• @[email protected]
    164 hours ago

    This says much about respect and social competence in this society when the first instinct is to mock and abuse someone with different priorities than yours.

          • @[email protected]
            37 minutes ago

            service is not something the client has to ask for but something the vendor provides. Just like you hold a door open for someone entering behind you, you provide that service, unasked. Having to ask for service is a failure in itself, it’s just “no service”.

        • @[email protected]
          138 minutes ago

          asking for a cashier?

          That would be normal

          “I don’t work here”

          Is a rude response to the question whether they would like to use the self-checkout.

        • @[email protected]
          153 minutes ago

          You mean demanding special attention rather than using the self-checkout like everyone else? Not sure I understand.

          • @[email protected]
            12 minutes ago

            I expect that the management is responsible for adequate staffing. Self-checkout typically doesn’t even work. Not a boomer, not USian, YMMV.

          • @[email protected]
            241 minutes ago

            “service” is no “special attention” but I get to the conclusion our misunderstanding might be a socio-cultural thing

  • @[email protected]
    205 hours ago

    I’d rather “work” than wait behind people with 100+ items. I can be out the door in 2 minutes.

      • @[email protected]
        1 hour ago

        I don’t know where you live but here theft is a crime and very antisocial and despicable.

        Someone has to pay for the thieves and prices rise because they have to compensate for theft. Even if prices in reality do not need to compensate, because margin is already big enough, it gives retail a free card to jack prices, which, in essence, is yet again against consumers.

        • NickwithaC
          460 minutes ago

          I don’t know where YOU live but Walmart is one of the biggest thieves in the USA. People working there still have to collect government assistance because they pay too little to live on.

        • @[email protected]
          119 minutes ago

          it gives retail a free card to jack prices

          so blame the corpos for that. not your neighbour stealing some chicken.

  • @[email protected]
    155 hours ago

    I was once mistaken for an employee somewhere and my sleep deprivated response was to say “I am wearing pants so clearly I dont work here.” I have no fucken clue what that means but I think it was a threat.

  • @[email protected]
    145 hours ago

    I refuse to use them as a union worker, when I’m told to use the self checkout as I’m in line for the only cashier I just refuse. I’m doing it for you kids

  • @[email protected]
    5110 hours ago

    Not wanting to do free work for a company (they don’t even give you a discount if you use self-service) is being a boomer?

    That’s the first time I’ve seen the word “boomer” on the opposite side of the word “sucker”.

    • @[email protected]
      186 hours ago

      Refuse to do free work for a company—insist that the grocery store employees go and gather the items on your list from the shelves for you! Never set foot on the sales floor, do pickup orders online only!

      Background: It used to be that the proprietor of a store brought items you requested to the counter for you. In 1916, Piggly Wiggly pioneered a new grocery store model, requiring/allowing the customers to pick items off of the shelves themselves. Not only did they not give you a discount for doing their work for them, they raked in more money from impulse purchases. The increased sales more than offset the increase in shoplifting losses. A cynical, corporate ploy to bleed customers dry, and we just think it’s normal now!

      That is to say, the purpose of a grocery store is to provide food in exchange for currency. There’s no law of nature that I know of that says that having an underpaid teenager drag your food across the scanner is the only proper way to do check-out, just like there isn’t one that says only a store employee can pick items from the shelf.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Maybe you can go the warehouse and pick it up from the boxes, drive down to the farm to het the produce or, even better, grow your own food ALL THE WHILE STILL PAYING FULL VALUE TO THE SUPERMARKET.

        “People used to have even more done for them and now they don’t and pay the same” is not the powerful argument for us having even less done for us that you think it is.

      • @[email protected]
        84 hours ago

        In other words, race to the bottom is race to the bottom.

        Those jobs were not cruel and demeaning as you seem to imply. In fact plenty of industries still operate that way (auto parts etc.) and they served a valuable purpose, to give work experience to that underpaid teenager.

        In fact if you go to a butcher shop, fishmonger, farm market etc. you will have your food handed to you by a human as well. And most people highly rate both the service and quality at such shops, with the employees usually being paid significantly more than at supermarkets, and having proper work hours and job security.

        So yes, I suppose Piggly Wiggly made food margins a little thinner. But considering I get better meat prices at my butcher than at a supermarket, who do you think benefited from that move the most? Most likely the same ones benefiting from the move towards a fully automated store like Amazon tested.

    • @[email protected]
      9 hours ago

      Exactly! Back in my day, people used to fill up my gas for me and carry my things up to my hotel room. Young people are getting lazy and entitled! Corporations need to make them work harder. Makes it hard to humiliate the poors if they make ME do the work.

      • @[email protected]
        66 hours ago

        Tbh back then the pay was more fairly in line with cost of living for some of the jobs. however, it has been a good 20 or so year since it was more fair. Nowadays, it is absolutely scary the cost of living. it’s down right criminal.

    • GladiusB
      89 hours ago

      I am and I’m not. If it’s like 2 items, give me a self checkout. If it’s over 15. Bring on a cashier.

      • @[email protected]
        58 hours ago

        I always prefer self checkout because too many people suck at bagging.

        Don’t put a leaking pack of meat with my deli you dumb shit. All while I see people pushing full carts that have meat touching produce…

        The only place I trust to bag for me is Trader Joe’s. Tetris masters over there.

  • Noble Shift
    88 hours ago

    Self checkout in the PNW rules.

    Self checkout in South (east) Florida sucks.

    Why? Because the volume is on 11, and the customer base is as dumb as a rock. Seriously, stand at any self checkout in SF for 10’ minutes and watch.

    In 11 minutes you will either want to kill them or yourself, sometimes it’s a tossup.

    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      “Not another minute! Pretty soon I’m going to stop playing who-shall-I-kill-first in my head and just go for what feels natural. I’m thinking me first, then you.” - Bernard Black

  • @[email protected]
    118 hours ago

    Reading the comments, do people not like self checkout? Is it another one of these American things, that baffle the rest of the world? Like grocery baggers. I’m European, living in Poland and Denmark and if given the choice, I will always pick the store with self checkout. It’s simply faster. Only old people don’t use self check out, not because of boomer ideology, but because they need the cashier’s help.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      Self checkouts that just let you scan items without issue and accept payment are a nice enough idea for a bag or less of shopping, my problem with them is how they are implemented in reality (in Australia anyway). The first implementations I encountered I considered an useful addition but both the machines and the staffing changes due to them have steadily gone downhill in terms of user experience.

      Instead of a quick painless experience you get a horribly touchy weight sensor which can’t reliably handle particularly small items, particularly large items, or non-standard bags (and there are no longer standard bags due to plastic bag bans), a machine which demands assistant intervention at the slightest issue (and the assistants are understaffed so never arrive quickly), and when you finally get to payment it makes you click through an annoyingly slow interface to tell it you don’t have a rewards card and don’t care to donate to some charity before it will activate the card reader. To make things worse the manned checkouts are never staffed at a level - if any are even open - to cater for people with full trolleys so these end up clogging up the self checkouts (which have tiny bagging areas and are not intended to handle a trolley load) and making everything slower.

      The icing on the cake is the self checkout treating you like a thief and throwing errors if the camera system thinks you didn’t scan something in the trolley or letting off an alarm like you’re trying to make off with something when you just want to buy a can of paint.

    • Moah
      23 hours ago

      I’m from France living in Sweden and I’ve seen people not wanting to use self-checkout because it’s used to cut cashier jobs. Where you’d get 4 cashiers, you just get one person watching the self checkout. I’m personally ambivalent about because I do find it faster and convenient, but it is indeed a loss of jobs

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      Depends on the SCO system. If I can swipe the item, swipe the card, and walk, then yeah, great. But if it can’t handle small items, can’t handle packages, and in particular makes you scan the receipt, no thanks. You cut an employee, eat the shrinkage and leave me alone.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      I recently moved, and my now nearest store does not have self checkout. It’s horrible. I spend more time waiting in the line than actually finding my items in the store. During the three years i used my previous local store, I only had to wait for an unoccupied self checkout maybe two times.

  • @[email protected]
    1811 hours ago

    I enjoy turning this one around. “Oh, you’re one of those socialists who wants everybody else to do your work for you, too lazy to lift your own groceries. Nobody wants to work anymore!”

  • @CumWeedPoop
    9 hours ago

    I get being mean to walmart because corporations are bad but being needlessly rude to random employees rubs me the wrong way. Most of us can’t get a job anywhere better despite having a degree. We have to deal with the mental abuse of people constantly treating us like dog shit just because we exist. The job situation is so fucked right now. I should not be having to compete with people that have masters degrees and decades of experience for tech support jobs that pay $15 an hour. Fuck this broken society.

    The last time I was not underemployed was 2018.

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    So this is pro-self checkout? Why would you be pro self checkout? Besides the extra time and effort for the customer to check out if they have more than a couple items, I recently read an article saying that even for the companies they haven’t worked out: besides the problems and delays they cause where they have to provide employee assistance anyway (“Unexpected item in bag”, etc), they’ve lost more to theft and are having to spend more money on adding more anti-theft tech, etc. One company they interviewed is phasing them out.

    (edit after reading some comments) The article also talked about people getting in trouble for accidentally not getting something scanned.

    • Blyfh
      1613 hours ago

      I LOVE self-checkouts for small shopping. No human interaction bullshit. Just beep your stuff, whip out your card and go. Rarely do I encounter technical problems.

    • Crazazy [hey hi! :D]
      1313 hours ago

      For me it’s not the time spent at the checkout that matters, it’s the time spent waiting at the checkout. Also over here cashiers don’t bag your items for you, so you have to do that anyway

      Also also, they have these really handy hand scanners over here so I can already bag my items while I’m walking through the store, and then the only thing I have to do at self-checkout is hand in the scanner and pay for the groceries. That is genuinely a lot faster than normal cash register shenanigans.

      • @[email protected]
        10 hours ago

        Also over here cashiers don’t bag your items for you, so you have to do that anyway

        I’m a lot faster at bagging when I’m not also scanning. The human cashier divides the labor to two people, which makes it faster.

    • @[email protected]
      1613 hours ago

      Wait a minute, do you mean to tell me that the mighty MBA class are actually just short-sighted, trend-hopping, avaricious shitbags?

      Yeah, if you can’t pay people enough to notice and/or care if I steal from you, I get to steal from you. Them’s the rules.

      • @[email protected]
        711 hours ago

        “If you aren’t able to stop me, I get to rape you. Them’s the rules.”

        That’s how fucking stupid you sound.

        • @Squirrelanna
          26 hours ago

          So, to be clear, are you saying that stealing from a corporation is equally as bad as raping someone?

    • @[email protected]
      1215 hours ago

      I just like the feeling of privacy. When the staff redirects customers to the cashiers because there’s less queue than at the self checkout, I pretend not to hear with my headphones on.

      • @[email protected]
        1714 hours ago

        Same. I’m one of the few people that prefers self checkout. Covid was a magical time for me while grocery shopping. No one awkwardly had to smile after eye contact, everyone gave space and avoided each other, just get in and get out without ever taking out my headphones. Self check out is always faster where I’m from too.

        • @[email protected]
          1614 hours ago

          As a hermit forced to live and work in the modern world, COVID is the high I’ll never get again.

          • @[email protected]
            39 hours ago

            Ditto. Then, when we went back to “normal,” I felt like I had to pretend to hate it because everyone else hated it so much. For me, it felt like freedom and relief.

      • @[email protected]
        813 hours ago

        I only prefer self checkout when I’m buying rubbers and lube. Anything else I’d rather have the checkout person scan and bag for me.

        If you have social anxiety, the checkout person conversation is one of the easiest interactions for you to practice those skills on. “Hello, here are my items, thank you” is about the gist of what’s necessary.

        • @Squirrelanna
          16 hours ago

          I don’t need practice. I can do it fine. I just do not want to.

        • @[email protected]
          412 hours ago

          Oh I have absolutely no social anxiety, I just prefer to keep what I’m buying to myself when I can, rubber or not.

    • @[email protected]
      312 hours ago

      They are HUGELY advantageous to shoplifters. My local grocery store did it for a few years and stopped all together.

  • @[email protected]
    911 hours ago

    When I bring my banana through the cashier lane they give me a dirty look. But when I ride one of the lawnmowers inside and try to mount a self check out, I get kicked out of the store. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

  • @[email protected]
    7417 hours ago

    I mean, walmart could easily fix that by having fucking cashiers.

    At the walmart I go to they put in like 60 self checkouts and have, maybe, one cashier running at a time.

    I don’t mind self checkout as a concept. Its fine if you are just buying a couple things, or something you might be personally embarassing for you… but they are not a replacement for cashiers.

    Cashiers and belts are needed to handle bigger purchases like monthly groceries and shit.

    Unless you are gonna take 25% off my bill for labor savings, I am not going to take my monthly shopping through a self checkout. I had to once when I had no choice, and I’ll never do it again.

    • @[email protected]
      410 hours ago

      Unless you are gonna take 25% off my bill for labor savings, I am not going to take my monthly shopping through a self checkout. I had to once when I had no choice, and I’ll never do it again.

      I also faced that scenario once and walked out of the store leaving my $400 worth of groceries sitting in front of the abandoned cashier lanes. The profit from just my purchase would have paid for a full cashier shift that day. Instead they got to pay for restocking and ruined frozen food and meat.

    • @[email protected]
      1616 hours ago

      I’m 100% against self checkout.

      They’ve put the burden of sale on you instead of themselves. If you fail to check something out accidentally, you are liable for theft.

      If they don’t have a cashier, I go to customer service and tell them to ring me up even if it’s one item.

        • @[email protected]
          913 hours ago

          I admire your faith in our legal system but despair at you lack of imagination.

          They’ll prosecute a bag of money for potentially being involved in a crime.

        • @[email protected]
          315 hours ago

          Don’t need to get to a judge. They can just tresspass you and then you have to drive 30 miles to another supermarket cause you cant ever set foot in that one again.

          Thats enough to fuck shit up for a lot of people.

      • @[email protected]
        315 hours ago

        NAL, but i believe that they have to show intent in order to prosecute. As long as the legal system works properly, they would have to prove that you’re lying when you say “I forgot that was down there”

      • @[email protected]
        315 hours ago

        Which is why I’m against making people do big orders through self checkout, cause thats when an accident can happen.

        Not when you’re getting your genital itch cream.

        • @[email protected]
          113 hours ago

          A lot of the grocery stores near me have a limit of 15 or 20 items for self-checkout. Safeway says “about 15 items” which is strangely vague. Any more and you have to go through a regular checkout.

          • @[email protected]
            212 hours ago

            i would say even 10 items is to much for self checkout, but thats better than walmart expecting you to take a cartful of monthly groceries through self checkout.

            • Mellibird
              16 hours ago

              At my local Walmart I regularly see people with their cart full of groceries going through the self checkout lanes. It’s immensely annoying when you only have 1 or 2 items. And it’s not like they don’t have cashiers either. There are even multiple self checkout lanes with belts and yet for some reason these people always go through the smaller self checkout lanes.

      • @[email protected]
        216 hours ago

        Not even cause the checker should have seen it but also what store prosecutes someone over 1 item

    • @[email protected]
      1516 hours ago

      It’s cute that you think 25% of your sale is going towards labour, even before self-checkouts became so commonplace.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Its cute that you are trying to twist what I said into something that I didnt say.

        No wait, not cute. the opposite of that.

        I said I want a 25% discount for doing their job and saving them the labor. Not that their labor is 25% of my bill.

        • @[email protected]
          216 hours ago

          I have no clue. I guess you can look at the profit margin for a supermarket (Walmart is around 2%, I just checked), then figure out the average full food shop spend, and finally see what the average hourly wage is for a worker and how long it would take to ring up a full shop.

          Although, this also highlights why they can’t give OP 25% off as their margin isn’t anywhere near this figure. I guess we should also factor in handouts that companies like Walmart get from the government to subsidise their staff etc.

          • @[email protected]
            416 hours ago

            From reading a few reports, after looking this up, it seems walmart spend about 7% of it’s revenue on hiring, and about 32% on payroll. The other costs towards labor seem to vary greatly from source to source, depending on exactly what they take into consideration as a labor expense. So it is somewhere between 39% and 60% of the revenue.

            • @[email protected]
              15 hours ago

              So that other person was probably being super condescending for no reason? That’s kind of the impression I got when they said they had no idea the actual number.

    • @[email protected]
      515 hours ago

      Yeah and then I had a lady ask to check my receipt because there’s not enough room to put everything on the fucking thing all at once so I told her no and walked out.

      • @[email protected]
        815 hours ago

        If you have more stuff than will fit in the weighing platform it’s a logistical disaster. Hence why the belts and bagger system were invented in the first place.

        • @[email protected]
          315 hours ago

          I haven’t seen a Walmart with one of the weighing platforms in years, actually

          They all use larger flat plastic coffee-table bits attacked to the machine now, there’s actually about as much room on it as is in a cart, and it’s really nice

          You beep, beep, beep, and never have to worry about UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING ARE or anything like that

            • @[email protected]
              215 hours ago

              There’s usually a platform you can leave 5-6 bags on till your cart is empty enough to through them back in there as you scan the rest

              • @[email protected]
                15 hours ago

                Yea no shit. Not everyone has the luxury of shopping as often as you do and we have to actually fill our carts. Also it sure seems like you are still using disposable bags which is a shame.

                • @[email protected]
                  315 hours ago

                  You act as if it doesn’t work the same way with a full cart cause it does, so what if I am that wasn’t even the subject

        • @[email protected]
          110 hours ago

          I’m just basing it off of being married to a Walmart manager for 10 years but hey, maybe outsiders’ anecdotal feelings on the topic are more accurate than observed first hand experience.

          Walmart is ALWAYS hiring cashiers.

          • @[email protected]
            49 hours ago

            Yeah, and you know where they are? stocking shelves and picking for the online pickup orders. Not running checkout lines.