Evening all, This is a really tough post to write but following my post the other day I think the best course of action is to shut down Sync before the new API changes go live.
Evening all, This is a really tough post to write but following my post the other day I think the best course of action is to shut down Sync before the new API changes go live.
I would rotate between Sync and Boost when I had Android. I think both are great and are the best reddit apps I used on Android. This makes me sad for current Android users. I was happy to pay for both when I was on there. And did so.
Time to move forward. Find a new home. I don’t know if I’ll never go on Reddit again. But I’m done with that place mentally and won’t pursue anything on there ever again.
I’ve used sync for close to a decade, it is reddit on mobile for me, and now it will disappear, most likely I just won’t log into reddit off my pc anymore.
Totally valid, I am concerned that they will try and kill old reddit and RES. RES devs sounded unsure if they will be affected by the API changes. If a Reddit result comes up on a Google search I’m not going to not click on it just because it is a Reddit URL. But they definitely won’t get a cent from me.