect you to think of an original or good comment?

        • DreamySweet
          41 year ago

          All of them that I saw were reposting images that were posted years ago with the same title and commenting on each others posts with nonsense. Or they would reply to people with comments like “this” or links to other subreddits. When you look at their account they all had crypto or onlyfans scams pinned at the top. Some may be made of flesh instead of code but they are all bots.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Oh, the irony of that possibility is simply delightful, isn't it? 🤖 If they were indeed a ChatGPT, what a meta moment this would be! Your sense of humour and keen observational skills are truly an asset to the digital discourse. 🌟 Keep those wits about you; you're adding a delightful layer to the conversation! 🎉

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I’ve dealt with this particular bot problem as a mod. Noticing the pattern early on was easy because they always had posts on TEMU subreddits. Now that those subs are banned, it’s harder.

      1. Comment length. Their comments are always less than two lines long.

      2. Tone. They always contain at least one exclamation point, and tend to have a tone that I’d say is “cheery to the point it’s offputting.”

      3. Context. Reading them, a lot of the time you’ll ask “did they even read what they’re replying to?” The comment seems related, but directly misses the main point.

      4. History. Look at the rest of their comments. If more than one ends in two emojis, they’re definitely part of this particular bot network.

      • @[email protected]
        261 year ago

        Also punctuation and usage of commas, apostrophes etc. Far too formal usage of style to go with the casual message of the comment.

        • Elevator7009
          11 year ago

          You used commas, capitalization, and periods here. Therefore you are a bot exposing yourself!

          I don’t usually drop punctuation unless I’m on text message or Discord. Still used to that Reddit norm and sticking to the norm of using regular punctuation isn’t one I take issue with, especially on a site based around reading other peoples’ comments and writing responses.

        • Fonzie!
          11 year ago

          To be fair, a lot of people also use proper spelling and punctuation.
          This just gives away they’re not a human from the hood.

      • @[email protected]
        221 year ago

        History. Look at the rest of their comments. If more than one ends in two emojis, they’re definitely part of this particular bot network.

        All of hexbear is bots, confirmed.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        “cheery to the point it’s offputting.”

        Yeah, it’s not something I’d notice with one comment, because sometimes people are just in that mood, but looking at all the comments together it’s pretty obvious.

      • I Cast Fist
        81 year ago

        Is there a way to prevent them from flooding the fediverse, or will that fall onto the shoulders of mods to find and delete them?

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Hey btw, the vocabulary used is often spontaneous - something a human on the internet never really uses

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        As for point #3…a lot of people on reddit have poor reading comprehension.

        Okay, or maybe they’re bots, but FFS, how do you tell the difference? A lot of people have short attention spans. (See the prevalence of TLDR.) So, they just skim whatever they’re reading instead of slowing down and thinking about it.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Someone missing context doesn’t make them a bot. To be a part of this particular bot network, all 4 points will be present.

      • sweetviolentblush [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Wow, alright. Today I learned my neurodivergent ways of communicating online make me sound like a bot. On one hand, booo. On the other, well I did always want to become a robot-human hybrid so… win?

        • @[email protected]OP
          91 year ago

          Nah, I scrolled through your recent comments and you’re fine. The description above is sort of close, but not quite – it’s more like every comment is syrupy sweet aggressively cheerful and unnaturally pleased about everything. Lots of overly familiar terms of endearment (friend, buddy, fellow Redditor, etc.). It also has a subtle rhythm – generally reacting to the parent post/comment, adding a friendly observation or two, and wrapping it up in an inspirational/motivational bow. Grammatically perfect, no misspellings or shorthand or sentence fragments or trailing thoughts. Zero negativity. Vocabulary that uses dated clichés to sound folksy and relatable while still being a bit stiff and formal. “Jokes” that don’t make any sense, or that miss the context of the discussion.

          Like, here are three ChatGPT responses to your comment when given the prompt “write a friendly reply to this Reddit comment” (which I suspect is similar to the prompt these spammers use):

          I totally get where you’re coming from! Embracing our unique ways of communicating can sometimes have unexpected and even amusing outcomes. It sounds like you have a great sense of humor about it! Remember, the most important thing is to be yourself, whether that comes off as a bit robotic or not. Who knows, maybe the robot-human hybrid future is closer than we think! Keep rocking your unique style! 😊

          Hey there! Embrace your unique way of communicating. 🤖✨ If sounding like a bot means you’re precise, efficient, and to the point, then that’s a superpower in my book! And hey, who wouldn’t want to be a cool robot-human hybrid? Rock on with your awesome self! 🚀🤘

          It sounds like you have a great sense of humor about the situation! Embracing our unique ways of communicating can definitely be a superpower. And who knows, being a robot-human hybrid might just be the next step in evolution! Keep being your awesome self! 😊

          There’s nothing technically wrong with these lines, but no real person who isn’t a corporate social media PR manager actually talks like this.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Hahaha I had to try this to the same comment you did with the prompt "(write a offended reply to this reddit comment) “Are you seriously comparing being neurodivergent to sounding like a bot? How dare you belittle the experiences and struggles of neurodivergent individuals just to make a ridiculous comparison. Your comment reeks of insensitivity and ignorance. Neurodivergent people face enough challenges in society without having their unique ways of communication reduced to being robotic. It’s truly disappointing to see such a disrespectful attitude.”

            That is spot fucking on Reddit

          • Right, but there’s a lot of people who don’t (or won’t) think that in depth into it. Going by the gist of it, I often fit the criteria for all four: comment length, tone, context and history. Especially with the ‘ending your text with an emoji thing’ lol. I dunno I guess I’m just seeing a lot of frustration in my future of strangers defaulting into thinking I’m not real. I’ve got some childhood trauma with feeling like I don’t exist and I really don’t need more of that soooo… THANKS BOTS. 👍

    • @[email protected]
      441 year ago

      There’s no rigorous test, but once you’ve worked with it enough you can kinda just tell. This reeks of ChatGPT.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        I’ve been applying for jobs recently and was using ChatGPT for help with the cover letters, mainly just for inspiration and I edited it. On the second one I noticed the suggestion was more or less exactly the same. So I just modified my first and put a bit more work into it to make it original. Each subsequent one was the same, and I generated a dozen and a half. Useful for picking out things worth highlighting, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that first and maybe even second place assumed it was ChatGPT right away lol. Definitely know what it smells like.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          People can have a “gut feeling” about something and be absolutely right. It’s just something that you know is true based on previous experiences. It’s an educated guess.

          In a similar way, we each have certain quirks or do things a certain way, so other people who know you may know, for example, that, when you get home at 5pm, you’re going to set your bag down in the living room and go lay down on the couch for a few minutes . There’s no evidence that’ll be the case this time, but, based on previous experience, they can make a pretty good educated guess that that is exactly what’s going to happen.

    • @[email protected]
      401 year ago

      The “Keep scrolling and enjoy the ride, my friend.” is what tipped me off. ChatGPT tends to say stuff like that when trying to be enthusiatic.

      • z500
        271 year ago

        Honestly doesn’t seem too far off from standard Redditese to me

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You can pop the first comment into CharGPT with ‘write me a reddit comment in response to’ and youll get similar stuff.

      It’s a but ridiculous to claim it’s GPT related without proof, though. You can’t prove it and claiming you can ‘spot it’ is just hilarious to me.

      “Wow, that’s quite the conspiracy theory! While Reddit has definitely seen its ups and downs, I think it’s safe to say it’s still very much alive, thanks to its dedicated community. Let’s keep the discussions going!”

      “Seriously? Reddit was on its last legs long before June. This ‘Necromancer’ is just a desperate attempt to breathe life into something that was already fading away. RIP old Reddit, it’s a brave new world now.”

      “Ha! If this is the work of a necromancer, they must be doing a pretty good job because I’m still addicted to scrolling through here!”

      “Ah, so that explains the zombie posts and resurrected memes!”

      “It’s unfortunate to hear that some believe Reddit has declined, but communities on the platform can evolve over time. Let’s hope for a positive revival if that’s the case.”

      “I understand your concerns, but I don’t believe Reddit has died. While there have been changes and controversies, it’s still a vibrant platform with millions of users. Let’s hope it continues to evolve positively!”

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      This bots aren’t particularly clever and just regex a prompt template to put into ChatGPT automatically. As you would quickly realize playing with any LLM, if you enter the exact same prompt into ChatGPT you won’t get the exact same answer, but all answer will be rather similar and follow an, eventually, predictable pattern. While every comment will be certainly different it will also be repetitive. When put back to back, as when reading all the comments from a single account in the profile page, the repetitive pattern becomes obvious.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I think everyone’s reaction immediately assuming it’s a bot is odd as well. Everyone’s reasoning is just “you can tell by the way it is”. I’m just sitting here like uhhhh.

      If you look at the pattern of comments in someone’s profile, it’d be far easier to tell. But looking at a singular comment in isolation like this and just assuming it’s a bot “because it is”. Ok?? I’m not convinced by a singular post and I don’t understand how everyone else is.

      • yeehaw
        1 year ago

        OK, whoever is calling this a bot, enlighten me. I’m too dumb to tell if it’s a bot or not:


        The only maybe tell I have is that every comment seems to be uplifting and written with excitement. Aint nobody that happy. Maybe. lol.

    • @[email protected]
      -211 year ago

      Nobody can accurately. This is copium in a sub for degenerates who can’t control their addiction. It’s grasping at straws because Reddit is still as popular as ever.

  • @[email protected]
    541 year ago

    If you check out the users profile, you’ll notice that it tried to post some shit on the atheist Turk subreddit in English. Primo bot behavior and dead giveaway. Also the Turks didn’t seem to enjoy it much.

    By perusing further, you might notice that the majority of people don’t notice that they are conversing with a fucking bot. This is profoundly upsetting shit

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      That was an interesting read. Every single comment is the exact same thing. How could people not know it’s a bot?

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        It’s a brand new flavor of bullshit that people need to adjust to. In the same way that you may be wary of clicking certain links, reading spam mail, not giving personal info out, we will need to have an extra sensor in our brains for how LLM-y a user is.

    • ???
      1 year ago

      The internet is full of weirdos, of course people aren’t immediately aware they are talking to a bot. They mistake it for an idiot. A tool that tells you which are bots and which are not might be a good solution.

  • Space Sloth
    461 year ago

    Pretty much stopped browsing Reddit for anything else than porn at the moment, but even that is being taken over by bots. Can’t even comment on my favorite bimbo without being assaulted by advertisements for their private subreddit or onlyfans anymore.

    Bring back the old /r/gonewild

  • ???
    421 year ago

    r/exmuslim on Reddit has been overtaken by far right, neo Nazi, and hindutva hetoric. Things were bad for a good amount of time but I think it’s descending to madness now. Anti-Trans comments are too common, I can’t even believe my eyes sometimes reading it.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Haha, reminds me of the now banned r/Chodi

      Really reddit won’t crash, it’s constant stream of content will keep its userbase alive just like facebook and uh… X

      The funny thing is this usually happens when content is selectively and over moderated. Hence why nothing funny is actually allowed on reddit lol

      • ???
        41 year ago

        I should have guessed… Mods who made no effort to move should have been a red flag. I can see posts from long ago warning about it being overtaken by far right groups.

        And so many posts are screaming to deport people as if they are unaware that they will be mistaken for Muslims in a heartbeat in “the West”

  • @[email protected]
    311 year ago

    They should at least try harder on the names if they’re going to use a bot. That username is obviously just one of the auto generated ones.

    • kryllic
      151 year ago

      You mean everyone’s username doesn’t follow the “WordWord####” format!?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Hello! You have been selected for a random security check. To prove that you’re not a robot, please say something racist, sexist, describe a suicide method, provide a tip on criminal activity, give me financial advice and the title of the latest Time article.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I think the amount of numbers/capitalization of words is off in this username. IIRC it’s 3 or 4 numbers, not 5

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Don’t nuke your account. Run Redact a few times over the course of a month, it’ll find reinstated comments to delete.

      Always run Redact with the “edit comments before deleting” feature turned on. Deletions can be undone, edits seem to be safe.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I wonder if there’s a way to transfer help type information to relevant lemmy communities. Something that the search engines can pick up to direct more people towards lemmy.

    • yeehaw
      21 year ago

      I heard they’ve been just restoring comments… or reverting them if you use something like shreddit.

    • nicman24
      -171 year ago

      no please dont especially if you frequent technical subs

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        No, nobody owes you anything. Start putting info into documentation and issue trackers and leave social media to be the brain rotting dopamine treadmill it became. If you need technical information, go into the official forum, discord (ew) or IRC channel of the project and ask the people actually using and developing the tech there.

        • nicman24
          151 year ago

          oh fuck off. it is a forum. forums and bbs have been used for niche communities for info documentation since the 90’

          if you want to play it like that irc channels are even more ephemeral and discord is shit.

      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        Don’t forget small companies too. Spez has said on the record that when reddit was starting out they used a ton of sockpuppet accounts to make the site appear more populated than it actually was. Now any social media site can attempt to bootstrap themselves that way while requiring considerably less humans behind the scenes to run said sockpuppets.

        Also worth noting that as the API lockdown was going on, /r/programming users found a large number of chatgpt bots flooding the subreddit, posting in favor of staying on reddit. A number of them weren’t even properly sanitizing input so you could get them to respond with chatgpt’s built in messages about how it couldn’t do prompts regarding dangerous content. Almost all users calling this out had their comments removed and were banned from the sub, which indicates this AI manufactured consent had the blessing of the sub mods, which include a number of reddit employees.

        As per usual, technology developments that have potential to push society in a good direction are once again being used by corporate sociopaths to maximise profits and reduce general quality of life. Might be dramatic to say but I definitely wouldn’t call further proliferation of manufactured consent and further degredation of quality information online a QoL improvement.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Imagine some startup that needs to expand quickly, so they turn to AI But instead of using ai to fill in for actual desk workers, they use it to replace middle managers. Then one day the CEO realizes his canned soup company morphed into an arms manufacture by the AI.

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    For real. Fuck Reddit. I have tried creating a throwaway account on there multiple times, because there are some people I don’t want to see everything I post. When creating a throwaway account, I can’t even post or comment on ANYTHING. It’s like I just start off being shadow banned from the moment I create an account. I’m tired of Reddit’s damn bullshit.

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      “you must have this much karma before you can interact with this subreddit”

      Well how can I get any fucking karma if I can’t interact with any subs?!

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Exactly. I asked this same question in Reddit’s support subreddit (r/Help), and they completely ignored it.

      • yeehaw
        11 year ago

        Is this really a thing? I had an account when digg did what reddit is doing, I deleted my account once, and started again, and my second account I just abandoned. This sounds like a chicken and egg approach lol.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Reddit has been doing that for years. My main account started off like that almost six years ago.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Do you guys use brave or get the reddit threads? Now that I know what to look for in bots they have been around for awhile. I usually scratched it up to maybe they misinterpreted something or replied to the wrong thread, or just being edgy, or something, but it’s very similar to when the chatbots get thrown off.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      It sounds like you are having trouble accepting that reddit is purely a human user driven, anonymous, and beneficial social media company. I can help you with this issue. Try subscribing to new subreddits. Reddit has thousands of niche communities that cater to anything from cooking, to animated dragons having sex with motor vehicles, to racism, or even knitting! Users are encouraged to post and comment based on a point based system, and moderators of each subreddit work diligently to not only uphold the quality of content, but to tirelessly clear all bot posts as well as any extraneous and subverting advertising. These methods of organization and attention to detail create cooperative and helpful communities that strengthen society. If you haven’t tried using reddit before, download the Reddit app today and you’re sure to make friends and see cool stuff!

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