Usually, these gaming comparisons only compare the absolute highest end, most expensive options. I like when the more budget – friendly options get compared, since not everyone has $600+ to spend on a GPU.
Usually, these gaming comparisons only compare the absolute highest end, most expensive options. I like when the more budget – friendly options get compared, since not everyone has $600+ to spend on a GPU.
I currently have a Radeon RX 6700 XT GPU in my system, which I got not too long ago. It’s been working good, though I will admit the lack of AMD support on certain platforms was very discouraging. Like Unity (which I occasionally messed around with) doesn’t support GPU light baking on AMD, which was very disappointing. There was another thing that I found didn’t support AMD either after trying it (don’t remember what it was right off the top of my head.) However, if I could redo, i’d probably have gotten an Nvidia card, for these facts alone. I just really hate being limited artificially, though I also didn’t like being stuck in Nvidia’s shitty ecosystem. Especially since, like you said, their Linux support is sub-par.
Decided “f— it” and pulled the trigger on the RTX 3060. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Glad I could help with your decision. AMD is at a huge disadvantage, Nvidia makes a bunch of proprietary technology which AMD can’t even hope to support. Where as most AMD tech is open source, and Nvidia can just, plop support for whatever it is into their cards with little to no effort on their part. But as a user, it’s hard to sit there and buy AMD when I actively get hindered when trying to do things which, a user should be able to do without issue. So, while I definitely appreciate AMD and their efforts, I will probably go with Nvidia for my next GPU upgrade, if this trend continues.
Yep, feels a lot like IE6 of days past, where Netscape was trying to do the right thing, but got overshadowed. Maybe eventually there will be a Firefox-style happy ending for AMD as well?
I found out that the 3060 should work decently for AI, esp since it has a good amount of VRAM. And having weird app glitches doesn’t sound like fun. It also made me remember the custom color calibration I’m applying to this IPS panel, which I might have to redo if I went to AMD. Although the NVIDIA driver is closed source and the UI downlevel, it does seems to be pretty stable. So I went with it.