Over the time new youtube videos crop up talking about reddit, twitch and twitter issues. And in those comment sections I always like to spread the word of alternatives (like the fediverse). But whenever I do, those comments get quietly removed even though they seem to be posted in the first place.
Whenever I try to add further details, for example name dropping lemmy/bin pixelfeed peertube and mastodon, to previously posted comments those error out and gets deleted entirely.
Anyone else made that observation?
Open source alternatives are a threat. They cannot control information there. I bet all of them are blacklisted.
I’m not expert, but I think among all social media, YT would be the safest against the Fediverse, due to the massive amount of storage and bandwidth it requires.
Definitely the hardest to compete against, but if people come here, they will become aware of alternatives like Odysee and peer tube.
I’d love to use PeerTube, if channels I liked moved there.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. YouTube comments are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of quality engagement. They mostly exist to give people a place to vent when the video creator annoys them!
I miss the old YouTube comments. Just like Reddit. Nothing of use anymore and if there is you have to scroll for ages to find it.
Are you kidding? How are you going to say that with great comments like random "RonPaul2012"s everywhere?
I tried commenting on two videos yesterday and included links to topic-related websites, and they were deleted.
I checked the TOS and they caution about including inappropriate links in replies, but those weren’t that.
It seems the channel can include links but users can’t. Haven’t tested it much past that point either.
yeah I didn’t even link any of them, just mentioned the joinfediverse.wiki if at all was enough to get it buried. I really dislike their transparency about what is allowed and what isn’t.
That would be recognized as a link
You mean Lemmy dot world. Does that get filterered?
I don’t know if that would get filtered out, but I assume it would since it has “lemmy” in the text.
What do they have against motorhead. They clearly don’t like to gamble…
They really try to play with the dead man’s hand.
Writing the exact link will make it a link, just like it did here. Then that link gets recognized by the filter and taken out. Gotta go joinfediverse dot wiki or something like “just Google the Fediverse”
@Drunemeton @DmMacniel Nope, as someone who upload gameplay videos can tell you, you need to verification yourself before they will allow to post links in description. So all links provided by Youtuber are because they are trustworthy or just gone through the verification process. I am lazy to do and my country is not supported for monetization so no deal for me to go through = no outside links in description. You can try it for yourself.
How does one verify themselves? I have a Google account that I use and I just checked the settings in YouTube. No “verification” option was listed.
@Drunemeton https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/171664?hl=en and here googled how to put links for new creators guide https://influencermarketinghub.com/clickable-links-youtube/.
Perfect. Thank you!
Many comments with links will get anyway without checking as a matter of precaution. In general, you just shouldn’t post links even if you know they’re safe.
YouTube comments have always been a veiled lie. There’s some sort of algorithm at work not to mention the dislike button on comments just doesn’t work. I wouldn’t put too much thought behind it, if anything I’d say discussing it on Reddit/Twitter is a better way to get heard.
True other media would be better to get heard, but when youtube users geniuenly asks about alternatives, why not try to provide them.
You do as you see fit, I’m just saying there’s probably a better use of your time.
You are probably right with that :)
Don’t post links Otherwise comments get deleted very quick
We could all give traffic to this video to help. Make sure to like it as well as watch it all the way through. No, I am not in any way affiliated with that channel.
Youtube comments get removed for whatever reason, they are worthless anyway. That’s why many creators had their own subs.
We could all give traffic to this video to help. Make sure to like it as well as watch it all the way through. No, I am not in any way affiliated with that channel. **[write text here]
I have never read a YouTube comment in my whole life that has ever demonstrated any value to anyone or anything ever
Do you add links in your YouTube comments? If so, then that’s the reason. Don’t add links in YouTube comments.
I didn’t, simply mentioned those alternatives.
That’s really weird then
Such news further radicalizes me against GAFAM and motivates me to embrace open source alternatives even more. Thank you, GAFAM, for destroying yourselves.
there is very likely a bit of collusion going on here among the large social companies.
Lol take off your tinfoil hat
i noticed this too. i watched multiple videos about how big tech is ruining the internet and i always comment telling folks to come to the fediverse, but whem i came back later to check on it i noticed my comment just want there. maybe a bug or maybe google is trying to stifle the open internet?
I’m not saying this is untrue, it may only apply to certain combinations of words or maybe even only channels over a certain size. But I’ve been chatting to a couple people over on YT about Mastodon the last few days, and nothing untoward happened to our convos.
That said, a lot of the time perfectly normal comments get flagged as spam for literally no reason at all, so it could just be general incompetence rather than malicious targeting.
The spez and Elon Muskler cucks do not contain themselves to only Reddit threads