• Quads
    • @[email protected]
      112 minutes ago

      I was amazed at the shit they were allowed to play in the after school block on Nick/CN sometimes. Rocco might take the cake with the masterbation milking episode

  • @[email protected]
    33 hours ago

    The first one that comes to mind is this one from probably the early 90s. From what I remember it was a group of kids and one of them is sick or something and the other kids try to save him? In the end they each sacrifice a year of their life so that the sick friend can live. I wanna say Steven Spielberg was a producer.

    There was also that one crossover movie where a bunch of cartoon characters from whatever was popular in the 80s did an anti-drug movie.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    Oh, man, when I was a kid around 1990 I was in France (maybe? Pretty sure it was somewhere in Europe), and they had this subtitled cartoon (I didn’t know either language) that “starred” a villain named something like Amin Tumani (“I’m in to money”, but made into a name) that was a stereotypical middle easterner. And to add to the crazy I’m 99.9% sure he died at the end of every episode.

    If anyone knows anything about this cartoon, LMK.

  • Björn Tantau
    4 hours ago

    Adolar’e Fantastical Adventures

    An old Hungarian cartoon about a boy who hides an inflatable rocket in his violin case. He uses it to fly to strange planets like a two dimensional one. Most vivid image I have in my mind is how the rocket stretches when it approaches light speed.

  • snooggums
    217 hours ago

    Watership Down.

    Was visiting relatives and we rented movies from a tiny video store that didn’t have a lot of options or kids, so we got that and Crocodile Dundee.

    Dundee was fun. The bunnies were less so.