We now have a chat room for the smallest of talks! Just kidding. Infodumping is encouraged.
Rather than using Discord, we’ll be using Matrix, which is a FOSS equivalent. It’s pretty intuitive, so signing up shouldn’t be much of a hassle, but let me know if you have any difficulties.
Here’s a list of most Matrix clients: https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/
I don’t have an iPhone, so I don’t know what the iPhone equivalent for this is. If you find out, let me know and I will adjust this post and the sidebar.
This post has been added the sidebar.
For this service, is the same login as Lemmy used, or a totally new one? It’s confusing to me when these Fedithings interact and when they do not. Sorry if this is obvious! 😵💫
Matrix doesn’t belong to the fediverse
Then why is OP saying that? they’re full of 💩
Edit: How does it look now? Does it make sense and are their any inaccuracies?
Am I OP being called 💩?
I honestly don’t know much about this. I wasn’t suggesting it was. I was trying to ask as I’m also new to all of this. 😵💫
No, I was in no way judging you at all. Sorry if I was confusing. I was referring to myself as the OP that made the original post and saying that I was full of 💩 for being wrong. Thanks for asking to clear up the misunderstanding 🙂
Oh, thanks for clarifying! I thought I commit an unknown aggravating behaviour. Feel much better with your comment. 🙇
youre welcome. i get it cause sometimes i feel the same way 🙂
I feel like that is most of my life. :)
It’s a whole new thing. You have to sign up like a new service.
Hehe, “fedithings.” Hehe, I love it. I think I’ll adopt that term into my fedivocabulary, lol
I got an iphone and I use element client which generally works well but I somehow can’t open your link and I cant find the room on matrix.org. No idea how to proceed. Got any hints? :)
Hmm, I wonder if that’s happening to others. Either way, DM me on Matrix, and I can send you an invite 👍
@backonmytbs:matrix.orgEdit: never mind! I did make a typo. There was an extra t added in there. 🤦♂️
This is the correct username: @backonmybs:matrix.org
I‘m not sure if you made a typo in your username but I sent someone a message with your exact username (instead of the one you wrote). That correct? :)
I don’t think I made a typo. I just had someone in the Matrix chat try to DM me using the link in my profile, and it worked. If you want, you can try the same and see if there’s a problem or not.Edit: I definitely made a typo 🤦
what’s that?
its a chat room like Discord, but the service is free and open-source software
federated discord?
To me matrix feels closer to irc then discord. Much more modern feeling then irc tho.
It definitely is federated 🙂 https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/federate.html
Not really federated, but more so that the software isn’t owned by a company.
You can chat on different servers, so I’d say it’s federated.
Thank you! As I’m learning more about my own autism, I’m quite willing to share experiences.
Come on in and say hi!
Edit: you’re welcome!
Old thread, the new one is here
I joined the room but I don’t have permission to post
Contact me directly on Matrix so that we could troubleshoot it: @backonmybs:matrix.org
Nvm I’m an idiot
I doubt it, but I’m happy you figured it out. I hope you feel welcomed! 😀
So far, yes!
I dont think Station lets me add matrix to it.
Shoot. Sorry. I removed Station from the list.