This movie was awesome! It didn’t promise more than it was selling. Great action flick
It’s a very simple movie and great because of it. Just action.
Very overrated movie. You never even get to see the lead actors face because he was probably so embarrassed, but I hear he went on to do some TV stuff so his career is alright I guess
What are you talking about Karl Urban killed it, didn’t need to see his eyes his mouth acting was on point lol. The movie was very fun and I didn’t even hear about it till like 2 years ago from some clip I saw of the movie.
Not over rated at all. I’d argue it’s underrated for people like me who never even heard of it.
Woosh edit, ok wow OP seems wasn’t jokeing
You think a ten year old movie — now available for free on YouTube — that’s a remake of an old Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider movie from the 90s is secretly a gem?
Seems super unlikely to me
the comic books are pretty great
Secretly? Nah, I’m just an uninformed plebe. I never even heard of dredd prior to this 2012 version and oh boy did I dive into a fan base.
You should check out the 1995 movie then, the lead actor actually shows his face and everything
Am I missing some inside joke with the face thing?
The role is notorious to cast because Judge Dredd is never supposed to show his face and actors really hate not being able to show their face
Oh. Well Karl Urban killed that role then.
Non-regulation kneepads! The sentence is 10 years in the Isocubes, creep.
– Old stoney face probably
I loved how they did this movie. Essentially, a day in the life of a Judge.
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