• finitebanjo@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    98% and 98% are identical terms, but the machine can use the terms to describe separate word’s accuracy.

    It doesn’t have languages. It’s not emulating concepts. It’s emulating statistical averages.

    “pie” to us is a delicious desert with a variety of possible fillings.

    “pie” to an llm is 32%. “cake” is also 32%. An LLM might say Cake when it should be Pie, because it doesn’t know what either of those things are aside from their placement next to terms like flour, sugar, and butter.

    • 11111one11111@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      So by your logic a child locked in a room with no understanding of language is not capable of thought? All of your reasoning for why a computers aren’t generating thoughts are actual psychological case studies tought in the abnormal psychology course I took in high school back in 2005. You don’t even have to go that far into the abnormal portion of it either. I’ve never sat with my buddies daughter’s “classes” but she is 4 years old now and on the autism spectrum. She is doing wonderfully since she started with this special Ed preschool program she’s in but at 4 years old she still cannot speak and she is still in diapers. Not saying this to say she’s really bad or far on the spectrum, I’m using this example because it’s exactly what you are out lining. She isn’t a dumb kid by any means. She’s 100x’s more athletic and coordinated than any other kid I’ve seen her age. What he was told and once he told me I noticed it immediately, which was that with autistic babies, they don’t have the ability to mimic what other humans around them are doing. I’m talking not even the littlest thing like learning how to smile or laugh by seeing a parent smiling at them. It was so tough on my dude watching him work like it meant life or death trying to get his daughter to wave back when she was a baby cuz it was the first test they told him they would do to try and diagnose why his daughter wasn’t developing like other kids.

      Fuck my bad I went full tails pin tangent there but what I mean to say is, who are we to determine what defines a generated independent thought when the industry of doctors, educators and philosophers haven’t done all that much understanding our own cognizant existence past "I think, Therefore I am.

      People like my buddy’s daughter could go their entire life as a burden of the state incapable of caring for themself and some will never learn to talk well enough to give any insight to the thoughts being processed behind their curtains. So why is the argument always pointing toward the need for language to prove thought and existence?

      Like is said in NY other comment. Not trying to prove or argue any specific point. This shit is just wildly interesting to me. I worked in a low income nursing home for years where they catered to residents who were considered burdens of the state after NY closed the doors on psychological institutions everywhere, which pushed anyone under 45y/o to the streets and anyone over 45 into nursing homes. So there were so many, excuse the crash term but it’s what they were, brain dead former drug addics or brain dead alzheimer residents. All of whom spent thw last decades of their life mumbling, incoherent, and staring off into space with noone home. We’re they still humans cababl3 of generative intelligence cua every 12 days they’d reach the hand up and scratch their nose?

      • finitebanjo@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        IDK what you dudes aren’t understanding, tbh. To the LLM every word is a fungible statistic. To the human every word is unique. It’s not a child, it’s hardware and programming are worlds apart.