More like Ferretverse, I’ll see myself out.
Omg it’s like you ran out of ink printing them. They’re adorable.
It definitely helps telling them apart that they’re all different colors. 😆
Genuine question, not a jab… But is it stinky with this many? I understood them to be pretty musty animals, but have no personal experience with them.
As long as I clean their cage and vacuum regularly, they aren’t any smellier than any other pet.
Fair enough. Had pet rats and it was the same deal, so makes sense.
It has to be, right?? I know ferrets, and one is strong.
The thumbnail is kind of small on my phone, and for whatever reason I didn’t interpret your title correctly. I envisioned you huddling them around a computer, showing them how to create accounts and subscribe to communities. I thought you were the odd one.
Haha, Bandit is totally wearing a mask
Welcome to the fediverse!
It’s a pleasure to meet them.
They’re adorable
Funny tube rats. Welcome!
Slinky ratties
Ferrets are such amazing pets! I have 2 myself and sometimes think if I should expand their business, but they’re already such a handful.
I started with 2, but ended up rehoming 2 more. It worked out well for us since my first two were very different personality-wise and now the one that is always up has 3 siblings to play with instead of just one quite lazy one. 😆
Bandit, you’re the thief who’s stolen my heart!
omg four of them…it must make it so crazy in that house 😵
So cute!
Awww! Love their names!
I used to have 2 ferret boys, absolutely crazy adorable guys. Miss their antics and their endless energy.