Long time no #Meme. And this time it’s not even an old and stale one, but a fairly new one: Adidas Sports Bra Medium Support. When I came cross it a few hours ago, it kind of reminded me what shapes of female mesh bodies are considered “normal” in #OpenSimulator and #SecondLife. So I couldn’t help but adapt it.

(On a sidenote: I don’t go out of my way and describe meme pictures at the same pain-staking level of detail as my pictures from within #VirtualWorlds. The image itself plus the link to KnowYourMeme should be informative enough to understand the post so that I don’t have to drop thousands of characters of #ImageDescription into meme posts. This #AltText here should be sufficient, and it shouldn’t contain any information that isn’t available anywhere else in the post or the link.)
#OpenSim #Metaverse #MediumSupportMeme
@𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 No, I’m saying that iPhone users tend to avoid tapping on links in toots if these links open a browser.
I think they also find it inconvenient. A browser opening over your Mastodon app is to an iPhone user what a pop-up window within our desktop browsers is for us desktop users.