A screenshot, taken way before rexxit, of two comments on reddit, dated “1 year ago”.
The first comment is by a deleted user and the comment has been removed. The second comment is a reply to the deleted comment and it says: “That solved it. Thanks!”
Edit: added temporal context.
Now I wish there’s a script to automate this
My brother you are kinda living under a rock. There have been widespread of websites/scripts to do this while the deadend(because we don’t know of what changes reddit would make of their api which may hamper the work of these services)of July 1st was approaching.
I know about deleting comments, but do any of these let you back up your comments before removing them?
You probably missed reading the comment I was replying. What I meant is a script that automate what previous comment was about.
It’s not simply deleting comments on Reddit, but relocating it to lemmy and replacing all comments on Reddit with link to comments on lemmy
I believe they used power delete suite