I had around 150 by the time I completed the game.
Bonus question: what percentage completion do you have?
I’m sitting on 50.5% right now.
What do you mean “did” lol
Asking in the past tense is making some assumptions.
Exactly what I was thinking lmao
I’m over 80 hours in and I’m not even close to finishing the main quest. I’ve done 2 of the 4 initial temples, lots of shrines and korok seeds, but taking my time and enjoying every new section of the map. Not in a hurry, I’ve been enjoying other games in between. Plus, if this is anything like BotW, I’ll still be playing it 3 or 4 years from now.
165 hours across 26 days
I don’t know what percentage I finished at but I at least reached my goal of getting every shrine and lightroot. This is a picture I took after finishing my playthrough.
I have around 130 hours in now and could finish the main quest, but, as I did with BotW, I’m delaying the end by going after armor sets, doing shrines, and various side adventure/quests instead of doing the final fight.
I have 215+ hours in, not complete at all, i dont even know where to find the percentage complete.
I think it only shows up when you have finished the main quest.
I believe it’s in the map view on the bottom right maybe?
Switch says 280+ hours. Some of that was messing around building dumb and fun stuff. Completed all shrines, 111 lightroots, all bubbul gems, 404 korok seeds and I have almost all armors. I really enjoyed hunting down all the caves. Caves and underground were my biggest wishes for this game, and OH BOY did they deliver in that respect.
Edit: 73.99% completion and I don’t plant on attempting 100% lol
I just started the other day, so about 4. 😋 Just got to the Temple of Time, so assuming I’m about to leave tutorial island.
I’ve put around 240+ hours into TOTK but not because I am a completionist or anything, it’s mostly because I don’t like using fast travel and I enjoy traveling the world, finding secrets or hidden locations.
But I have to admit that I overdid it, towards the end I felt a little burned out due to this.
I am almost too afraid to ask … Where do you see those stats? Thank you
You see time played in your profile in the switch ui, and you see percentage completed on the map screen after finishing the main quest
Oh ok! Thank you so much!!
52.36% at 130 hrs. I felt myself burning out on the game and it was eating up a lot of my productivity so I made a push to finish the main quest. I don’t see myself coming back to the game anytime soon so I’ll probably be stuck at that % and playtime for a while
Where can you see the %?
You can find it when you open the map in the bottom right corner after you finish the game I believe. My switch is being repaired right now, but it’s certainly in one of those corners.
Ah but definitely only once finished?
185 hours, 68%. I’d love to keep going, but at the same time I’ve mostly run out of things in game that I feel like completing.
I’m at like 70 or 80 played and Gerudo town isn’t saved yet. Work + loads of things make it so I game a lot less than I want.
At least you’ll savour the time you get to actually game I guess…?
I’ve sunk like 290~ hours so far into it (although some of it is definitely being AFK).
Have all Quests, all Caves, Lightroots and am sitting at 95% map completion. Planning to get the 100% before my Hero’s Path is full.
Not sure if I grind out the last few remaining things that don’t count towards the map percentage completion (beating every boss encounter everywhere, upgrading every armor to max).I’m still playing the game, I haven’t completed the game yet and I spent more than 110 hours.
Question: Where can you see your percentage game completion?
Once you complete the main quest it will be visible on the map screen :)