First, features…
Swipe to hide!
This is a huge feature that has a lot of effort put into making it work flawlessly, even with hundreds of thousands of hidden items. So swipe away! All data is persisted locally per account. In the future, we’ll add hide on scroll, and it should work really well with our performant storage implementation. Shoutout to burakcan for all your hard work on this :)
Comment dialogs now ask for confirmation before nuking your data
I can’t tell you how much I hate software that loses your progress. When the new comment dialog was implemented, I though there would be about 5 people using wefwef, but now there are tons of you!
Care was taken to ensure you can continue to swipe away the comment dialog if no new content has been entered - for example, if you accidentally swipe to reply.
Care was also taken to confirm before closing a tab or navigating on desktop devices! So please try it out and let me know what you think!
Like browsing NSFW on iOS? This release is for you
Blurred items should be a LOT more snappy, now that blurring is being performed by the GPU.
More performance improvements thanks to a code refactor on how we present commonly used dialogs :)
Double tap search shortcut!
No longer reach all the way up to that search bar. 😎
ARM builds
I love seeing all the self-hosting! Now you can easily self-host wefwef on even more devices!
Special thanks to all contributors!
Crazybus, burakcan and aidankinzett! Thank you! 💙
Dude, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate wefwef and your constant improvements to it. This is great.
This dev is my hero. And all the contributors too of course.
The comment disgard confirmation is a life saver for those who type long comments. Thanks!
Would you consider prioritizing the following:
- delete and edit newly created OPs
- copy/paste to quote another comment
There’s select text, and yes edit delete posts is still coming 🙂
There’s select text
Cool! Thanks.
Great work mate, keep it up 👍
It looks nice, thanks!
How do you un-hide posts? I’m still getting used to the swiping and already accidentally hid a post that I wanted to read.
Profile > hidden posts
Thank you!
Everything does feel smoother.
Crushin’ it, fam.
Amazing work, really pleased with the app
I am surprised by the speed of updates really like pwa concept won’t be possible in normal app
Thank you! Any chance we can also get a “swipe to save” feature in a future update?
Configurable gestures is coming!
I just gasped aloud! Thank you!
Enjoy hiding your posts people :)
Nice feature!
Is there a place where I can see my recently hidden posts (to be able to unhide them)?
Sometimes I see the GitHub banner while hiding a post.
On your user accounts page, there’sa “hidden posts” option now.
Thx! Yeah I found that 1min after posting this…
I still can’t log in, keyboard won’t stay open when I try to put in my instance url
Can we have an option to choose the language while commenting?
I was getting multiple error while replying for a comment, asking me to choose a language in lemmy profile settings (which didn’t work) and the only way I could reply to that comment was choosing a language in the website while commenting.
Idk whether this might help you, but I tried using markdown on that comment.
Hi there! I believe this is a lemmy bug. If you want a bit and retry posting your comment, it should work. Sorry about that!
Thanks for clarifying!