Spotted in my sisters neighborhood

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    JD Vance doesn’t wipe his ass if there are only a few pieces of toilet paper left so he doesn’t have to change the roll.

    • dream_weasel
      33 hours ago

      You SHOULD do that though. If your seasoning doesn’t hold up to a sponge, it’s just old food you’re gonna eat in your next meal 🤢

    • @[email protected]
      36 hours ago

      … I scrub mine with chain mail.

      Lightly. Not like, a maniac. And only when I do something stupid, which is more often than I like to admit.
      You know, I’m just going to end this comment.

  • Jo Miran
    1911 hours ago

    Not gonna lie, I’ve never emptied the gas tank of my lawnmower or snowblower and up until this thread, I did not know I was supposed to. I normally just give it a little Seafoam.

    • @[email protected]
      225 minutes ago

      It’s generally not as big of a deal as it used to be, fuels are better today than in the past, even with ethanol. Chances are something else breaks before the motor.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      I run premium in all my small engines. I have never once had a problem starting them in the spring.

    • linuxgator
      34 hours ago

      Having lived most of my life in Florida, the only time I emptied my lawnmower in the winter is while mowing my lawn.

    • @[email protected]
      610 hours ago

      Every year I do my final mow and put the push mower in the garage with whatever E10 is still in the tank. Every spring I bust it out and it starts on the first or second pull. It’s been that way for the past decade in the humid southern US. One decade those ethanol gremlins will get me like everyone always says. I mean they know! They have a friend it happened to! Them being the personality type that references “Commiefornia” has absolutely nothing to do with it because, again, they have a friend it happened to who probably owns a business so it’s extra true now.

      • @[email protected]
        24 hours ago

        I do this too. Only have issues with the newer mower. The siphon tube gets blocked by the gel e it causesvery few years. Take carb off, clean it, and good to go. People wayyyyy over exaggerate the problems with ethanol in gasoline.

    • @[email protected]
      711 hours ago

      I live where the grass is mowed year round so I always leave gas too. When I first moved to where we only mow 3 months a year I had to replace the carb in successive years from leaving gas in. I ended up using stabil and spraying carb cleaner in the spark plug hole and that kept me good over the other seasons.

    • @[email protected]
      17 hours ago

      If it’s completely filled up and you are least empty the carb and spray some carb cleaner in it you don’t have much to worry about

    • Captain PoofterOP
      311 hours ago

      Gas gets old and can corrode the gas tank over time, which takes time and money to fix. You can push it a little bit, but its a good practice to get into to increase longevity

          • @[email protected]
            610 hours ago

            In theory yes, but you have to be pretty careful with that too. I work for a small engine repair shop, and we have stuff coming in all the time that people swear to God only ever runs ethanol free. Then when we test the gas, we find ethanol and water.

            We talked to some gas truck drivers, and apparently there is a lot of cross contamination, so even if you’re pumping out of an ethanol free pump, you might still be getting ethanol. We’re telling people that it’s still best practice to empty your tank and run the engine dry if you’re not going to use the equipment for a while.

            • @[email protected]
              39 hours ago

              I’ve heard you should empty gas from lawn tools after every use, because the expansion and contraction can cause damage. Thoughts?

              • @[email protected]
                14 hours ago

                If it’s something you are using regularly enough, you would likely hit a point of diminishing returns pretty quickly. I only bother emptying tanks if I know I’m not going to use the equipment for a while.

  • troed
    512 hours ago

    Only poor people need to empty the lawnmover of gas. Rich people use Aspen fuel (alkylate) and don’t need to.