I’m making a post on mutual aid too, but last month I made two posts asking for help on there in the space of a week, and after getting no responses, made a post on here. I know mutual aid are inundated with requests and more so than usual at the moment, it seems. So I thought I’d ask on here again, as my last request on here enabled me to eat this month.
For those who don’t know me yet, I’m currently having treatment for thyroid cancer and also recovering from a stroke (caused by the cancer treatment, which has left me partially sighted and learning to walk again). The DWP (people who run the British benefits system) in their infinite wisdom, decided at my last assessment to give me zero points (saying I’m fit to work and care for myself, despite multiple doctors letters proving otherwise) and stop my payments, I had to appeal. I have no money at all, actually negative money as I’ve maxxed out my overdraft along with other debts.
After this, I tried food banks but it is so time consuming and difficult to access them around here, I was still going hungry most of the time. I tried begging a Christian website for advice on Christian food aid, but they turned me away. I’ve shoplifted multiple times and tried selling my prescription meds in desperation.
Due to the inability to keep myself properly fed, I ended up being diagnosed with several vitamin and mineral deficiencies, but instead of giving me food this insane country decided to solve the problem by prescribing me supplements on the NHS! Meanwhile, I was still starving.
Then I found this place and you are the only people who have helped me over the past couple of months. I’ve been able to eat normally again because of your help, and it has made a huge difference to my life. I’ve made the food vouchers last as long as possible but now I have just a few days food left. I’ve decided to ask for help again now in case it takes multiple posts on here/mutual aid again, by which time I will have run out totally.
I’m too scared to accept actual money in case it gets me in trouble with the DWP. If anyone is able and willing to help, I would be extremely grateful for any food vouchers that can be used in the UK. I know sainsburys accept google pay, credit and debit cards and you don’t have to be in the UK to buy their vouchers, you just pay for it and email it to the recipient: https://www.sainsburysgiftcard.co.uk/
If that’s not convenient I will gladly accept any type of vouchers that can be used for food, another supermarket, justeat, amazon, anything. Thanks so much to anyone able to help.