Everyone has one. lets try to recognize and be grateful of what we have!

  • Libb
    413 months ago

    I never felt the need to compare myself to others. aka, I’m competing with no one but myself.

    I consider that a huge advantage, but who knows maybe I’m wrong.

  • luluu
    373 months ago

    White, male privilege and loving parents that supported me in all ways when needed. Seriously, life has been almost on peaceful mode, definitely easy mode.

    • @[email protected]
      193 months ago

      loving parents that supported me in all ways when needed.

      This is the component that I was missing. I have the white male privilege, but I’ve always had split parents and 2 stepfathers that were always dicks. I had to move out at 18. My friend had the exact opposite situation where he could stay at home as long as he needed to and he spent his time studying towards a computer science degree. I always had to worry about moving and paying rent so I never pursued anything “difficult” or time consuming as I never knew when I’d have to move again so I’m now just a worthless, single, factory worker schmuck living in someone’s garage and my friend is happily married working from home making major money from a well known major corporation.

      We couldn’t possibly have more different outcomes unless our skin color were also different.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        I’m sorry you got a rough rub, man. I’m heading in a similar direction (moved out at 17, now late 20s working a dead end job to barely afford bills and halfway trying to go to school) and yeah, shits depressing, especially when you have friends that had similar interests and skills as you that were able to make something out of them (my friend who’s floor I slept on the last year of highschool is now a literal rocket scientist).

        Just remember, we’re never truly worthless! So long as we keep clocking in every day, we have immense value to our employers. And what more could a person ask for.

  • Vanth
    253 months ago

    College educated parents. Education and early career is so much easier to navigate with parents who know the ropes and have a network.

  • @[email protected]
    243 months ago

    I’m easily satisfied with life. I have a pretty good job and make pretty good money, good friends, and I have a beautiful wife, and that’s all I need. I’m not the ambitious type who needs to keep making more and more money. I don’t need the fanciest car or designer clothes. I don’t want to be famous, and I don’t have anything to prove to strangers. That makes it much easier to be happy, I think.

    • @[email protected]OP
      63 months ago

      Wow, something that I would never say but good on you! A simple life is in no way a wrong life to lead

  • @[email protected]
    233 months ago

    Things I didn’t choose or earn? Taller than the average woman in my country. Both parents were smart as hell, university professors. Dad who thought women had every right and ability to do any job they wanted, we weren’t raised differently based on sex.

  • Berttheduck
    183 months ago

    I’m a white man living in the UK that’s about as close to life on easy mode as you can get. I learned quite young to not care about what other people thought of me which has been very useful.

    • @[email protected]OP
      93 months ago

      Truly. I think many does not realize the advantages of being a white guy in a 1st world coutry. This advantage is especially useful when traveling abroad.

  • @[email protected]
    183 months ago

    I’m engaged to my best friend, my future in laws are cool as hell, both my parents are alive and well, and my brothers and I get along really well. I’ve also got the cutest little nephew and hearing him laugh always makes my day. I might not make a ton of money, but I’ve got a damn good family and couldn’t be more thankful for them

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      A solid, stable support system is a much bigger advantage than people give it credit for.

      Congratulations on your pending marriage!

  • Battle Masker
    163 months ago

    My dad was a union electrician. His medical benefits literally saved my life. You’ve probably heard how expensive it is to treat type 1 diabetes, well most everything I needed was covered by his benefits, and I did have to deal with a copay at the beginning of the year, but I didn’t have anything denied.

  • @[email protected]
    153 months ago

    I came from an upper middle class family have 2 great parents, and have wonderful extended family near by.

  • Admiral Patrick
    153 months ago

    I’m practically invisible. Now that I’ve settled into it and don’t really desire/crave attention, it’s nice to just fade into the background.

      • Admiral Patrick
        3 months ago

        Mostly just keeps people from bugging me (random conversations in waiting rooms). Unfortunately, doesn’t seem to work when waiting in queues. Occasionally will be in a conference room working and co-workers will come in to work out their drama and not even realize I’ve been there the whole time. Petty stuff like that lol.

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          Occasionally will be in a conference room working and co-workers will come in to work out their drama

          I hate that. So many people talk to their therapist about their drinking in front of me.

  • Tanis Nikana
    153 months ago

    I still have one working hand, and I can walk.

    I seem to be pretty good at English, which is definitely a leg up on billions of people.

    I’m actively protected, respected, and cared for by my insular community.

    I’m skilled with a microphone and can make whole audiences cackle.

    These advantages are enough that I needed to be nerfed in some incredibly heinous ways, and yet I still have such an advantage that I’m usually first- or second-ban in the draft.

    • a Kendrick fan
      23 months ago

      I seem to be pretty good at English, which is definitely a leg up on billions of people.

      not to be snarky, but i wonder how much of an advantage this is, is it the world’s default language? should it serve that purpose?

      • Tanis Nikana
        3 months ago

        It’s the default language for international business, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that flips to Mandarin in twenty years, the way things in general are going.

        But I’m not gonna lie, I wish I cool read ich_iel and get the humor so bad.

  • @[email protected]
    153 months ago

    White man, slightly balanced out by neurodivergence and coming from generational poverty. Outside of that I have a very patient and supportive wife that I’m eternally grateful for. She’s the best

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      My lack of FOMO I generally ascribe to my aphantasia.

      I also don’t feel nostalgia. I get that others do, but I am a forward looking type, and am quite optimistic.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Ditto. I was told that I am brave, but I just don’t care what others think or fitting in. Of course, it’s still important to be sociable and there are still some things you still have to conform to (like for example you still need to be hygienic not just for your own good but for others as well), but as long as I am not harming anyone, I don’t care about what people say.

  • @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    I used to have a fair bit of imposter syndrome but now that I’ve been working with a proper team I’ve come too accept I have an aptitude for code and logic in general, alongside a fairly good abstract memory.

    I’m not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m a little more competent than the average software engineer, enough that it gets noticed.

    I also got lucky and scored a job at 17 in the field (with no nepotism involved), not a great one but enough to look good on my resume, and have been working in the industry for just over a decade with no college.

    • @[email protected]OP
      23 months ago

      having imposter syndrome is a decent tell that you are actually good at doing your thing than the average person

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    123 months ago

    I was born in People’s Republic of China, so I understand Cantonese, Mandarin, can read many simplified characters, and some traditional characters. Not much tho, I think I only know like up to Grade 1-2 proficiency. But if I go relearn it and perfect it, I could potentially be a translator/interpretor or a diplomat. But nah, I’m too lazy, I’l just stick with English cuz I’m too lazy to learn more Chinese, and also I’m not planning on ever stepping foot in CCP territory again.

    But if y’all need some translation, and google translate doesn’t work, you can always @ me. 😉

    • @[email protected]OP
      23 months ago

      This is huge in the business and manufacturing world. I think you should pursue this a lot more. it will open massive doors for you