Think its gotta be THAT moment towards the end of Disco Elysium (if you know, you know, I don’t wanna spoil it for folk who haven’t experienced it for themselves yet), it made me cry but it was a happy cry so I think it counts
Which part?
The shootout? Or the old man on the island? Or the cryptid?
The third one
Mass Effect 2, Grunt’s loyalty mission on Tuchanka. Always, always take the renegade interrupt to headbutt Uvenk and cut off his rant.
2 of my favorite from Titanfall 2 are when:
1: During the home/neighborhood factory when you realize this is building the boss arena.
2: Using the time travel device to fight your way out of the facility in two different timelines.
Red Dead Redemption - the first ride into Mexico, during the nighttime, when the music came on
Recently, Hi-Fi Rush made me smile (and laugh) more than once :)
When that music kicks in when you start a game of We Love Katamari or Katamari Damacy
It will always bring me joy
It brings me back to a simpler time of being a kid during summer and picking the game up for the first time with a former friend.
Though that former friend is no longer here, those memories of that summer will be with me hopefully forever.
I had lost those memories (and many many others) a few years back when I had a traumatic brain injury, and last summer when my AC was broken and I caught myself humming a some I didn’t remember. And after a bit of working on the song it clicked what it was from. I listened too a few songs from it and booted it up on my old PS2. And that intro music while sitting in front of my TV on the floor, brought me to happy tears as those memories of that summer started to flood back.
ugh, I used to have the soundtracks for those games on my iPod. might have to go requisition those again…
The first time I beat the Cairo Station level in Halo 2, way back in 2005. The ending cutscene to that level is one of the best ever made, and was absolutely incredible to experience for the first time.
Finally beating the asylum demon on my very first playthrough of dark souls.
Then i immediately realized i only just beat the tutorial.
Playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time has so many amazing moments like that - finally defeating the Bell Gargoyles, or surmounting Sens Fortress and pushing the Iron Golem off… But I don’t think anything will ever compare to the exhilaration I felt in beating Ornstein and Smough for the first time.
The end of Portal 2, when the enrichment center barfs out your old companion cube. Such a charming way to end the story, and I couldn’t help but smile. Especially in contrast to the intense turret opera immediately preceding it, it just feels oddly wholesome.
Walking out of The Embrace in Horizon Zero Dawn and seeing this enormous beautiful landscape in front of you.
I don’t particularly like the game, but the final mission in Mass Effect: Andromeda was wonderful and made me smile. It was gorgeous, great music, and gave me an adrenaline rush.
I’m sure there are plenty but the ones that stick with me are :
The ending of Disco Elysium, and the friends you made along the way of a murder investigation. The writing is so good that it set a very high bar for future games.
Potential spoilers for Forgotten City
Finding out how and why the loop in Forgotten City is happening (the whole objective of the game is finding out why you’re stuck in a loop).
Similar to Groundhog Day, you start to get familiar with everyone’s routines and get to know them better each time the loop resets.
And then realising
Galerius is your true bro all along.
Animal crossing as a whole. I’ve tried multiple entries and the games are not quite my cup of tea in the long run. And yet I enjoy the start of a new game or coming back to a save. No pressure, no worries just some cuteness overload.
There were two in Control for me, both involving killer music: the ashtray maze and the altered movie camera. Absolutely grinning the entire time for both of those!
Playing Portal 2 with a guy I found on Steam.
Same - I was done with the SP story and wanted to play coop.
I got matched with someone and we communicated by head bobbing / jumping and very little text chat.Played through the whole thing together and never saw each other again, it was a special moment for sure.