It’s really nice, but it looks an awful lot like a snoo
Yeah, that’s because the Apollo icon was based on a snoo. That’s gonna be a problem with any icon that tries to emulate it.
I’d like to see a version of this:
- Without the helmet and antenna
- Each whisker can be a different color, representing the 4 colors of the original.
- A different but basic background
It may look like Apollo but it needs to be its own thing, imo.
I like the one wefwef updated to but had to reinstall it to my home screen and now my count for posts and comments is reset…and doesn’t appear to be updating. I understand lemmy doesn’t care about updoots and shit and that’s fine but if the numbers are there would be nice if they are accurate.
Mine reset yesterday. I think it’s something to do with your instance, not the app
That must be it. is having growing pains
It’s nice, but there’s too much going on in my opinion. I’d prefer the current icon on my home screen. Maybe we can get a setting with multiple choices in a future update?
I like this one a lot more
This but without the colors on top.
Thissss!! Thank you! I use wefwef and memmy. Since iPhones won’t let you change the icon for PWA, i’m definitely setting this for memmy right away.
Ok, I admit it… how do I change the app icon?
I don’t believe you can update icons for Progressive Web Apps on iOS yet, unfortunately.
I really don’t like the rainbow stripes, otherwise perfect
Here is a version without the rainbow:
I like this, but with the colors in the rings and no antenna.
This is way too busy with the rainbow at the top
Here is a version without the rainbow:
any plans to release a full android app in the play store?
Probably not. Though out of curiosity is there a specific reason you want it in the playstore (aside from auto updates)?
Google chrome on android allows pwa’s to access a LOT of features
my only reason was auto updates and push notifications tbh but other than that, the PWA is great and works just like a full app.
Both should be possible while keeping pwa
I like that one. Well done!