• @[email protected]
    192 hours ago


    So many conversations had where people talk about kamela being a war criminal who loves genocide because she doesn’t nuke Israel.

    People need to get a grip and get a basic understanding that the world is just not that simple.

  • @[email protected]
    123 hours ago

    “1000 year conflict”

    Ok there’s no way this 2 month old OP isn’t a party propagandist or something with how they’re again shitting on anyone to the left of [insert Dem figurehead for current year’s election here]. Yeah man, I feel so heard now. Maybe if Harris appears on Oprah again and continues to talk about how she loves fracking and Republicans and wants to appoint them to her cabinet, that would totally be relatable enough for me to vote for her. You know what, that Cheney endorsement was so groundbreaking that I’ll start door knocking while the administration keeps arming the American Empire’s rabid dog in the Middle East while she continues building Trump’s border wall. You won’t get free healthcare or education or anything but with any luck, Yahoo might even drag us into a wider war while the Earth literally melts and your future prospects are stolen from you by the ruling classes. Tax dollars well spent MURICA BABY TWO REPUBLICAN PARTIES LETS GO. I can’t wait to be told the same harm reduction garbage in 4 years when the Demcrats get pulled even more towards fascism while the empire declines.

    I’m way too jaded by this lib shit to keep huffing the Dem prescribed copium you’re on.

  • @[email protected]
    133 hours ago

    I really don’t get how people see shit like libs saying you have to vote for Harris or you’ll get what’s coming to you when Trump comes to power, as anything but voter intimidation.

    If the Dems lose the election then that’s squarely on them for not having good policy, it’s up to them to win voters. How can you look upon someone rejecting genocide and hate them for it? How is that position so hard to understand?

    For what it’s worth I think people should vote Harris but I can’t fault anyone for refusing to do so.

    Imagine willingly posting pro-imperialist propaganda and thinking that makes you morally superior…

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    Can someone provide further sources by what she means by an all out war if Israel loses support? Like stop killing civilians in Gaza, that’s all we’re asking

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Side one: Bully punches you in the face, full force and never ceasing.

    Side two: Your pleasant enough neighbor annoyingly pokes you gently in the ribs, a few times a day randomly.

    “Both are assaulting me!!!”

    Yes technically, but one is a very different situation. You first defeat the thing punching you in the head so you can live another day to fight the thing giving you the random poke. Whoever doesn’t get the fact that your right to even attempt to fight back is likely the cost of trump at this point… Jan 6th did not happen before in any of our lifetimes, things are tangibly escalating and those of you considering this as a choice at all are just far too comfortable in the rights you think you “own”.

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    That’s not far left, it’s undereducated middle of the road (with instinctual appeal to right tendencies)

  • @[email protected]
    145 hours ago

    At least the meme acknowledges what a messed up hair trigger situation it is there, as it has been forever, and debunks the naive belief that USA simply cutting off its support would magically bring peace to the region instead of World War 3.

  • @[email protected]
    406 hours ago

    Kamala might fund genocide in Israel. But Trump will fund genocide in Israel, and genocide here.

    We can be ideologically pure when we don’t have fascists at the doorstep. Thousands of children just FUCKING VANISHED during Trumps term. What’s going to happen during his second? Texas was (is?) putting barbed wire in the river on the fucking border. Trump will give free rein to murderous politicians (Texas is also about to execute another innocent man btw). People are going to die here.