Kamala Harris’s running mate urges popular vote system but campaign says issue is not part of Democrats’ agenda

  • @[email protected]
    28 hours ago

    Repubs want an electoral college, because it’s the only way they can win

    Repubs want to keep gerrymandering because it’s the only way they can win

  • @[email protected]
    1011 day ago

    Finally the dems are saying it out loud. They should have been yelling this from the treetops since Bush vs Gore.

    • growsomethinggood ()
      421 day ago

      It’s easy to say and harder to do anything about. I believe it would take a constitutional amendment to fix on the national scale, or “opt-in” from enough states on the state level.

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        I hope it happens but there’s no way the current Supreme Court would allow this to happen.

      • @[email protected]
        331 day ago

        The first step towards change is elevating the conversation to high office, though, so this is something.

      • Rhaedas
        624 hours ago

        The popular vote contract sounds interesting, but I like ranked voting more because it allows flexibility in sampling the public opinion of who they’d want. Think of any question a poll could ask you where you feel there isn’t a clear yes/no or single answer. Isn’t it better when it allows you to pick from a few choices that together reflect your answer? An election not only could turn out more voters, it could give statistical nuances on how people lean among the ones that voted in the winner. Eg., how many that voted both Democrat candidate as well as certain other parties.

        Just had a thought that we could even see a person vote Democrat and Republican on a ticket. But at least they got their vote in and showed how they’re torn.

        • @[email protected]
          23 hours ago

          The popular vote contract sounds interesting, but I like ranked voting more

          Those solve two different problems. The first solves the problem of a candidate winning despite having fewer votes; the second solves the spoiler effect.

        • growsomethinggood ()
          523 hours ago

          Yes, the compact is definitely a way to get around the current system, not to overhaul it (which it desperately needs but would require 2/3 approval instead of >50% of the electoral college). I agree that if we are able to get constitutional amendments on the table, we should be looking at ranked choice or approval voting systems! But one of the big issues right now is unfamiliarity with either of those systems, and a lot of familiarity with popular choice. That’s why it’s so important that the many, many local and statewide initiatives for ranked choice get support!

          • Rhaedas
            423 hours ago

            Agreed, the more we see ranked choice locally the more support there will be to expand it. Also “easier” to get it changed at that level.

    • @[email protected]
      423 hours ago

      By 2032 Texas will be a solid swing state and the EC becomes near impossible for the GOP to ever win again

      We can wait them out, and reap the benefits

      • @[email protected]
        19 hours ago

        There are two issues:

        • Parties aren’t set in stone, Republicans will shift some positions to appear more palatable and move some states redder

        • If they take power now they are likely to increase Gerrymandering and voter suppression to give themselves an advantage.

      • The Snark Urge
        1423 hours ago

        Eight years of right wing malignancy left, may the odds be ever in your favor.

      • @[email protected]
        723 hours ago

        People argued this idea of a permanent Democratic majority in the 2000s and then again after Obama’s election but it never materialized. GenX, with its liberal sensibilities, the rise of college educations, and increased diversity among the population will make it impossible for Republicans to win. Then GenX got older and more conservative and people realized that minorities and college grads could also be made to hate immigrants and queer people.

        This idea that “just waiting” is all it will take to end conservatism and other bigotries is a fantasy.

        • @[email protected]
          222 hours ago

          Regardless, the only feasible way to go from the EC to the Popular vote will be if Republicans think they’ve lost the advantage the EC gives them.

      • @[email protected]
        223 hours ago

        I’ve been hearing that for a while. Of course then again the people that said that don’t seem to have an answer for the fact that in 2022 Republicans swept the entire state by like 10 points. So maybe we should stop counting on that.

        • @[email protected]
          222 hours ago

          Here’s a comparison of Barack Obama’s, Hillary Clinton’s, and Joe Biden’s election results in Texas:

          Election Year Democratic Candidate Vote Percentage Republican Candidate Vote Percentage Margin
          2012 Barack Obama 41.4% Mitt Romney 57.2% 15.8%
          2016 Hillary Clinton 43.2% Donald Trump 52.2% 9.0%
          2020 Joe Biden 46.5% Donald Trump 52.1% 5.6%

          This is the trend

          • @[email protected]
            216 hours ago

            Here’s a comparison of Bill Clinton’s, Al Gore’s, and Barack Obama’s election results in Florida:

            Election Year Democratic Candidate Vote Percentage Republican Candidate Vote Percentage Margin
            1992 Bill Clinton 39.0% George H. W. Bush 40.89% -1.89%
            2000 Al Gore 48.84% George W. Bush 48.85% -0.01%
            2008 Barack Obama 50.91% John McCain 48.09% +2.82%

            Florida is reliably blue now, right? Since 2010, the Hispanic proportion of the state has grown by 5 percentage points while the white proportion has shrunk by a similar number. It’s gotta be like Dem +8 by now.

            • @[email protected]
              5 hours ago

              Florida is different because conservatives move there when they retire or to escape COVID restrictions. And don’t forget, those Latinos in Florida are Cuban, so race isn’t as good an indicator.

              Texas is really opposite. It’s getting large influxes of left-wing voters each year.

  • @[email protected]
    2121 hours ago

    That’d be great!!!

    I live in a deep red state. My vote won’t matter as my states EC votes will go for the Republican candidate.

    A popular vote would make my vote count finally.

  • @[email protected]
    361 day ago

    “but then it would be majority rule!! no faaaaaairrrrr”

    -the party of fuck your feelings get over it

  • Buelldozer
    22 hours ago

    The far easier plan is to simply increase the size of the House of Representatives. All it needs is a change, or repeal, of the Re-Apportionment Act of 1929. Replace it with something like the Wyoming Rule and done.

    Not only does that fix Presidential Elections it would also fix or substantially ease a pile of other problems like Gerrymandering by giving the denser population areas the Representation they should have.

    The HoR being fixed at only 435 seats is at the core of so many problems in this country.

    • snooggums
      522 hours ago

      Nah, even then the smaller populated states like mine have an outsized influence because it is sentate (2) + house (population) number of votes per state. Our votes don’t deserve to count more for the head executive (President) that represents everyone.

  • Kokesh
    111 day ago

    I was shocked when I first heard about some people deciding, instead of how many people actually voted for a candidate.

  • @[email protected]
    2 hours ago

    Wouldn’t this allow like three states to dictate the other 47?

    Sure popular vote sounds nice. But is it really practical if the goal is to raise the quality of life for everyone?

    A popular vote would allow the leading majority to neglect 49% of the active voters and groom the 51%. It’s the majority’s tyranny.

    Edit* wow you absolute degenerates. You only support this idea because you have the popular vote. If the tide turn this one suggestion could fuck you sideways. If tye republican party had the popular vote you wouldn’t engage in this circlejerk. Never support a suggestion that could shackle you to a sinking ship.

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      You said the goal is to raise the quality of life of everyone right? You have to get 51%(of the people who vote) to agree on something for the presidency the person who represents everyone in the nation. Why should Wyoming have as much power for voting for president as delaware. Wyoming has around half of the population. Also in another problematic shift why do we have a winner takes all system in all but 1 or 2 states. Your vote doesn’t count and gets completely thrown away in most states if you don’t vote for the popular party in that state. 1 electoral college vote is 536k people in the state of Florida. 1 electoral college vote in Wyoming is 144k people.

      A popular vote would mean a democrat vote in Alabama matters as much as a vote in California. And vice versa in for Republicans. Right now neither party cares about either state because they will always vote for their respective party and all the losing party votes of that state get thrown away(except new Hampshire) the parties only care about “swing” states and states on the edge rather than the voter. We have a whole system that reallocate the Electoral college votes to population anyway but with a minimum and only gets reassessed every 10 years.

      Why does a state have an identity to matter for voting for a president. They have congress and senate. Wouldnt be easier to find people who cares about the same issue across state lines. Farmers of Indiana would have a larger say if they combine with the farmers of Ohio and their voice can be heard more. Versus we can ignore one state because it isn’t a swing state.

      Majority tyranny versus a minority tyranny…which would be better…the constitution us there so we don’t fuck each other up more. But why should the minority of people in America be able to tell the majority of people what to do in this country. Also again one office should represent just the majority opinion versus the senate which is the majority in each state and congress a majority in each smaller section of a state. Where as today the president is the majority of population in each state(essentially senate) weighted by population but we over weight smaller states and have different equalities all over the place which is what congress already is. Which also should be increased in size.

      Lastly why are the states unequal the senate is ridiculously unequal favoring all the smaller states. Why shouldn’t California be like 12 states?

    • Na, und?

      We don’t have proportional representation in the Executive Office. It’s literally impossible. The only fair way of choosing the president is by having the majority elect her or him.

      Replacing FPTP would help, too, but ultimately, the executive branch in the US as an ersatz king, and holds far too much power. Regardless, letting a minority elect them is the worse of two evils.

    • @[email protected]
      23 hours ago

      This take can sound reasonable at first but it’s not the right way to look at it.

      51% deciding the election is better than as low as 25% or so deciding in the system we have now. I mean, look at the candidates, they’re only visiting a few swing states and ignoring the rest. The issue you’re worried about is already happening.

    • @[email protected]
      2324 hours ago

      You know what, you’re right. It is much better for all of us if a small group decides things for the rest of us. We really should just get rid of voting altogether to streamline government.

    • @[email protected]
      20 hours ago

      Where the fuck have you been living for the past 24 years, in which we had TWO shitcunts rule by tyranny of the minority?

          • @[email protected]
            136 minutes ago

            You’re as reflected as a surface painted in Stuart Semple’s Black 3.0.

            Defending a stance solely because it’s in your favour in this particular time isn’t a long term solution. It can shaft you and keep you shafted if the tide turns.

            Having in place a system that allows for diversity should be in the interest of any democrat with an IQ above celcius room temperature. Gerrymandering onbtye other hand and other ways of manipulation is a more rational way of attacking the issue.

    • @[email protected]
      1023 hours ago

      No that’s how it is now. Like 3 to 5 States decide the election. Without the Electoral College no States would decide the election, just the voters.

    • @[email protected]
      523 hours ago

      Wouldn’t this allow like three states to dictate the other 47?

      No, that’s both not mathematically possible and big states aren’t uniform. And all your other statements don’t in any way address how the current system achieves any of those goals. There’s no perfect voting system, but we know our voting system is very bad. Right now most voters are completely irrelevant to a presidential campaign. Not 49%, 80%. If you’re not in a swing state, it doesn’t matter to the campaign what your issues are.

    • growsomethinggood ()
      323 hours ago

      Unlike Norway, we don’t have a parliamentary system, so there’s no multi-party viability, only first-past-the-post which promotes a 2-party system. We do have state based representation in the Senate, which allows equal representation by state, and district level representation in the House. So ultimately any legislation has to go through both those to pass, removing any “tyranny” those of us who live in populous areas might have on the rest of the country.

    • @[email protected]
      223 hours ago

      On top of what everyone else has said:

      Changing the electoral college impacts the presidential election, the one who’s supposed to represent everyone

      You still have the other branches and local governments, the small states don’t get magically fucked by this and it’s weird people think they do

    • @[email protected]
      223 hours ago
      1. The current system allows for less than a 50% majority to decide the president (as what happened in 2016). The current system is worse than your concerns about a simple majority victor.
      2. The three biggest states do account for a lot of votes (more than a quarter of the votes cast in 2020 came from CA, TX, or FL). However, your point goes against reality - TX and FL are right-leaning purple states whereas CA is a strongly blue state. They don’t cancel each other out, but they alone definitely WOULD NOT decide the election nor “dictate the other 47”.
      3. “neglect 49% of the active voters and groom the 51%” - You make things sound so static. About 36% of voters are moderate voters and will shift. You can’t just assume that your 51% base will stay same and can be groomed. And that’s not even considering that people are dying and becoming 18+ years old everyday. Politicians in a simple majority election would have to appease the general public. They no longer could simply focus on making the swing states alone happy (though, on the flip side, I’m sure they would emphasize visiting larger population states).
    • @[email protected]
      21 hours ago

      But the President doesn’t dictate much of anything (as much as the media salivates at the idea), our representatives in Congress do. The President appoints Judges and can veto bills.

      Our country is built on representation of districts and states, so voting for President is also built around representation of districts and states. Not the ideas of the majority. That is reserved for districts and states. The country is physically huge and all 333 million of us don’t live in similar situations economically, environmentally, ethnically, culturally, etc. So we vote based on our local circumstances and (at that level) it is a majority rule. That’s why you can have some states that are much more socialist than others. Or some states that are much more conservative than others. And we as individuals have the freedom and responsibility to make change we would like to see at that level, or we have the freedom of movement between those areas.

      I didn’t think I would need to do a basic civics lesson today.