• @[email protected]
    62 hours ago

    This is getting downvoted because it comes from a clearly partisan source in the wrong direction.

    But I think it’s a valid question. I think Trump will win over some Independent voters – the selfish ones. I don’t mean that to be disparaging. I literally mean that he will win the votes of people who are primarily concerned with their own interests, and can’t stand when their tax money helps someone else.

    You know the type - the “self-made” people who may have taken advantage of government handouts while they were building their wealth but how they they have it no longer see the need for those programs. Or the immigrant who came here “the right way”, and now wants to pull up the ladder behind them.

    We’ll see if there are enough “I’ve got mine, fuck you” voters there to make up for the enthusiasm that Harris/Walz is building on the left.

    • @[email protected]
      42 hours ago

      This is why the Harris strategy post convention has been so baffling/ bad. Harris made a clear and consistent pivot to the right after the convention, where the media and the campaign focused on how Republicans were supporting Harris, how Harris would be good for business, and it would be BAU on Israel Gaza. And her polling has been milquetoast.

      Meanwhile, the party basically abandoned Muslim and anti war voters at the convention, not even offering them a slot to speak. The uncommitted movement represented 10-20% of registered Democrats. Say that maybe 20% of that group sticks to their guns and doesn’t vote in this election because there choices are basically two genocidal candidates. That’s 2-5% of voters that Harris has left on the table to gain… what? What has the post convention rightward shift gained Harris?

      Like… an endorsement from Dick Cheney isn’t getting you independents. They hate those war criminals also.

      The whole campaigns post convention strategy has just been… pretty bad. That being said, she (or even better, Biden) can pivot on Israel any day now. AIPAC can’t really do shit at this point because the money is basically in. The ads are bought. There isn’t much more media to get. But a major policy shift on Gaza could put enough wind in Harris’s sails to carry her through in a blue wave.

      • @[email protected]
        217 minutes ago

        Like… an endorsement from Dick Cheney isn’t getting you independents. They hate those war criminals also.

        I think you are vastly overestimating how many of these independents are progressive. I think many more of them are just too busy to care until it affects them personally. They are not as hung up on the casual war crime or two as you are, as long as they are not the ones in the receiving end of it.

        • @[email protected]
          12 minutes ago

          I think you are vastly overestimating how many of these independents are progressive.

          That’s an interesting and telling assumption you make. You should probably address the assertion on its merits instead of projecting what you think my reasoning is, because I do have one, and its not the one you are making up.

          Do you think that Dick Cheney’s endorsement gets Democrats independents?