I’ve started to use a quick and dirty method for painting vehicles. It is a Reaper triad stippled over black primer. I think the vehicles turn out great for a quick tabletop ready paint job.
I’d this community pro printed Warhammer? Because I’m so on board.
I don’t have a problem with it.
I didn’t even consider that. Hope it is cool.
I’m cool with it. Unless there is credible outside pressure to change, which will be stickied and sidebarred, it’s all good.
Drybrushing over black is a great quick & dirty way to do armor, especially printed. I also do something similar by priming black and spraying the armor color from above, then drybrushing highlight colors. Works if you have the armor color spray on hand.
Oh yeah. That sounds like a good way to do it. I was considering getting an airbrush but I haven’t pulled the trigger yet.
I may start trying this technique on some of my marines. This is just stippling with a drybrush progressively lighter. I’m not sure how it would work on smaller details but like you say, for armor, it works great. Plus it really gives it that grim dark look.
Cosmetics brushes are commonly used for large area dry brushing. If you want to do armor or knock out squads of marines without a airbrush or spray, that’s what I’d look at.
Hah, that’s exactly what I used. A cheap cosmetic brush from Target. I’ve got a handful of them, I think all the ELF brand?
Sounds perfect.
You’re damn right. It looks great!
That’s a great sculpt and paint job
You wouldn’t happen to have a link you could share for the dreadnought?
Oh man, this is an old download from the megaupload from printhammer I think. I’ve probably had this for a few years. No link I can share.
No worries
Thanks for the info though
Looks pretty damn good for being whipped up in a few hours.
I’m sure the price was right too. How does printing something like this compare to buying it from GW?
This is an fdm printer. So not great quality for minis. For that you want resin. Much smoother.
But cost wise this was probably $0.10.
That does it for board presence in a pinch. Really nice
Hell ya brother!