• @[email protected]
    342 days ago

    Don’t believe the naysayers. No matter which state you are in, your vote is important. Extreme Conservatives have been taking over school boards and imposing their agenda on kids.

    Offices like Sheriff, Coroner, Secretary of State, Lt Governor, State Representatives, City and County Councils etc. are all important.

    Every Vote Counts!!!

    Many important local races will be decided by less votes than the number of updoots I will receive for this comment.

  • @[email protected]
    1103 days ago

    Just please remember: Don’t let up until the results are being read. Every vote counts and nothing could be worse than pissing away a win because we got cocky based on some early signs

    • @[email protected]
      3 days ago

      Yep. Increased turnout in the states tends to correlate positively with a bluer outcome in a statistically significant fashion. Which is also why the GOP is constantly bleating about “voter fraud” (which is actually vanishingly rare these days, with most instances actually being perpetrated by republican voters trying to “combat” this fictional voter fraud), engaging in electoral fraud and partisan gerrymandering (which is NOT rare, particularly in red states), and generally making it harder for people to vote.

      They know that they’re demographically on the losing side, and they’re trying to plug the dam with their fingers.

      • @[email protected]
        343 days ago

        I was listening to Jon Stewart’s most recent Weekly Show podcast and he had Stacey Abrams on, and she said that increased voter turnout benefits dems right now because the Republicans have power but have generally unpopular policies, but it has been flipped in the past.

      • @[email protected]
        12 days ago

        Its just as likely to affect poor republican voters as poor democrat voters. I don’t know that increased turnout is an obvious benefit for one party. I would prefer if those who could vote do, but keep in mind there are disenfranchised voters. In Georgia I think its somewhere around 5% of adults aren’t allowed to vote.

        • @[email protected]
          42 days ago

          I mean… this isn’t my opinion. You can look the data and studies up yourself. It’s not hard.

          • @[email protected]
            12 days ago

            I think what I’m referencing is a national average, I would believe Georgia specifically is suppressing Democrat votes though. Do you have the study in mind or I should just pick a random one off a web search?

      • @[email protected]
        52 days ago

        Nah dog. Georgia has some super red areas. The recent swing of the Atlanta suburbs to blue is a very recent phenomenon. Outside of Atlanta, it’s all trump country.

        • @[email protected]
          42 days ago

          … okay? But early voting has trended blue for a while and especially since 2020. Still think it’s good

          • @[email protected]
            52 days ago

            It is a good sign, I was just saying that Georgia is definitely not for sure blue without interference from Republicans though (they do absolutely interfere though).

  • @[email protected]
    143 days ago

    Oh god I’m so close, I’ve been edging this type of news for months, I’m going to turn to dust once I finally pop.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    Reading this:

    “Raffensperger said his office’s goal at early voting sites and at the 2,400 polling places on Election Day is to have voters spend as little time as possible filling out their ballots. It took the average voter only a few minutes to cast a ballot on Tuesday morning”

    from here in Los Angeles, where my ballot was 6 pages long, I’m jealous. I think I could do without having to vote on the judges and Community College Board members, although I guess it offers a wedge into what otherwise could be an old-boy network.

    Anyway, my CA ballot has been collected and counted, I got the text today.

    • @[email protected]
      42 days ago

      Bro I’ve spent 2 hours so far on my San Francisco ballot and I’m not even done. We had FIFTEEN propositions this election. Twelve people running for school board and I gotta pick 4. Shit is crazy.

        • @[email protected]
          42 days ago

          Yes. AND, I grouse about it, but I’m glad we have all these things to vote on. Democracy in action.

          • @[email protected]
            42 days ago

            Exactly. Of course we could just skip some sections, but I figure it’s my duty to at least read up a bit, check the candidates’ websites and endorsements and make an informed decision to balance out some idiot who’s “filling in the bubbles to make a picture of a penis,” as Lewis Black said on the Daily Show last night.

      • @[email protected]
        32 days ago

        Yeah I opened my ballot saw how thick it was outside of the envelope and said fuck this im doing it later. I am in the Inland Empire what the fuck are we voting on? The positions of bird fondler.