I’m less concerned about my sex drive and more concerned about the negative racial overtones in this image. ☹️
True but it is in reference to the Bloods and Crips, two predominantly African American street gangs.
Yes, that’s exactly what I find concerning.
I don’t understand.
The asexual gangs are upon us
Oh drat, you’re right. I just read it as “cowboys” because of the bandana pattern.
Both? Don’t really give a shit about physical sex even though I think about it a lot, but have a massive sex drive. I have really strong aesthetic attraction but actual sex is awkward.
Both? … both.
It comes in and out as I can swing between the two.
I’m hyperautosexual. I just can’t keep my hands off myself lol.
That does fully depend on my ADHD and if I’m on antidepressants or not.
Omg ADHD makes sex so boring.
Silly nosy question, do ADHD meds help? I’ve not tried them in that context, just at my office job. Also, I’m bad at consistently taking them because I can often just naturally hyperfocus on my work and so don’t need dextroamphetamine that day.
it’s probably too late but being ace doesn’t mean you can’t have sexual attraction depending on where you fall on the spectrum and someone who is ace and doesn’t enjoy sex might have a fully active libido. I’m a demi/grey ace and i honestly get a little tired of this weird thing that has happened where ace is just synonymous with someone who just doesn’t ever have or think about sex ever. It really flattens the experience…though to be fair it’s not like it’s been talked about in the community a lot. Feels like gatekeepers have won in that regard. But anyway, as for the original post I’m honestly pretty inbetween, some days I’m a lot more into my sexuality than others, and depending on the situation and person my sexual attraction (not to be confused with libido) might kick in at the most random of times.
Unfortunately hypersexual 😆
I’m ace(questioning)
Very hypersexual
Honestly I had no idea it could be an autism thing, and I’ve been diagnosed my whole life
would say I’m moderate at that.
Very ace.
definitely hyper for me
definitely both depending on the context
When my friends talk about watching porn (we are all minors, thus not having sex). I feel like they are all perverted(since i rarely think about sex). I tried watching porn, but I usually find it boring.