Seriously, I doubt it would even take that long. We get used to shit so quickly, and the news cycles have to keep feeding us new things, the only way we’d keep talking about the aliens if they kept doing new and interesting things. I’d be willing to bet a year later there would be some people who straight up forgot about it. “Oh yeah, aliens! Are they gonna, like, visit at some point or just keep exchanging calls with the Whitehouse?”

  • @[email protected]
    45 hours ago

    My friend and I came to this conclusion like 20 years ago. Once the shock wears off everyone’s minds will adapt, with most people falling into “great, there’s aliens, but I’ve still got to get to work.” I mean the US only sorta screeched to a halt for like a week after 9/11, and most of that was the airline industry. The pandemic was way worse, but the problem was very different. So unless the aliens do something (good or bad) that affected everyone directly - war, disease, super powers, apotheosis, free global WiFi, w/e - we’d all be back up and running in like 4 hours.

  • @[email protected]
    98 hours ago

    This POV is too extreme but there’s some truth to it. Not only is the news cycle always relentlessly moving on, and not only are attention spans short, but TBH we’ve seen so much sci fi that discovering real aliens would practically feel like old news.

    But two things:

    1. you’re underestimating how much the news cycle would make of this - it’s a honeypot of ongoing intrigue. It’s got elements of science, government conspiracy, threat of war, and spirituality to it: the media would set up camp around this topic and make a permanent circus of it.

    2. there are a lot of smart people in the world who would pay a great deal of attention to the details and facts coming out of this. Yes there are more stupid people than ever but I think there are also more smart people than ever. If you belong to those circles and subscribe to the right media outlets then you know. If you just consume an IG feed everyday, you don’t.

    • GladiusB
      16 hours ago

      When the Pope said it was likely they existed EVERYONE knew that meant they are likely out there. I know that religion is not the best cross section of rational science going folks, but that’s the point. When even the angry sky daddy is saying they are somewhere, we are definitely not alone.

      Now do we know what they are or if we can even communicate? Fuck if I know.

  • @[email protected]
    2812 hours ago

    It’s not because of a lack of interest. It’s not because we “get used” to things to quickly. It’s because it doesn’t matter. Like, alright. So aliens are real. Aliens have secretly been communicating with all the world’s government.

    So… What actually changes?

    Is this new information going to fix the housing market? Is capitalism going to change? How is this information going to change corporations squeezing everything dry? Aliens being confirmed is awesome, wondrous news! But… How will I, an average dude, be part of it? What is the point if I wake up tomorrow and everything around me is still the same? Wars are still the same, religions are still the same, the economy, hell, even the information these aliens bring to Earth, only benefits the top 1%.

    If I still have to work a shitty job just to barely afford living in a single room, what difference does knowing aliens exist make?

  • @[email protected]
    27 hours ago

    Counterpoint: we’re still talking about ChatGPT and that, I hope, is not as smart as some aliens capable of intergalactic communication between intelligent species.

  • @[email protected]
    27 hours ago

    People as a collective are incredibly stupid. And because of this they’re incredibly easy to manipulate. It has always been this way- it’s just that now, the powers-that-be have figured out exactly how to use them to a perfect advantage.

  • @[email protected]
    2313 hours ago

    If nothing else developed from the talks, then yes.

    But if it started a new conversation with academics, if it opened trade opportunities, if it brought meaningful new technology, it would dominate world discussion for decades.

    But if it was a single message sent at the speed of light and we had to wait 50 years for our reply to get back to them, and then 50 more years to hear any more communication…

    Yeah, nobody’s going to remember that happened.

  • @[email protected]
    39 hours ago

    Given how obviously impressionable and just not “on top of things” the politicians are in the US these days, I’m not sure someone could come up with a argument that convinced me that alien life with the ability to do interplanetary travel would waste their time trying to communicate with our leaders.

    Within a day they would just decide to kill all of us for the safety of the galaxy.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    914 hours ago

    It wasn’t that long ago that the US Government acknowledged that UFO’s are real and people barely noticed.

    • @[email protected]
      1212 hours ago

      No, the US government didn’t. There were some guys who allegedly heard some other guys talk about a crash that allegedly was a UFO. They all happened to work for the American government.

      There were also a group of guys that wasted US government resources on just plain bullshit for literal decades.

      • @[email protected]
        210 hours ago

        Didn’t one of the military branches release the Tictac video or something and admit they didn’t know what the fuck it was? It’s not an admission of aliens, but it kinda is an admission that UFOs exist.

        • @testo12
          15 hours ago

          Unidentified Flying Objects have always existed. In the US, around 99% of submitted cases were identified eventually or revealed to be bogus. The remaining 1% exist, but the track record of identified stuff doesn’t give the alien explanation a high likelihood.

  • @[email protected]
    19 hours ago

    It depends, I would say. If the aliens ask unpleasant questions, they would probably be talked about and reported on continuously. Like:

    Alien Ambassador: “Why are you destroying your habitat with your eyes open? We don’t understand. Your scientists have proven beyond doubt that you will become extinct if you don’t fundamentally change your ways. Why don’t you care at all?”

    Continuous headlines:

    “Aliens want to ban humanity from traveling”

    “Space fascists want to raise gas prices”

    “Go home job-stealing aliens: How outer world wokeness is destroying {any given country}”

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    1115 hours ago

    I think 80% of the world would look up, go “huh. Well, anyway…”

    The remaining 20% would be split at either side of the spectrum, with 10% on one side freaking out and trying to whip the 80% into a frenzy, while the last 10% would be a mix of, “PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU DON’T LEAVE ME HERE PLEASE”, “HnnnnnnNNNGGG IM COOOOOOMING”, and “Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?”