They think, “Jesus was cool. I like him, and I’m gonna try to be like him.” Kind of like their guiding light is what would Jesus do? But there isn’t a focus on identification, recruiting others, judging others based on their religion, fear of God, fear of punishment for sinning, respect for clergy as an authority, rituals, worship, etc. Basically, just the example of Jesus’ life.

inb4: Christian lol!! got em!

  • Bear
    168 hours ago

    You answered your own question because the literal term for a follower of Jesus Christ is in fact the word Christian lol got em.

  • @[email protected]
    4913 hours ago

    Like uh… normal? Jesus, as described, seems like a pretty chill dude. It’s christianity that gets into the crazy shit.

      • Lvxferre
        811 hours ago

        Yeah. There’s some good stuff there, like 8:32*, but it’s full of so much crap** that… urgh.

        *“And you’ll know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

        **Give the whole chapter 5 a check, specially 5:14; crippling people is apparently their god’s punishment for sinning. Or 3:36, someone gets really pissy if you don’t believe him!

        • @[email protected]
          610 hours ago

          I was thinking John 6 is pretty nuts tbh. There are a lot of problems with Christ, like how quiet and accepting he seemed about slavery, or how fragile he is about his ego and being respected as God, the central message of Christ is about his divinity, not about moral teachings. He threatened anyone who disagreed with his divinity with eternal damnation and so on. Just not the kind of person you would think of as a “chill dude”, rather the description “crazy” comes to mind when I read the book of John especially.

          • @[email protected]
            37 hours ago

            His moral teachings are irrelevant. It’s like how when cops volunteer to do a charity car wash. Moral behaviour doesn’t get you everlasting life.

            • @[email protected]
              16 hours ago

              yeah, at least not according to him; but his moral teachings got a lot of people in the door and interested in following him, and the whole “faith without works is dead” thing (book of James is pretty lit tbh)

      • @[email protected]
        310 hours ago

        Nah, I was brought to church as a kid but I haven’t really read the Bible closely. Honestly, I’m just going off a general read of “dude who helps people in need and isn’t an ass”.

        • @[email protected]
          10 hours ago

          I recommend you read the book of John!

          I wrote a longer response to Kolanaki if you want to read that as well, sorta summarizes what I think are some of the relevant bits as to why Christ isn’t such a great role model.

  • @[email protected]
    26 hours ago

    This describes me. I think about this often. The best I’ve come up with is Buddhist. Ultimately isn’t that what Christ taught?

  • @[email protected]
    12 hours ago

    There is a lot of good messaging in the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc. You don’t need to be religious to appreciate that. Just like how somebody who appreciates in the mission and words of The Amazing Randi does not need a special label.

    The labels start to come into play when discussing your belief or disbelief in a god or gods.

      • Rhynoplaz
        312 hours ago

        I’m assuming we’re talking about the late, great, Randy Savage. So, their spelling is correct. Oooh yeah!

        • Clay_pidgin
          110 hours ago

          Hell yeah brother! The cream of the crop rises to the top one again!

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪OP
      111 hours ago

      Yep! I was trying to find a short way of describing my situation in this area when asked about it.

      • @[email protected]
        310 hours ago

        While not a term maybe a short blurb like “While I am not religious, I admire many of the lessons of Jesus as portrayed in the Bible, and I try to model parts of my life after his example.”

        If applicable you can also add “Along with others I consider to be positive examples for leading a good and virtuous life.”

  • @[email protected]
    710 hours ago

    Do you need to be an -ian? Like, if you like the teachings of Ghandi, or Socrates, or Marcus Aurelius, you don’t have to call yourself a Ghandian, or a Socratian, or an Aurelian. You just agree with their teachings.

    I feel like you’re just making a dig on Christians, and it’s not like a lot of them don’t deserve it, but what you’re talking about isn’t a religion. You don’t need an -ian to like a philosophy.

  • @[email protected]
    911 hours ago

    I use the term Atheistic Christian, which essentially means I believe in a lot of the teachings of Jesus, but I don’t believe he was any kind of divinity.

  • @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    So you have your faith but don’t subscribe to crazy rules writen by men that have nothing to do with the faith?!

    I would call you “Intelligent”

  • @[email protected]
    1013 hours ago

    Sounds like you’re describing that you view how he is depicted as a good role model. I think the best way to describe it would just be “I’m atheist/agnostic/etc but view Jesus as a good role model” or something to that effect.

    Or just lean into chaos and go with “Jesus is my role model” with no elaboration and let people make of it what they will.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪OP
      9 hours ago

      Thank you! I found a free copy on on Google Play Books, so I’m gonna give a look with my balls of eye.

      Fun fact: I remember learning about this in school. Apparently, that’s the Bible that people in court typically swear upon. 🧑‍⚖️ maybe not

      • Clay_pidgin
        110 hours ago

        Really!? I find that a little hard to believe. It’s basically pamphlet sized. I have one.

  • @[email protected]
    413 hours ago

    Good question, but I guess it also goes down to what you think Jesus was. Do you think he was God Incarnate or had a divine nature? Do you think he was a prophet of God, but himself simply human? Or just a cool guy, but nothing divine? In the first case, you are a Christian, even if you don’t identify with any of the well known versions of Christianity. After all, many different conceptions of Christianity have existed.

    In the third case, I don’t think there is or should be a term for it. After all, is there a word for someone who thinks Marcus Antoninus was a cool guy? If that’s not something that constitutes an important part of who you are and how you think, why should you be called anything in regards to it? Maybe depending on just how much you like him, we might call you a Jesus fan. Jesus fanboy or fangirl at worst. But there needsn’t be a specific word.

    Now, the middle case, where you recognize Jesus as a prophet is an interesting one, because several religions would qualify, including Manichaeism, Islam and Druzism; and as far as I know there isn’t a term that englobes them all without also including Judaism… If I were to invent a term for that, I might go with “jesuic” or “yeshuaic”, by analogy with the word “abrahamic” that englobes those who recognize Abraham as a prophet.