Defense attorney Colin Stephens told jurors that Howald had peacefully co-existed with the gay and lesbian community in Basin for decades. Howald testified that he is gay. “At his core, Howald is not a crusading bigot, who is hell bent for leather on wiping lesbians from the Earth,” Stephens said in his sentencing memo.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Self-hatred being projected onto innocent people who just want to live their lives.
In 2006, Howald was sentenced to two years in prison for felony aggravated animal cruelty, after pleading guilty to shooting a chocolate Labrador at a southwestern Montana campground and decapitating the dog with a chain saw.
Harming animals is absolutely a sign of someone being deranged. Many eventually escalate to harming humans.
Very true. Dahmer, Bundy, DeSalvo… the list goes on. It’s a quick query away from Google or whatever preferred search engine used: animal cruelty and criminals.
Absolutely, if you can do that to an innocent animal you are a fucking monster with no redeemable qualities. They deserve to rot.
Does he think it doesn’t count because the dog wasn’t gay?
Fuck this guy; let him rot in jail.
OH yeah, he deserves life. No fixing that.
It’s always projection with these guys.
Local residents who were leaving church that morning and knew Howald stalled him long enough for a sheriff’s deputy to respond.
Good job!
I just really don’t understand people. I could not care what people do with their lives. I don’t care what TV shows they like. I don’t care how well they take care of their plants. I certainly don’t care who they love (within legal restraints of course). If anyone is able to find someone who they bond with, that’s a good thing. More power to them. It’s freaking bizarre to get worked up about how people live their lives. I’ve been alive for 5 decades and I’ve never understood the hate for the other, but it’s frighteningly common.
I’d probably say “consenting adults” when it comes to who people love instead of “within legal constraints”, because if conservatives could make gay people illegal, they would. But otherwise, I’m with you 100%.
I don’t go to church, think church is probably one of the most dangerous places for kids to be around adults, and still don’t care if people choose to force their kids to go to church. It’s just not my business who people choose to associate with as long as they’re not harming others.
That a much better way of phrasing it, because you are 100% correct. Conservatives would make Gay people illegal and child marriages A-OK.
Fuck this loser. Good on his neighbors.
He’s waiting for his pardon.
His attorney plans an appeal? Lol
wow, what a waste of space. i hope his chance at appeal is somewhere between 0% and 1%