Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election – despite negative poll indications, White House sources have said.

The US president has reportedly also said he made a mistake in choosing Merrick Garland as attorney general – reflecting that Garland, a former US appeals court judge, was slow to prosecute Donald Trump for his role in the 6 January 2021 insurrection while presiding over a justice department that aggressively prosecuted Biden’s son Hunter.

Harris’s ascent to the top of the ticket led to a surge of enthusiasm and improved poll numbers but ultimately ended in a decisive electoral college and popular vote defeat.

  • Verdant
    3 months ago

    pushing and advocating for living wages that all states have to follow would help and the DNC quit advocating on this

    not every business Walmart and Mcdonald’s included are paying $19 an hour everywhere and in the south people are still making less than $15 an hour even with construction jobs pay is abominably low

    not all those jobs will include living wages with worker rights included

    Democrats always have a scapegoat

    again that amounts to nothing especially considering how much damage him and the Democrats have caused and continue to do so

    Biden helped craft laws that put a lot people in jail that either should not have been or should not have been as long of a sentence which to me amounts to rigging the election by keeping people jailed

    Trump is just another puppet like Biden is

      3 months ago

      pushing and advocating for living wages that all states have to follow would help and the DNC quit advocating on this

      Because they got what they wanted. What you fail to take into account is that companies and corporate landlords simply responded by jacking up prices and rents which basically nullified the benefits. What do you think is going to happen if wages got jacked up to $25? The same thing. Corporations and landlords would just jack up prices even further to increase their profits and nullifying the gains that the increased wages bring. And the cycle continues and continues.

      If you want to break that cycle, start dragging corporate CEOs into hearings and making them answer why their profit margins skyrocket faster than inflation. But if all you’re going to do is demand increased wages while doing nothing on the other side, you’re just going to ensure that the cycle will continue forever. No amount of wage increase is going to actually improve anybody’s financial situation if they’re going to do nothing about corporations simply raising prices and landlords raising rents even further in response.

      People could demand that government raise the federal minimum wage to elevety billion dollars an hour. Won’t matter so long as corporations continue to respond by increasing prices by eleventy trillion just because they think they deserve more profit.

      not every business Walmart and Mcdonald’s included are paying $19 an hour everywhere and in the south people are still making less than $15 an hour even with construction jobs pay is abominably low

      This is a fair point. I live in New England, and that’s where rates are right now. My daughter works as a greeter at a Chuck-E-Cheese and makes $17 an hour. To stand there and stamp kids’ hands. If you expect quality workers who will actually stick around for more than a few days, you need to start at $20. Minimum. That’s just the reality around here. And for what it’s worth, it really doesn’t matter. Corporations and landlords just jacked everything else up in response when the wages started rising. Apartments in the shitty parts of town that used to go for $600 a month are now in the $1500-$2000 range. Plenty of people around here were better off when wages were half of what they were now simply because those wages at least went further. I’m not saying that they were good by any stretch of the imagination, but a person making $10 an hour ($400 a week, $1600 a month) and has $1600 in expenses is still doing better than someone making $3200 a month but has $3500 worth of expenses. And that’s pretty much where we are now.

      not all those jobs will include living wages with worker rights included

      $15 an hour was a living wage before the pandemic. The problem isn’t the wage. It’s that the cost of living just went up even faster, and our government is unwilling to start hauling CEOs before Congress and demanding that they justify their inflated profit margins. Haul a few CEOs before congress, make them explain themselves (especially now, with the looming threat of someone else going full Luigi on their ass), and watch greed-flation suddenly become passe.

      again that amounts to nothing especially considering how much damage him and the Democrats have caused and continue to do so

      Exactly what damage is that, and how does allowing Trump to return to power help in any possible way?

      Biden helped craft laws that put a lot people in jail

      And exactly what laws are those?

      that either should not have been or should not have been as long of a sentence which to me amounts to rigging the election by keeping people jailed.

      Oh, come on now. This is the most ridiculous take I’ve ever heard. Not everything is political persecution or election interference. Talk about looking for a scapegoat. Stop sounding like Trump.

      Trump is just another puppet like Biden is

      Ah, yes. The both-sides-ism. Because Biden absolutely was going to enact a national abortion ban, kill off the Department of Education, gut social safety net programs, deport a bunch of brown people. And Trump is going to actually create jobs, cancel student debt, pardon cannabis users…

      Yep. Both sides are exactly the same. Yesirreee…