• @[email protected]
    61 hour ago

    Immigrants used to be on top rail, but after four years, they have been placed on both rails, just like the Palestinians. There is no guarantee that the groups placed on the top rail will not be shifted to the bottom rail as well in four years.

    Voting for Democrats is always advertised as the lesser of two evils, but it sure seems like the lesser evil is just trying to kill the same groups the greater evil. If they want people to vote for them, the Democrats should start working to save and prevent people from being tied to trolley tracks.

    Or at least lie about it.

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    119 minutes ago

    It’s so sad that that is the best available option.

    People who don’t want to vote for Harris over Palestine, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo

    You’re basically doing exactly the right thing, and just not factoring in an obscure yet critical piece of context, which this video lays out. When that context is factored in, it totally flips the call on who to vote for, even though none of the values change.

    • @[email protected]
      127 minutes ago

      Trump loves money. One of the best ways best way for him to get more money once in power is increasing our military spending on Israel aid, that’s the “but worse” part. In what world do you think he’d do the inverse of maintaining his power? There’s a reason the military industrial complex wants him in power

      • @[email protected]
        214 minutes ago

        You live in a completely sealed off palace in your own mind. Democrats have been tripping over themselves to send repeated aid packages. Israel is using ordinance faster than we can make it. You shouldn’t feel so comfortable just saying whatever the fuck makes sense to you when you’re trying to talk about reality. You should look at it.

        The democrats are committing a genocide. “But worse” implies they aren’t already doing the worst crime against humanity that exists in our imagination. It is genocide denial.

    • Cethin
      1 hour ago

      (but worse)

      This amounts to genocide denial.

      This amounts to genocide denial.

      It’s weird how easy it is to say something stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        344 minutes ago

        As you can see I have drawn stink lines above your opinion therefore defeating you qed

  • @[email protected]
    32 hours ago

    ITT: Americans debating whether choosing between “the ONLY two choices they have” is good or bad, completely forgetting revolts exist and completely disregarding their beloved 2nd amendment.

    A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Sounds like you aren’t free anymore. You can bitch and moan about only having two choices all you want. If you vote Trump/Kamala/3rd party instead of taking up arms, overthrowing your state government and forcing your state to secede until the elections are changed to no longer be FPTP, then you are tacitly supporting genocide.

    But maybe it was really hard to consider such extreme actions. Well, now you know what the anti-genocide choice is. Let’s see if you risk your lives to stop your government from being genocidal fucks, or if you’re gonna do nothing about it because you’ve been completely pacified as a nation and are now unable to even consider fighting against tyrants. If you’ll excuse me, I’m not gonna hold my breath.

    • RedSeries
      92 hours ago

      ITT: Tankies that think the only solution to a non-utopian outcome is to burn everything to the fucking ground.

      • @[email protected]
        128 minutes ago

        ITT: I found a term that allows me to demonize the left, so I can stay comfortably oppressed in the center.

  • @[email protected]
    52 hours ago

    I legit was thinking of the trolley scenario what I was doing laundry earlier today. Great minds think alike

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    I was going to make this, but put Palestine before the fork. And then put the person away from the lever refusing to participate when pulling the lever would move it to a track with nobody on it. Or pulling a different lever that does nothing (labeled Jill Stein).

    Palestine is and will continue to get run over regardless who wins the presidency, so they aren’t exactly relevant to the choice. It’s not a real trolley problem because it’s not a trade for different people. It’s just “let the trolley run over Ukrainians, lgbtq+ people, minorities, and immigrants” or… don’t. And then refusing to touch the lever because it somehow makes you “love genocide” to have anything to do with the trolley, even if to mitigate the damage.

    • @[email protected]
      62 hours ago

      Please also put someone on the trolley with control over the brake and label them: Israeli leaders, military, and citizens. Since the trolley doesn’t actually need to go anywhere, regardless of whether the US track-switching money/arms are sent.

    • @[email protected]
      93 hours ago

      Please do, I’d love to be able to just slap that image down whenever “bUt tHe gEnOcIdE!” comes up around here.

  • @[email protected]
    93 hours ago

    Good to see blue MAGA finally admitting they are fascist and evil.

    If you seriously think the queer community is supposed to stand on your side, as you actively support genocide, and pretend like they won’t be the next sacrifice needed to SaVe DeMoCrACy….


    • @[email protected]
      93 hours ago

      ✅ - bLuE mAGa

      ✅ - geNoCiDe!

      ✅ - inaccurately attributed fascist accusation

      ✅ - prediction with nothing to support it

      ✅ - Lmao

      Folks, I believe we have reached socialist bingo!

  • @[email protected]
    43 hours ago

    You didn’t even make this meme correctly.

    The point of this is that not pulling the lever leads to more dead but pulling the lever leads to less deaths but due to your action of pulling the lever.

    Good job?

  • ceoofanarchism
    104 hours ago

    Derail the train don’t accept a false choice not to mention democrats also are terrible on policing and immigration for example so more should also be on the democrats track.

    • capital
      154 hours ago

      Either the Dem or Rep nominee will become president. It’s going to happen. There’s no “derailing the train”.

      You can doubt me now. You’ll see soon enough.

      • @[email protected]
        94 hours ago

        No, really. Q says there’s a super special session of the real Congress that happens on February 7th with jfk jr presiding to choose the real president, but it only happens if you don’t vote. Trust me, bro.

      • ceoofanarchism
        33 hours ago

        The point is nobody is saved by electoral politics instead do actual organizing and actions.

  • @lazylion_ca
    516 hours ago

    I’m hoping once Harris takes office that she can improve the Isreal/Palestine situation. But I suspect for now she has to keep her cards close or she’ll lose some key support.

    Politics has been an old-boys club for a long time. She probably has to tread carefully until she knows if she has a majority or not.

    • @[email protected]
      235 hours ago

      I actually wonder if she has a different stance on Israel but simply will not/cannot talk about it because she is also the VP and it’s a “bad look to go against the boss,” so to speak.

      • @[email protected]
        134 hours ago

        She’s a Democrat. She will follow whatever AIPAC says. It’s foolish to wish otherwise. The president is not a monarch and must pick a few key issues to make changes to. The rest is up to the legislature.

    • @[email protected]
      155 hours ago

      I appreciate the optimism but Harris being elected is far from a foregone conclusion. Far, far. Between tricks and the electoral college, it needs to be a blowout to win. And we’re not seeing a blowout so far. I am hopeful as hell, but not affording optimism.

    • @[email protected]M
      55 hours ago

      I’m hoping the same thing. Politics is a complicated game. The first person to say they understand how it all works is the first person I wouldn’t trust to explain any of it to a third grader.

      We’re all making best guesses on almost everthing.

  • @[email protected]
    195 hours ago

    Wtf. I’ve never seen so many people annoyed that their fellows are protesting genocide. How do you take a situation like this and make it a fucking trolley meme.

    • @[email protected]
      52 hours ago

      Imagine you’re strapped to an operating table, incapacitated. There are two other people in the room strapped to tables with you.

      In walk two psychopaths, let’s call them Al and Bob. They explain to you that they’ve decided to let the three of you choose your fate: Al wants to chop off your right hand, Bob wants to chop off all four of your limbs. They give you five minutes to decide, and then they’ll come back to take a vote, majority decides whether Al or Bob gets their way. If you refuse to vote they’ll flip a coin.

      Immediately one of the other victims starts saying how terrible Al is and how horrible it is to chop off someone’s right hand. Non-stop protesting the inhumanity of Al, how important it is to deny Al the opportunity to take your right hand.

      For whatever reason they seem oddly quiet on the fact that Bob also wants to take your right hand, and arm, and the left, and both legs. Whenever you try to interject with that fact, they accuse you of being pro-handchopping and how could you even suggest voting for Al the evil handchopper. And now the other victim seems to be taking this anti-Al rhetoric quite seriously.

      Would you find that annoying?

    • Sylveon
      73 hours ago

      I don’t think people are saying you shouldn’t protest the genocide. You should! But it’s stupid to not vote for Harris over it because letting Trump win doesn’t just throw women, LGBTQ people, etc. under the bus, it also makes the genocide of Palestinians even worse.

    • @[email protected]
      65 hours ago

      The original argument was “Both sides are evil/bad and we need to get rid of both.” These Democrats are trolling non-stop. Hopefully, they’ll be gone in a few weeks.

  • @[email protected]
    667 hours ago

    I get that this is not the hill to die on in this meme, but the tracks should really be reversed.

    This implies “doing nothing” will only sacrifice Palestine, while “pulling the lever” (i.e. voting) will sacrifice Palestine+all other at risk groups.

    Otherwise, this really is a classic trolly dilemma. We can’t stop the train and someone is going to get killed.

    • @[email protected]
      75 hours ago

      This meme also implies that the current US strategy is not to fund Ukraine just enough to take Russia to Hell with it. It also implies the Democrats don’t rely on anti-LGBTQ votes because one single comment made by Waltz. This meme also implies Democrat are pushing laws to combat police brutality (at least fix this at local or state levels in cities where they hold the majority).

      The Democrats here now have worse arguments than the tankies.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        Kamala literally used to fight for sexual assault victims and such

        Walz used to fight for his school kids

        Trump bragged on Howard Stern about perving on young girls and is a convicted rapist

        You do realize there is both a house and Senate right, and unless they have control of both, they can’t necessarily just push laws. That’s what politics is

        And in the past few years, the Republicans have only been interested in sabotage it seems (if Trump loses this election, there is a better chance they will be more willing to work when Democrats)

        They’re not relying on this shit. The most commonly cited reason even by Republicans voting for Harris is that Trump is a dictator that wants to ruin the country

    • @[email protected]
      87 hours ago

      Right, and one of the main, basic ways in which one can consider the trolley problem is that, regardless of the difference in outcomes, pulling the lever makes you morally responsible for what happens.

  • switchboard_pete
    568 hours ago

    anybody on the left withholding their vote at this point fundamentally disbelieves in a system with exactly two discrete options, so this type of post doesn’t persuade anybody

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      fundamentally disbelieves in a system with exactly two discrete options

      except the polls are exactly about two discrete options. “not believing” in it is like not believing in gravity. it doesn’t make you philosopher, it makes you dumb moron.

      • @[email protected]
        32 hours ago

        Yeah I don’t “believe” our system best serves the common good. But I sure as hell will vote for Kamala because it’s very clear that is my best course of action to serve the common good. Voting for a third party won’t lead to a system where more parties have a voice, it will help Trump get into power, where only a single party has a voice, and any other voice will be silenced

          • @[email protected]
            12 hours ago

            Believing in something and believing something exists or is a certain state are two very different things.

            You can believe that this despotic duopoly exists in such a way that there are only two outcomes, without believing such a system will ever function.

  • @[email protected]
    348 hours ago

    I mean…yeah…but also fuck the democrats. We shouldn’t be stuck in this position of genocide and fascism there and here or “just” genocide and fascism there. There are certainly degrees of being a piece of shit, but at this point, we are splitting hairs.

    • @scarabine
      578 hours ago

      I don’t think “kill fewer people” is splitting hairs. I think it’s gross to leverage Palestine for political points but only against Democrats.

      • @[email protected]
        127 hours ago

        I think it is fucking reprehensible that the only two parties we have to choose from both support genocide. It doesn’t matter if they support “less genocide.” Supporting genocide makes them a piece of shit, regardless of how much genocide it is. You just find it better because it doesn’t affect you. The fact that I am being made complicit by the realities of the situation I’ve been forced into by the majority in my country (read: white colonizers) really pisses me off.

        • @scarabine
          407 hours ago

          It only comes up with Harris because you don’t care as much about the genocide as much as you do about scoring political points. It’s horrible of you.

          • @[email protected]
            97 hours ago

            Incorrect. You’re either illiterate or pretending to be for political points. I’m voting for Harris. It wouldn’t matter if it was her or any other Democrat who supports the genocide, I’d still be angry at the white majority in this country who created this shit dichotomy. It is literally minorities, predominantly black women, who’ve kept fascism at bay in this country. You and yours are terrible human beings. If ya’ll weren’t, we wouldn’t be here.

            • @scarabine
              137 hours ago

              You’re not going to jab me into thinking you’re contributing in good faith. You aren’t. There’s only a few reasons to dig at Harris and Democrats for something an entirely different country is doing.

              None of them are good. None help those we do have the power to help. None deescalate.

              Worse, you use the lives of those we can’t help as shelter to make your horrid stance against those we can help seem like it’s somehow a bad choice.

              It’s awful. I can’t imagine how you got there, and I don’t want to.

              • @[email protected]
                46 hours ago

                In another country… that our tax dollars fund, we supply weapons to, and we implicitly protect with our military and political power. Ok, sure bud. I’m the one arguing in bad faith. 🤡

                • @[email protected]
                  95 hours ago

                  The day after Trump is on the TV telling people he’s ringing Netanyahu almost daily to convince him not to agree to Biden’s ceasefire proposals is a pretty shit day to be singing mud at the Democrats over Gaza.

                • @scarabine
                  46 hours ago

                  One of the options is “unilaterally subject another country to our will”. I take it that’s what you want?

        • @[email protected]
          13 hours ago

          The fact that I am being made complicit

          No. Complicity requires agency. Without a reasonable and viable choice to opt out, it would be unfair to hold you responsible. This situation is more like being a captive audience.

        • enkers
          257 hours ago

          It doesn’t matter if they support “less genocide.”

          It absolutely matters. In a binary choice, if you don’t support the side that supports less genocide, then you tacitly support some genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            53 hours ago

            The results of disregarding practicality for your principles can be ruinous. “The road to hell is paved on good intentions.”

          • @[email protected]
            57 hours ago

            Another illiterate. I’m voting for Harris, I’m just angry at the assholes who forced this choice.

            • @[email protected]
              23 hours ago

              I’m just angry at the assholes who forced this choice.

              Me too. Our voting system sucks. We need to get rid of the electoral college and have ranked choice or other system that makes 3rd parties viable.

              The 2-party system means getting railroaded a lot.

            • dadarobot
              166 hours ago

              No one is illiterate here. This is a text platform. You keep accusing people of being illiterate, yet didnt say you were voting for harris until you assumed someone would have read it somewhere yet the only mention was way down.

              For the record i agree with your position. Its an absolute shame that there is no viable vote AGAINST genocide. Sure we could vote third party, but the third party votes are mostly sapping away from democrats, therefore unfortunately helping trump, who would surely do more to enable israel’s genocide than the dems, who hopefully push back to some degree.

              Ive got friends who are refusing to vote in protest of the democrats not taking a hard stance against israel. While i agree with then in theory, in practice i think trump will be worse both domestically and internationally.

              All that said, you might benefit from taking a smoke break and stop accusing everyone of being illiterate.

              • @[email protected]
                6 hours ago

                It is called reading comprehension, which is a component of literacy. I’ll quote myself from the comment before I started pointing out the rampant illiteracy in this thread.

                “The fact that I am being made complicit by the realities of the situation I’ve been forced into by the majority in my country (read: white colonizers) really pisses me off.”

                • dadarobot
                  116 hours ago

                  Another component of literacy is communicating clearly, which you failed to do. You then got upset that people didn’t understand your vague statement.

                  Paying taxes also makes you complicit in the arming of Israel. You never stated whether you were voting or not.

            • enkers
              27 hours ago

              There are people beyond just you that still need to hear this, apparently.

        • Rhaedas
          157 hours ago

          A no-vote or third party vote didn’t help in the past dozens of elections. This problem is much deeper than who holds office, and what gets me is how it’s been politicized even though neither side has discussed it. It’s likely that Gaza has been used as a crisis tool to once again pit peon against peon while the ones in control laugh. And I’m not talking about the politicians, they are part of the tool, that’s why they aren’t talking about it.

          Keep thinking a vote means this, and a non-vote means that. We’re doing exactly what they want us to do, bicker with each other instead of looking.

    • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
      337 hours ago

      “splitting hairs” could mean the difference between up to a couple million people dying, and potentially tens of millions of people or more dying. That’s not splitting hairs at that point. That’s not “po-tay-toe/po-tah-toe” anymore. Anyone arguing otherwise is either brainwashed or is arguing in bad faith.

      Imagine thinking that there’s no difference between one genocide and several, simultaneous genocides.

      • @[email protected]
        107 hours ago

        Bad faith? It is bad faith to find any genocide “acceptable,” while simultaneously becoming angry at anyone pointing out that genocide is unacceptable. Seriously, what the actual fuck? This is white liberalism in its most concentrated lethal form. Ironically, it’ll eventually lead to the genocides you don’t find acceptable. If it wasn’t for this shit mentality, we wouldn’t be here.

        • @[email protected]
          167 hours ago

          So, what’s your plan for the election? Not voting, sitting in a corner yelling “it’s unacceptable!!!”?

          Or voting the lesser of two evils and working to better the system?

          The democratic parties of 1920s Germany also were full of racists, antisemites and union busters, but not voting or worse voting for the NSDAP only achieved one thing - the Nazis power grab.

          So what’s your plan?

          • @[email protected]
            87 hours ago

            Why are all of you so fucking illiterate? I am voting for Harris. I’m angry my choice is ANY genocide at all.

            • @[email protected]
              96 hours ago

              If you are voting for Harris then you must agree that both sides are indeed not “the same” which is the entire point of this post.

            • @[email protected]
              87 hours ago

              Boost for lemmy doesn’t show profile pics and usernames all look the same so I might have overlooked where you said that. Also your comment I replied to reads like that wasn’t the case. I apologize for the mix up, but still feel your hostility is unwarranted and will now disengage.

        • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
          167 hours ago

          Damn, you’ve been showing off a lot of privilege, my dude. I don’t usually like invoking that concept, but you’re dripping all over the floor. Maybe it’s time for you to stop and think about the fact that it easy to paint everyone with a broad brush and say, “it’s okay if the body count goes up by a few million, I’ll just wait until a better candidate comes along” when you’re not the one on the firing line.

          It’s easy to say that when you’re not the one who may get bounced from country to country as you try to seek refuge from a genocidal dictator.

          It’s easy to say that when you’re not the one who’s going to have to rip their entire life apart just to survive.

          It’s easy to say that when you’re not the one who’s family is going to be split up as a result.

          Like, feel free to criticize the Democrats as much as you want, I hate them too. But I don’t have the privilege to just sit around and wait for Mr(s) Perfect to arrive. I may have a matter of months, if not weeks before I have to flee the country.

          So fuck you and your “both sides” bullshit. It takes some serious privilege, or at the very least, the mindset of a bucket of crabs to say something like that.

          • @[email protected]
            67 hours ago

            I’m trans and so fucking sick of people here using my existence as an excuse to support/ignore genocide. My rights are not more important than those of Palestinians and anyone saying that they support me while killing brown muslim people abroad will not get my support. The interesting part is that Harris won’t even plainly say she supports trans peoples rights, she has to dance around it and say it in the most vague meaningless terms. You know that trans people are the next in line to be thrown in front of the bus by the dems.

          • @[email protected]
            67 hours ago

            I stopped reading that screed after you accused me of privilege. Again, another lemmy illiterate. I am voting for Harris. I’m angry at those with privilege who’ve made this the only choice I have.

            • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
              127 hours ago

              Yeah? But all you said was “fuck the democrats”. There are enough people on here who say “fuck the democrats” but mean “vote for someone else” that you can’t leave that ambiguity.

                • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
                  6 hours ago

                  Alright, since you’re confused, let me try to break this down for you.

                  Here’s your original message:

                  I mean…yeah…but also fuck the democrats. We shouldn’t be stuck in this position of genocide and fascism there and here or “just” genocide and fascism there. There are certainly degrees of being a piece of shit, but at this point, we are splitting hairs.

                  Okay, so

                  I mean…yeah…

                  Okay, this could mean two things: you agree, or you are acknowledging someone’s position


                  Alright, so, now we know that if you agree, then you have a disagreement on how it’s presented. Alternatively, you have acknowledged their position and are disagreeing with it.


                  Again, this doesn’t tell me whether or not you agree, this just says you have something to say in addition to a prior statement (“I mean…yeah…but”). It still doesn’t indicate whether or not you actually agree or if you’re just acknowledging their position.

                  fuck the democrats.

                  Alright, so here’s an actual position. Not unreasonable imo; however, it is a very hostile statement.

                  We shouldn’t be stuck in this position of genocide and fascism there and here or “just” genocide and fascism there.

                  I agree with this too, absolutely a reasonable position to take. However, you’ve yet to clarify if you actually agree with OP, or if you’re taking an opposing side. If you think that it should be obvious by this point, you’re right.

                  In a sane environment this statement shouldn’t be ambiguous.

                  In a sane environment someone would read this and think that you’re describing the Dems (making an assumption here) as being the lesser of two evils.

                  However, this statement also indicates disapproval of the Democrats, which, again, is a reasonable position to take in a sane world. However, there are enough people who say this as a way to put people back on the fence (or even get them to vote for a different party) that I still can’t rule anything out at this point.

                  There are certainly degrees of being a piece of shit, but at this point, we are splitting hairs.

                  Now you’re reducing the idea of Palestinians being genocided vs Palestinians, LGBT, PoC, women seeking abortions, etc being genocided to “po-tay-toe/po-tah-toe”. That’s what splitting hairs usually refers to. It’s needlessly debating something considered trivial or mundane. I think that is what is getting you into trouble.

                  Implying that the difference between one group and many groups being subjected to genocide is not a trivial thing, and it casts doubt on the rest of your statement. Personally it makes me think you’re trying to argue for voting 3rd party during this election.

                  So, I can see how you thought your statement was clear, but unfortunately there are enough bad actors on Lemmy that it wasn’t as clear as you thought it was.

                  Edit: if you want to clarify your position, you could say something like, “fuck the Dems, I hate that Harris is our only option” or “I hate that I feel like I have to vote for Harris”. This way you have clarified that you intend to vote for Harris, or that you agree that Harris is better than Trump, while also voicing your distaste for the Democrats.

    • @[email protected]
      87 hours ago

      Youre stuck in this position and it sure as shit isnt the fault of “democrats”.

      Have them change the voting system then, because not voting/voting 3rd party isn’t going to get you there either, and will make it far worse. Having this attitude in 2016 already made it far worse.

      Youre also going to have to come to the reality that genocide is an American tradition, in the very foundation of its economy. That’s why Americans still have military weapon reveals lmao, and y’all love it

    • metaStatic
      77 hours ago

      or as the great prophet George Carlin, may peace be upon him, said “Garbage in, Garbage out”

      anyone still participating in this broken system believes genocide is an acceptable choice. The only responsible choice is to burn it all to the ground and start again.

      • @[email protected]
        126 hours ago

        what is your plan when it’s all burned down and now you have to fight MAGA for control of the country?

      • @[email protected]
        227 hours ago

        Sweet plan, where do we meet up for the “burn it to the ground” option?

        And while we are planning, do you think you could consider voting for Kamala, you know, so more of our potential comrades aren’t locked up? Best to shore up our numbers right? Sic semper tyrannis!

      • NaibofTabr
        177 hours ago

        People who refuse to participate in the democratic process and then complain that it doesn’t work for them are hilarious.

      • @[email protected]
        157 hours ago

        Nice of you to sacrifice all the lives that it will cost to “burn it all down”. The corpses of everyone who isn’t a straight white male will thank you

      • Annoyed_🦀
        6 hours ago

        The only responsible choice is to burn it all to the ground and start again.

        Huh, funny. Last i heard to achieve this you want to insert someone that have the exact believe that will change the system, and there’s two way to do this: one is to vote in a democratic process, slowly and surely move toward that future one vote at the time; and two is to cause a civil war. People that’s jaded but comfortable in their situation usually want to pick the latter, which mean killing people that’s not on your side and sending young people to die for your cause. Sounds familiar? That’s because it’s what Trump tried last time. Does that sounds responsible to you?

      • @[email protected]
        97 hours ago

        I doubt that’s happening, disparate groups acting in an unconcerted manner aren’t likely to achieve much. They already kill us sleeping in our beds.

  • OpenStars
    86 hours ago

    Thank you for confirming my bias that both sides are indeed the same - I will now proceed accordingly. 😜

    /s btw, and damn I wish this was funny. As it is, it feels all too real…😔