"Twovix" logline
The Cerritos ensigns must assist a caretaker on the voyage of a historically significant starship.
Written by: Mike McMahan
Directed by: Barry J. Kelly & Jason Zurek
"I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" logline
Mariner tries to get demoted, Rutherford tries to get promoted, and Boimler makes a big move.
Written by: Aaron Burdette
Directed by: Megan Lloyd
Assimilated salamander robot is my new favourite villain. That said, why did the exhibit not display their children?
Because they’re grown now, and have asked star fleet not to use their image in any promotional material. They’re still salty about being abandoned.
Starfleet are not YouTube influencers. The children have the right to privacy.
Congrats to our four new junior lieutenants, they did in 4 seasons what Harry Kim failed to do in 7.
I grinned like an idiot throughout the first episode because of all the Voyager callbacks but I got the biggest laugh in the second episode when Boimler goes to his new quaters and the room is bright red because of the glowing nacelle. I had to pause because I was laughing so much. For the past ~30 years I always wondered what crew quarters which face towards the nacelles were like. Thank you, Lower Decks.
Shax could have just told him about the built-in filters on the windows, but he secretly wanted someone to hear his holodeck “adventures” with T’Ana. It was a cry for help.
Shaxs probably assumed he would lower the blast shields like a normal person.
I’m sorry Brad, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
It’s not exactly unheard of technology. Boimler the nerd doesn’t know about solar radiation? The windows are not straight up glass
Have you ever tried to think critically while your senses are being completely over-stimulated?
That describes Boimler’s normal state even without the extra photons.
I’m Mr. Frundles!
The cutest Metroid ever!
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Now I want to know how T’Lyn knows what Borg smell like.
I’m sure there’s reports. And as a Vulcan lady with superior olfactory senses, it is only logical to become aware of what smells may occur.
All our Wej Duj heroes came back for episode 1! …I hope Ma’ah’s okay.
It’s interesting how between Lower Decks and Prodigy (plus some brief mentions in other post-VOY shows) we have a decent picture of how the universe view now-Admiral Janeway. It’s clear she’s viewed with a sort of heroic reverence, Captain Freeman assumed that Janeway’s logs would have a good answer for a Tuvix situation. Voyager’s celebrity status has definitely inflated her image a little, really put’s Dal’s awkward first encounter with the real Janeway in perspective.
It feels very right that they didn’t actually dive into the morality of killing Tuvix other than “that’s messed up!” and making the Tuvix’d crew clearly in the wrong/not sapient before de-Tuvixing them. Lower Decks does earnest optimism about Starfleet well, but I don’t think deep dives into moral situations are something for a goofy 22 minute show.
T’Lyn is apparently way more of a maverick than Janeway, she killed a whole mess of hybrids without a second thought.
That’s a Vulcan for you, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few.
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The DS9 episode was handled with such dignity, but the Voyager episode was a fever dream and I am absolutely here for it!
After 3 seasons, it’s surprising to finally have a voice actor for Westlake.
I didn’t know I needed Clarinet Macro Viruses and assimilated Salamander Automatons at the helm, but my gosh did the LD team deliver!
I wonder if the promotion rollout explains why marketing for this season was so sparse.
I LOVED Shaxs talking about his relationship issues with Ransom and the fourth wall lean on the tubes was perfection.
Omg yes! That scene was so good. I feel like Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis would have enjoyed it most of all lol.
They’ve definitely edited some of the rank pips in trailer shots we haven’t seen yet (and some we have). Might explain why T’lyn is rocking a standard ensign pip a bit into the first trailer.
I’m going to need a moopsy plush STAT
Or at least a pattern on ravelry.
If there isn’t a moopsy plush available by the end of the season I’m going to complain very loudly in corners of the internet that no Paramount executive will ever see.
Moopsie was made to be an animaguri.
Crochet is so great at at making weird 3D shapes.
Something cute and round like a moopsie would be a snap. (Also, easier than the Pokémons one of our kids have asked for. Inevitable that the ones they want most are in the advanced category in the official Pokémon animaguri books.)
If not a plushie, Paramount should at least be licensing a book of Star Trek animaguri.
I think this pattern could be adapted to make one
I think you’re right. I was also thinking about reorienting a Pikachu pattern, but this would be better.
Did they just pull a Lucas on us?
What did Lucas do that was similar?
Do you mean the Porgs?
Cute furry ruthless killing machines designed to sell merchandise.
Some thoughts after sleeping on it…
— I found the 4 x 01 Twovix the best season premiere yet.
All the premieres seem callback and Easter egg heavy. Making this one a museum (ship) mishap episode worked that into the story in a natural way and allowed some of the weirdest and trippyest things from Voyager to pike on. Bravo.
While some reviewers have expressed regrets that the original Voyager actors voices weren’t used, I’m glad that the focus stayed on the Cerritos crew, the artifacts and how Voyager remains dangerous wherever she is, even as a literal museum.
I am unhappy that the Klingon lower decker and his ship were sacrificed for the seasonal mystery big bad. It’s clear it’s really dangerous though. (Perhaps the mystery ship is collecting humanoids to take them to another era where they are extinct….?)
It’s also likely the case that I enjoyed the ride of the premiere more for knowing I had another new episode to watch immediately.
— The second episode was mostly a straightforward Lower Decks classic, but one that did its job to move the main 4 lower deckers into their new roles.
We’ll have to see how well it works on rewatch, but the moopsie scenes seem likely to be classics. After the Voyager celebration of weird in the season premiere, it was very smart for Lower Decks to underscore its ability to give us its own very original weirdness, and remind us that humanity are the most dangerous in the menagerie.
I’m glad that they make Rutherford a bit of an odd man out in the promotions. I still feel that he’s a bit of an incomplete person/character because his ambition and drive has been submerged by the implant. I really hope that the writers will keep dribbling out more about that.
Why does Michael Sullivan remember his wife? 😧
Also, the macro nano probe and tng workout scene callbacks were absolutely amazing.
Maybe from the episode where Fair Haven broke and they had to fix it?
As far as I remember they didn’t restore Frannie in VOY: “Spirit Folk” either.
Yeah, but you know how VOY is. Everything always resets at the end of the episode.
Ship smashed to pieces? Fixed by the time we hear the next Captain’s Log.
It’s certainly no ENT.
Veneers? Really?
Worf can get a new spine but they can’t regrow some teeth?
Thanks, I hate it.
I really hope this isn’t a permanent change. But with Lower Decks, who knows?
In true Voyager style, the
shipteeth will be fine in the next episode.
In fairness, the new spine nearly killed him.
I’m honestly disappointed about the double release, because now I have to process two awesome episodes at the same time and I keep getting them mixed up.
Quick hitters, in no particular order:
- love Ransom demonstrating competent personnel management, another “surprise” twist of stuff working as it should.
- the Shax/Ransom exercise scene is fabulous
- Did that macro virus really get stuck behind a panel on the bridge for a decade (ish), or did curator guy cook it up to enhance the exhibit?
- the whole Tuvix sequence was the perfect absurdist sequel to the original episode. Apparently T’Lynn and all of the merged persons are also cold blooded murderers in their own special ways.
The intro now has the whale probe? man, that scene gets spicier every time the Cerritos nopes out.
I’m almost certain it’s related to the ship revealed at the end/beginning of e1/e2. Those scenes are very reminiscent of how that movie started.
Wtf was that thing? It looked familiar.
It reminds me of the future Borg from Voyager.
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This can’t be that same microwave power plant from SimCity
Doubtful, since the opening ships have never figured into the actual episodes. But ya never know!
The Pakleds got added after becoming the big bad one season. So, hard to say.
True, after being introduced.
These episodes were both great. I have shipped Mariner/Ransom since s1 and, well, honestly, this new dynamic of theirs probably makes it even less likely than it ever was lol. But they were fun episodes. I do wish Lower Decks had more episodes, since they’re only 20 min/ea.
That’s one thing I don’t like about the streaming trend. They have a lot more freedom to do what they want but the seasons are much shorter.
I don’t need 28 episode seasons, but maybe 15?
Yeah, honestly so much is lost with the shorter seasons. And wrt LD in particular, I get that filming 28 episodes a year was hell on the actors/production, but surely doing VA is less time consuming than live action acting?
You might be underestimating how much effort the animation is.
Hmmm, I wasn’t quite sure about the Futurama reference at first because Bone Vampires/Moopsies aren’t exactly unique types of legendary creatures, but then Ransom said “Turns out humans are the most dangerous” which is a straight up lift from the Scary Door.
It’s the Scary Mirror now.