I’m looking for others who could be interested in collaborating on hosting Fediverse platforms and tooling, including Lemmy.
The main incentive for this is to build out infrastructure that is super reliable – highly available, geo-diverse, monitoring, best practices, etc, and to have fun doing it with a group of people rather than solo.
We can help contribute towards the shift that is happening from centralized/corporate-owned to decentralized/non-profit. Some of the biggest barriers for services like Mastodon and Lemmy are related to performance, reliability, confusing onboarding, etc. By grouping up we can help improve on these, innovate on tooling and systems that are service-adjacent, and have fun doing it.
Shoot me a PM if interested!
Edit: thanks for all of the responses! Since posting, many people have responded or reached out directly with interest in getting involved.
We have set up Matrix.org channels. You can join here: https://matrix.to/#/#fedicollective:matrix.org
what do you have in mind?
I prefer working in teams rather than solo - assuming many others do, too!
Getting a core group together to collaborate on hosting, first, and approaching with some structure so that its resilient. In addition to that, identifying areas where we can fill Fediverse gaps or innovate (onboarding processes came to mind initially), but totally up for discussion on what others think could be most beneficial.
I’ve set up a Discord server
Gotta start somewhere! Good for short term collaboration while we spin up matrix
Any type of required skills you would like in this team?
I left skillsets out of my original post because there are many ways for people to contribute beyond sys eng. Generally though - industry experience in tech.
Well I have 12 years of exp as a dev I might be able to help out :) I would love to know more, btw it seems wefwef has no way to send DMs yet it seems?
Glad I read this comment, finally. I just spent 10 minutes trying to work out how to send a DM and assuming it was just me not being used to a new app and missing it.
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Ability to digest beans.
For the life of me I am unable to send you a PM. I’d be interested in working together. I have a couple Dell PowerEdge r720 servers that are up as long as my internet is. Not sure if you’re to go that route or more dedicated data centers. Either way, I’d be interested in joining the effort!
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Be happy to. Been wondering the same thing. I’ve got a public ip’d VPS that I’ve been wanting to use as a single k8s server or docker server, to host Lemmy and PixelFed containers. Also I can’t figure out how to PM you in the Mlem app lol. Can you PM me?
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
We discussed before to collaborate on a distributed object storage via https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/ to reduce duplication and share the load.
Right now Lemmy/pict-rs sadly doesn’t allow using object storage as a kind of CDN, but once it does I would be up for trying it with Garage.
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Only temporary, I promise!
Experience shows that temporary measures nearly always become permanent. Just let me know when you have a IRC, XMPP or Matrix channel 😉
Heads up, we’ve created a space on Matrix.org. Here’s the link to enter, if interested! We will be migrating over from Discord https://matrix.to/#/%23fedicollective%3Amatrix.org
Also link you posted is broken, hope this is the right room: https://matrix.to/#/!KIuWdbzrNsRBbAEVtV:matrix.org
Human readable: https://matrix.to/#/#fedicollective:matrix.org
Thanks! Can you add direct aliases to the rooms so that I can join them directly via a XMPP bridge? Right now you can only access the space and that doesn’t work via bridges.
Hey OP, you might want to edit your post and include the matrix link instead. Great work on listening to the feedback and moving over to matrix.
Will do!
I was thinking of a similar initiative. To be honest, I am dreaming of a future where a network of small no-profits and co-ops can contribute to a large ecosystem of free software.
I have some devops experience but my main occupation has to do with security. I would be very happy to help especially in the security space.
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Interested to pitch in as well
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Nice initiative.
Can’t PM from the app I’m using at the moment but I’m interested in getting involved. More on the server infrastructure/“business”/graphic design side. Will get in touch in the AM.
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
As others have pointed out: sending a DM from wefwef appears to be a no-go. Is there a rallying point somehwere? A lemmy community, discord channel? I’m interested in being involved but not sure how much time I can commit so would rather throw some effort at something that’s got others already coordinating rather than start something that falters everytime work gets in my way.
I’m just starting out with lemmy myself but have decades of experience with tech and work in higher education, so might be best placed working on educational aspects. My plan at the moment is to set up something small dedicated to self hosted services with a focus on containerised deployment and low maintainence effort. Documenting that journey might be useful?
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb
Oof, I recenty gave away a couple of servers,
You might be interested to also work with this person’s domain: https://lemmy.world/post/1046078 Putting a similar comment on that thread to point back here.
Thanks for the response and interest! Please join the Discord link here: https://discord.gg/Tp9gXSzb