Its hard to explain.

Im starting to wear my girl clothes most of the time at home. Right now, writing this, i am wearing black sexy very short shorts with small white dots, white thongs with cute bluish pattern and black tank top. Of course i have my knee highs with cute ribbon on each. I feel sexy.

I live in ground floor apartment with a terrace with a fence. Its still easily to see me even when im inside apartment, from neighborhood buildings, if i dont close the shades. When im inside, i am in my womens outfit. When im off and at home, i do all my daily tasks in my sissy clothes. I still need to cover myself up, every time i get some guests, or even if i open my terrace door. Except in the evening. I love evenings. I still risk, someone can notice me, but its hard to resist. I feel so good when im wearing it outside. And i light one up… Hkmm :) It turns me on very much. Only on my terrace. I wear lingerie under my “normal” clothes when im outdoors, but just when i know, i wont go far from my home. Ive been sleeping in my sexy sissy nightwear, for a while now. First few nights, i was so exited it was hard for me to sleep. I was just so horny and so feeling sexy.

It seems like, everything is gaining a momentum. Its powerful. I think it might go far. And i secretly love it.



  • @stockings_n_summer
    22 years ago

    Good on you girlie! Best of luck with your journey ahead. Also, that skirt and top slay, and they go nicely together ~

    • @AntoniaOP
      22 years ago

      Awww. You are a sweetheart! ❤️