I’m setting up my MiSTer FPGA and want to prioritize a bit. I currently have DOS and Win 95 running, but plan to setup Macintosh and any other worthwhile computer platforms. Any computer platform welcome (I already have the consoles figured out). What are your “must try” game suggestions?
Edit: I just got back to this post and am pleasantly surprised by the response. I’ll probably be adding most if not all of these to test since I have the space. Thank you to everyone who commented.
Fate of Atlantis is pretty good
- Transport Tycoon
- C&C Red Alert and Tiberian Sun
- Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.)
- Theme Park
- Commander Keen
- Doom 2 (and Wolfenstein 3D to some extend)
- GTA2
- Half-Life
- Dungeon Keeper (mainly DK2)
- Leisure Suit Larry 6
- Worms 2 & Armageddon
- Age of Empires 2
- Sim City 2000 & 3000
- SimTower
- The Settlers 2
- Lemmings
- Incredible Machine
- Commandos
- Outcast
- Quake 3 Arena
- Descent
- StarCraft (although I started playing it later)
SSI gold box D&D titles and Dungeon master, though both are better on Amiga
Myth The Fallen Lords and Myth 2 on the Macintosh. This was my favorite multiplayer game I’ve ever played by far.
Other great Mac games from my youth: The Odyssey (1994) by David Larkin Sim City and Sim City 2000 Rogue Sim Ant Prince of Persia The Scarab of Ra Realmz Path Ways into Darkness and Marathon
And my favorites on BBS were Major Mud and Legend of the Red Dragon.
I didn’t have a PC, but when I went to friend’s houses I would play the shit out of Doom.
C64: Elite. the game is my personal number one as I played only Elite constantly for a long time, despite all other games available for C64.
Amiga: Chaos Engine, Transarctica.
486: Elite Frontier, Descent, Descent II.
- Sonic the hedgehog
- Golden axe
- Streets of rage
- Micro machines
- Super Mario Bros 3
- Super Mario world
- Cool boarders
- SSX tricky
- Speed freaks
- Crash bandicoot
- Soul Reaver
- Tony hawk
- Tomb raider 3
- Abes oddesy
- Crazy taxi
- Duke nukem 3D
- Might and Magic VI
- Master of Orion
- Civ 1 & 2
Xwing, day of the tentacle, Sam and Max hit the road, terminal velocity, half-life, journeyman project, Myst, that weird Encarta cdrom trivia game, counterstrike, EverQuest, you don’t know Jack, Spiderman cartoon maker, master of Orion, monkey Island, Commander keen, and DOOM
I was a fan of Midtown madness, both 1 and 2.
I had LAN parties with my friends by booting the game, then ejecting the CD and passing it along.
Sadly the third one wasn’t on PC.
My childhood
Lode Runner for Apple II. Still remarkably playable. You could also go for The Legend Returns on PlayStation / Saturn.
Oh, yes. And you could make your own levels!
Ocarina of time Red Alert … yeah probably just those two would do me
Quake, Doom, Half-Life, One Must Fall 2097, Microsoft Encarta’s Mind Maze
Total Annihilation. It was released in 1997 and brought inspiration to games like Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation.
Also, mother fuckin’ Cap’N Crunch’s Crunchling Adventure. I don’t have to explain that one.
Doom (1 then 2) Dune 2
Command & conquer: Red alert
Quake 2 & 3 Unreal tournament
Rise of the triad
Space Quest 4
Quest for Glory series
Simcity 2000
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Grand Theft Auto (top down)