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Officers showed up at the home and found a man struggling with a woman over a knife. An officer opened fire and struck the man, killing him at the scene. Only later did they discover the man who was killed lived at the home and was struggling to fend off the woman who had broken into his home.
Police say Brandon Durham, 43, had called 911 and reported multiple people outside his home shooting, then told the 911 operator that someone had entered his home through the front and back doors and he was locking himself in the bathroom.
He also told the 911 operator that he was home with his 15-year-old daughter, according to police. Officers kicked open the door after arriving on scene and hearing someone screaming as well as damage to vehicles parked outside the property, police said.
What else do you do? I get the point but who else deals with that if you can’t? At a certain point you have to roll those dice right?
But a gun, learn to use it, call a lawyer then cops. Or gamble on the cops and going fisticuffs with a knife like this poor guy did.
Smash cut to Rambo over here in an actual perceived thread, tripping over his footie pajamas in the dark and shooting himself in the dick with the first bullet and his neighbor in the face with second. Then reveals that the “gang of migrants” “breaking in” was actually just mormon kids knocking on your door to tell you about home pest control service they are also selling on their iPads.
You secured the perimeter, dipshit.
Sure is a nice straw man you built for yourself to jerk off over.
“Just Mormon kids” selling pest control? at 12:40 AM?
Oh, I’m sorry… Do you work to populate your own planet filled with your dead family in the afterlife while wearing special underpants and being afraid of soda… only during business hours?
The funny thing is that real Mormonism is so much weirder than that.
Like the magic masonic underwear.
If you weren’t aware, Mormons wear magic masonic underwear. They are required to wear magic masonic underwear.
a bunch of guys breaking into your house and you with one gun will probably have the same outcome
especially if you store it safely, locked in a safe, unloaded, ammo separate
Then store it safely, fully loaded, with one in the chamber.
that’s not how responsible gun owners are meant to store it
I agree that cops aren’t responsible gun owners.
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per the Justice dept - that is not the “official” advise, but a layman opinion https://www.justice.gov/media/1337981/dl?inline
while I understand your emotional reaction in the context of the story, my personal belief is that “well regulated militia” does intend the safe and responsible use of firearms under specific circumstances, and not to be a .44 under your pillow or duct taped to the back of your armchair
while it’s not illegal per se, if anyone else picks up your gun not stored correctly you could (depending on the state) be on the hook for illegal transfer of a weapon (+ to a minor if relevant), or brandishment laws.
As it’s much more likely that an unstored firearm (quick access safe aside), could be stolen, picked up by someone else, or seen by a visitor (postal worker, jehovas witness, canvasser, guest…) than a full scale home invasion by a militia - it might be worth weighing the likelihood of trying to take down multiple assailants in a firefight against these outcomes
I thought that you are supposed to leave the chamber empty, preventing accidental discharge?
Fair question. Not pulling the trigger prevents accidental discharge.
Having one in chamber saves time. It’s one less thing to do in a stressful situation when every millisecond counts. If it’s got a safety, train with it engaged and flip it off as part of any exercise.
Welcome to the argument for standard capacity magazines.
He feel victim to one of the classic blunders.
Nice thing about not having children is you can leave your gun loaded with a round in the chamber.
Just flip it to fire and pull the trigger.
Anyone not welcome will be put down immediately
You separate and control both people. You use your police h2h training to deescalate the situation, soak them both in pepper spray or taze them both while you sort out the facts. You get stabbed doing your duty to serve and protect civilians because you knew that is what you signed up for and why police are heroes…
Oh wait…
Personally I blast a monolog sequence from an old mobster movie and then fire blank rounds of a tommy gun
And then give them to the count of 10 to get their ugly, yellow, no-good keister off my property, before I pump their guts full of lead.
Merry Christmas you filthy animal!
And a happy new year!
Basically same, but I don’t have blanks…
Hopefully you’re firing at least one variety of blanks.
You’re rooting for people who break and enter in occupied dwellings instead of a person defending their home, on a post about the cops showing up and shooting the homeowner who was struggling against a home invader attacking them with a knife? Ooooook.
Rooting, no, nor did I say so
However I do hope you have a look at realistic stats on gun ownership, namely that you are in an attempt to compensate for your insecurities making yourself and anyone who lives with you more likely to die. Depending on your age and ethnicity (I’m going to assume 20s and white for now), when you enter your 40s or 50s you are much more likely to use that gun on your temple or as an edible than you are to “defend your home”.
So…yeah, I hope people like you don’t have kids unless you can sort your emotions out and be a logical adult.
Tired old body shaming won’t get me to surrender to home invaders, sorry but anyone with half a brain can see right through that shameful tactic. Furthermore “People with gun more likely to kill self with gun than people without gun” duh, and people in water more likely to drown than people in the desert, but
A) Don’t shoot yourself. Problem solved.
B) If I really wanted to die and didn’t have a gun, I have a half gallon of nicotine suspended in VG I could drink, a bottle of tylenol I could take, and a half bottle of 100 proof whiskey I could polish off on the train tracks within a 5 min walk of me. “Not having a gun” isn’t what’s gonna stop me from killing myself “not wanting to kill myself” is a lot more effective.
So yeah, mind your own business.
I don’t know what body shaming you’re referring to, but a mentally unstable person who imagines non-existent threats and loves guns isn’t great. Please stay away from schools.
Just quit while you’re behind lol.
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Removed under rule 3:
“③ Saying
copsANYONE should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They’re about killing people; we’re not.”Shooting at the cops is only going to end one way, you, dead.