Steam Replay is out, so what game did you have the most fun experiencing this year?
Disco Elysium
I know it did not release this yer, but I got to it now, so it is GOTY for me.
I’m re-playing it right now, and it’s great.
I’ve played many different RPGs during my life, but Disco really is like nothing I’ve played before. Maybe, just maybe a little like Planescape Torment, but other than that? Nothing comes to mind. Which is unbelievable in this age, where most developers play it safe with basically sequels of successful games and new ones you barely can tell apart…
While Disco Elysium is like no other CRPOG I’ve played, I have to disagree with your other point, because Indies exist with tons of innovative stuff in there.
True, but majority of non-entirely-indie devs do exactly what I said. Sadly some indie too.
Balatro, absolutely. Now that it’s on mobile, work will never get 100% out of me again.
For me it’s #2 , wish it won GOTY this year - love the music and game play , when I saw a pixel game was in the running I knew it would be amazing and full of heart and soul , no shiny graphics to hide behind 💕
Nine Sols. Really underrated metroidvania that flew under the radar for many people.
I saw it was classified as a souls-like. Did you find the combat to be hard?
It’s a fairly difficult game, yeah. The combat is more akin to Sekiro where you need to time your blocks.
UFO 50 without a doubt. Most creative bang for your buck that’s ever been released imo
Absolutely agree with this. The product could have had fewer games and each game could have been much more shallow and it still would have been “good”. But there’s honestly a ton of bangers in this collection and the variety and creativity is astounding.
Factorio. And Cities: Skylines 2 if I’m playing it on Windows.
Factorio just makes hours disappear, it’s an amazing game! Have you played the expansion?
played? Past tense? You must be joking
Damn, you got me!
Yes, I did.
It brought me a new multi-player experience, something to share with friends, and it is super fun. I also don’t get toxicity out of it.
I tried it when I first got an invite to it. Invited as many friends as I could. I think we ran with it for a few days and just couldnt stick with it. I personally couldnt tell what I was supposed to be doing, or if I was even helping or just being a weight to my team?
I had to watch a few videos to understand what I was suppose to do. Really didn’t get it at the start. But I think they also improved the interface and such.
Deadlock is nice, but the toxicity is the same as in every moba like teamgame, therefore I stopped playing it because I felt the time I spent playing were not enjoyable to me. Its sad because the game is so promising and delivers Valve typical polish which rivals triple AAA garbage.
I think that the fact I keep voice audio muted helps me not to get to much toxicity D:
But then your coordination will be lacking.
Call of duty black ops 3. Most of that time was spent in custom zombies maps, but the third party client that cleans up the cheater problem that plagues every old cod let me enjoy some occasional multiplayer, which despite being apart of the infamous jetpack era, I actually quite enjoy
Custom zombies maps are the beeeeest
Star Wars Outlaws.
I had so much fun while playing and Kay is such a sweetie😍This was a surprisingly awesome game. The Sabacc mini-game alone is worth the price of admission.
No love for Against the Storm? Technically it released 8th of December last year, but that’s not enough time for it to be able to get GotY for 2023, so it’s got to fit in here. (also I only played it after new years)
Other than that Balatro has got to be a strong contender for me. PoE2 is looking more and more likely to take it home next year for me.
Tactical Breach Wizards
Its not even a contest. The time I spent playing a rogue like poker is higher than most other games combined.
Send HELP!
I’d been starting to get into it when the Android release dropped and then I was cooked. Now between Steam/Android I’ve always got a run going somewhere.
I also bought it twice to play it everywhere! The dev deserves the support!
just a new round buddy, you know you want it.
If you realise the RNG is really ridiculous at higher difficulties than you can stop
Sekiro. Played it a few months ago and I still think about it all the time. Amazing.
Twin-stick shooter against various bugs and robots with some ARPG gearing, and the action here is fantastically tight with probably three key factors:
- Enemies target you but hit each other, so you manage their attacks to help your fighting instead of just staying out of trouble.
- “Frenzy” orb pickups, which act a bit like combo meter fuel except instead of chaining hits you make frequent choices about whether an orb drop is worth chasing, keeping you close to danger.
- Instant gun switching with overheating instead of reloading, so you fight hard and switch constantly between your three guns to keep any one from overheating while getting the best out of their specific properties.
I play a lot of twin-stick and top-down shooters, and this does a great job mixing the arcade twin-stick feel of high intensity fending off a swarm with tactical top-down dungeon crawling elements, and it’s just really special feeling to play. The core action feels not just well designed but like it was made just for me, and I’m genuinely glad someone made it (or is making it, since it’s early access). Plus, it’s extraction style instead of being a roguelite, so you’re always right at the best action while still getting procedural levels, so each run is a little different.
That sounds really cool. Thanks for sharing; I hadn’t heard about this one previously.
Under Night In-Birth II [Sys:Celes]
UNI finally gets rollback, which means I finally gave the series a shot. The GRD system is a very unique concept that adds an additional layer of trying to win the advantage state, then pressing the advantage when you have it or respecting the opponent’s advantage when they do. And Vatista is just a very fun character to play, I’m having a blast with her.
Helldivers II, baby!
Im a simple man. I see bugs or bots, I spread managed democracy onto them.