I know about Yattee, is there better alternatives? Thanks!
You could try vinegar which is a great ios safari extension for YouTube in the browser if that’s good enough
I just tried Vinegar, but it doesn’t work for me. I still see ads on every video. Any idea why? Not trying to blame you or anything, just wondering.
Yes, I have it enabled.
Edit: I guess I have to refresh each time maybe? Not sure. It seems to work after a page refresh.
Been paying for YouTube premium for about 8 months now and I think it’s worth every dollar.
Yeah, I’ve paid for it for years. I’m OK with helping the creators that way and never having to jump through all the ad block hoops.
Yeah I’m a pretty big fan of ‘streamlined stuff that just works as intended’. That’s why I own Apple products to begin with and I basically apply that ethos to everything else in life. So I pay for YouTube , get a better experience and I don’t have to mess with anything.
Especially if you VPN and pay from another country 😉
Do you have to watch via vpn too or just pay?
Just pay. You can watch from wherever.
I tried the method one time, but my credit card details forced me back to my original country.how have you payed, prepaid tokens? And do you need a specific Google account for that region?
I used my regular credit card just fine. I had issues using my card from India and Brazil. But Turkey was okay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How odd. Do you mean ‘for’ the Turkey YT store or do you have a Turkish credit card?
I just VPN’d and changed my profile address to some random Turkish one and paid with my Canadian credit card on the Turkish YouTube.
what’s the cheapest country to use?
I rarely use youtube on my phone but if the price is right I might snag premium just to have it for when I do want to watch while mobile
I used to use India but they tightened the grip there. I think the last time I renewed I did it from Turkey?
Yup, since I watch YouTube almost daily, it’s kind of a nobrainer. I’m happy they offer a version without ads.
I use the Safari extension Vinegar, which is paid but universal from macOS to iOS. It replaces the YouTube player by the default HTML5 one, preventing Google from getting events that trigger ads.
I use Safari with the AdGuard (free tier) app. Haven’t seen a YouTube ad in months.
I’m using uYouPlus via sidestore/wireguard configuration. It was a bit painful to setup and I still need to spend 5sec per week to 'Refresh" it but I think it’s definitely worth it in order to have an exact clone of Youtube without ads + background play :) that’s at least for me as I don’t want to settle for any alternatives
I’m using safari and the vinegar extension, which is blocking ads and enables Picture in Picture.
Wouldn’t the extension be affected by this?
I guess so, but they’re just testing it so it still works. Hopefully for longer
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Yattee, it uses piped. If configured right its basically like the youtube app without ads.
This post helped me figure out how to set up Yattee and connect my Invidious account to it.
I have to second vinegar. It’s absolutely perfect in all my Apple devices. It works by switching the YouTube player to a much faster HTML5 video player. So it’s much faster, you get iOS’s built scrubbing, PiP, and ad-blocking.
I use AltStore and side load UYou+. Takes like 30 seconds a week, never have ads, notifications, and it skips stuff like self-promotions. I enjoy it
Video lite. But it has some ads which I don’t see because of adguard dns.
I just tried it and it looks actually like a really good solution. But it’s just using the YouTube website with probably an ad blocker as well so I’m not sure if that’s gonna survive if Google decides to do something about it.
It’s also a bit sad to have the app’s ads instead, but still. I think it looks promising so far.
Don’t use youtube that often but it’s only solution that works on ios whit out youtube premium to get rid of those annoying ads 😐
I use video lite and it’s awesome. $1.50 every 3 months gets you no ads too. I’m sure YT will kill these off at some point but it’s a great solution for now.
There’s a learning curve but it’s hard to beat AltStore with https://qnblackcat.github.io/AltStore/ apps. Same experience as the official apps, but with ads removed. It also should defeat all tbt Adblock detection YouTube is trialing now.
I’m using Brave Browser for YouTube to avoid advertisements
Same! I use Brave and it works great
I’d really just pay for YouTube Premium. Well worth it, and you support creators!
I do but honestly 18€/month (family plan, we’re 2) is a bit pricey considering that I mostly use YouTube Music, I use YouTube mainly to listen to some content before to sleep and won’t want loud ads at 3AM lol
I’d rather pay for Apple One and get music, storage, TV and some games for the same price
I’ve paid for YouTube for years and the price has definitely gotten out of hand, I used a VPN to sign up for it in Turkey a few months ago and it’s like 10% of what I was previously paying, only a couple dollars a month.
Damn, are they high? If I had to pay 18EUR for YT I’d rather cut on my YT usage.
Video Lite is nice, I’ve been using it for a while now.
Wow been looking for something like this for ages and gave up. Seems to work really well. Thanks!
It does show its own ads after the 15 day trial though. I’m still in the trial so not sure how annoying they are, but apparently shippable.
I used Video Lite for like a year before I sideloaded uYou+. Video lite is your best choice without sideloading. No video ads and they play in the background without premium, though you get in-app ads past the free trial
+1 for uYou+. Sideloaded it with Signulous.