Did you just paint that wasp in 20 minutes?
I absolutely did not; it’s one of the first image search hits when searching for “wasp typing on a keyboard meme”
So you stole it? How dare you! You wouldn’t kidnap a child!
Of course not! Children are annoying and expensive, not to mention the fact that they bring all sorts of bacteria and viruses home from school.
Exactly, what the heck would I do with one? Can’t be very good eatin’ either
As a pest control professional, I assure you that wasps aren’t trying to fuck you up. They get aggressive in the late season but for the most part they won’t fuck with you unless you are a threat. I’ve knocked down countless wasp nests with my brush and only been stung a few times. Those times I got stung I was really asking for it by how I went about it. They’re also accidental pollinators so they do help more than people think.
They’re also accidental pollinators so they do help more than people think.
I hear that, I did some things accidentally once, but the stubborn judge insisted I go on the register anyway!
Gotta be careful where you drop pollen these days.
How is knocking down their house not perceived as aggressive?
Sometimes I forget to post the eviction notice in advance.
Last time I got stung by a wasp I was just standing on the street. Not a nest to be seen anywhere.
It came out of nowhere, stung me and got away. I stood there for a couple of hours after that and it never came back, not other wasp. So surely it didn’t care I was there, it just wanted to fuck with me for no reason.
skill issue
get better at wasps
European Wasps are an invasive species where I live and they’re fucking up a lot of the local flora and fauna. Also “wasps” is a huge group of species and they’re hard to generalise about
Sure, but you could say the exact same thing about bees. The point of the article is that most people see ‘wasps’ as being all bad, without the nuance that is afforded to bees.
Nope. We have introduced bees and bumblebees as well and they’re fine.
Maybe this is hippie talk, but I simply don’t bother any animal. I don’t need an article to tell me they deserve to exist.
What about disease spreading bloodsuckers? 👉🏻👈🏻
We vote.
Mosquitos are pollinators!
They can pollinate my bug zapper! ⚡
Sounds like Big Wasp propaganda
I like the wasps around my house, they’re Apache wasps I think. I’ve shooed them away, worked next to them, they just watch me or fly around. Seems I need to really try to anger them.
Mud daubers are cool too but their life cycle is nightmare fuel, I feel for the spiders.
We have yellow jackets, and they’re assholes. They’ll fly up and sting you for no reason, and then fly away laughing.
And bite. Lots of biting.
The other day I felt a shooting pain on my hand out of nowhere. I look down and it’s a wasp. Fucker broke into my house and stung me outta nowhere. Bastard.
We get lots of blue mud daubers where I live and I’ve seen people freak the fuck out over them.
Like guys, they will straight up never have business with you and their main prey is literally spiders if you have an irrational fear of them too
They’re the bros of the wasp world. The dudes can’t even sting, only the women, and they can take care of the young which is crazy rare. Yoi’d have to go out of your way to get bitten or stung.
Hell, many solitary vespids will fuck up other non-solitary wasps.
Imagine a creature that makes you feel bad for spiders
Wasps are actually pretty useful in nature, in contrast to the parasitic life form knows as homo sapiens.
I suppose you haven’t heard of tarantula hawks if you think wasps aren’t parasitic.
if sky news says they’re beneficial they’re probably trying to fuck you out of your retirement plan or something
They HAD their chance, and they used it to be assholes.
This does have the vibe of those pro-billionaire articles the Washington Post puts out…
I love having wasps around my garden. They fly around my veggies picking off any caterpillars they see, I don’t even use pesticides because the wasps do such a good job keeping the populations low.
Its interesting once you learn more about ecology and biodiversity… Those bugs / animals you used to hate are suddenly awesome.
That said, invasive wasps where I live a devastating native and endemic species so…
I’d expect this but from Sky News Australia *squints*
IKR? a broken clock is right twice a day.
They’re all vicious assholes that get irritated by the most mundane things so I’m gonna expect them to sting me and they have for no reason that I could tell… Also these look like yellow jackets, which are particularly annoying but not as annoying as the 4 species of hornets battling for territory around my old house. I think bumblebees are cute though they will boop you and not try to kill you.
According to Lord Sauron, wasps are just trying to help, and are very misunderstood. Please let them into your house, they will reform.
If you’re cold, they’re cold - let them in.
Compromise, we eradicate yellow jackets