I spent most of my gaming days playing the Gamecube and Wii, so I’d say Gamecube is probably the system I have the greatest attachment to. But N64 is definitely a close second!

  • Pink Bow@burggit.moe
    2 years ago

    I never owned the original, but Shining Pearl was really fun on the Switch. Got to the very last trainer without much trouble at all, and then suddenly she was insanely difficult. I managed to make it to her last Pokemon, but I was bleeding out potions and hardly making a scratch. Afterward, I realized I’d have to rebuild my entire team and level for ages to beat her and so I decided “close enough!”, haha.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOP
      2 years ago

      I’d say pearl was my first real Pokémon game. Like, I had some Pokémon games before that, but Pearl was the first main series Pokémon game I actually finished (and then some). Back in the day, back when my online friends and I were too retarded to know of any other platform, we would use Pokémon Pearl as the go-to voice chat platform, before we found out about Skype.