• @[email protected]
    32 hours ago

    We found a dead baby bird. Was told most animal babies don’t live to adulthood. Knew people were animals so it was likely me and most of my friends would be dead by 21

  • 2ugly2live
    63 hours ago

    When I was young and hanging with my great aunt’s church friends, we were walking to the store. I went to link arms with my great aunt and her friend was like, “Hey, that’s dangerous. You can’t defend yourself. Someone could jump you.” From that point, I assumed that anyone who was linking arms was, like, giving a show of dominance. Like, “Yeah, we’re linked up, because we can still take anybody even with only one arm.” Didn’t change that mindset until I was in middle school after I tried to explain to my friend how dangerous walking with her boyfriend was because “how would they defend themselves.” 🙃

  • @[email protected]
    74 hours ago

    I thought that if you swallowed your gum, it would stay in your stomach forever, so you had to make sure to never do it because eventually there would be no room for food anymore.

    Also, old CRT TVs had this static electricity sort of fuzzy feeling on the screen, and if you ran your hand over it, it would dissipate. I thought that by doing that, you were absorbing the TVs power and if you did it too much, it would eventually stop working.

    Lastly, I believed with all my heart that all the pets you ever owned were waiting for you in heaven and it made me mad when my (very devout Catholic) grandma told me that pets and animals don’t have souls and so they didn’t go to heaven. I said if that was true then I didn’t want to go to heaven! I’m atheist now, so I don’t even believe that anyone goes to heaven, but if anyone deserves to go, it’s all the kitties, puppies, and various rodentia I’ve loved in my life.

    • dullbananas (Joseph Silva)OP
      32 hours ago

      At my Catholic high school, one of the teachers who was a Dominican sister told us that animals can’t go to heaven but it’s possible for them to be recreated in heaven.

      I feel fine as long as my rabbit didn’t go to purgatory or hell, but non-eternal souls are hard to relate to

  • @[email protected]
    114 hours ago

    I used to think “change” you got from a store was just the business being nice and making sure you didn’t walk away without any money.

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      54 hours ago

      Technically you could. It would be a marvel of engineering and would cost billions of dollars, and you couldn’t go through the center of the Earth, but technically it is possible

      • @[email protected]
        23 hours ago

        Do we have the technology to do that considering the increasing heat, gravity, and magnetic force as one goes deeper? I feel like anything we could do would involve lots of nukes that would basically destroy the planet in the process.

  • @[email protected]
    85 hours ago

    I used to think that the whole world was in black and white, just like all the old pictures and movies I had seen, then at some point we discovered color and turned it on! After that there were no more black and white pictures and movies anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        14 hours ago

        I’ve met a few people that believed this as a kid. My daughter actually just asked me about it a few months ago too! So we’re not alone!

  • @[email protected]
    34 hours ago

    I believed that you’d only get a finite amount of words in your life. So I didn’t speak much and I would think that the annoying kids in school that always were talking through the teacher’s explanation, would get their punishment later in life when they’d go mute because they would have used up all their words.

  • @[email protected]
    66 hours ago

    For a long time, i thought that people thinking that the pyramids were made by aliens was a joke and that the number of people who truly believed it was 0

  • Thelsim
    128 hours ago

    Traffic lights were hand operated.
    The small town where I grew up had one pedestrian traffic light for crossing the main road. There was a small brick shed next to that traffic light with no windows and a little door. When I was little I was convinced that was an operation’s center where someone worked to turn the lights red or green.
    In reality it was a power substation for the neighborhood, but I was seriously convinced that behind that door was a man looking at a TV screen and operating the traffic light at the right moment.
    When we went to a larger town nearby, where there were traffic lights without a convenient mysterious building nearby, I told myself that the traffic light people were most likely working under ground, peeping through the drains.

    I… was good at making up answers for myself instead of just asking my parents.

    • @Worx
      66 hours ago

      City Planner: Hey, I’m just reviewing the plans for the traffic light control shed and that there’s no way for the guy inside to see what the traffic’s doing outside.

      Architect, who forgot that windows exist: Err… that’s for … well… it’s to ensure the safety of the operator during road rage incidents … They’ll be using CCTV to watch everything. Of course I know about windows haha…

  • @[email protected]
    189 hours ago

    My mom told me that Dad went to work to make money, and I actually expected to see money making machines when I visited him at the office.

  • Rob T Firefly
    6 hours ago

    I used to think the poles holding up traffic lights were hollow, and there was a person sitting inside throwing switches to change the lights while looking at a watch to keep the timing fair.