It seems that Terraria and Paper Fort Games is releasing a tabletop version of the 2D Game featuring character progression, base building and combat with some new art. i find this very cool and hope to see it on shelf soon!
Didn’t know that, will definitely look into it
isn’t Minecraft builders and biomes on the bedrock? i think its a downloadable world. if its a boardgame i would like to try it.
The Minecraft builders and biomes was a decent euro game disguised as a Minecraft game.
The Slay the Spire board game looks a bit of a downgrade compared to the video game.
The Dorfromantik board game was pretty fun albeit lighter than the video game. I can see why it got the Spiel Des Jahres award.
The Stardew Valley boardgame makes wish it was more a reskin of the board game Agricola that already exists than it’s own thing, as Agricola to me is perfect.
I am hoping Terraria will be a worker placement or pickup and deliver kind of game myself, maybe like Mat Tolman’s Undermining board game or something.
Let’s hope they post a rulebook soon as I can’t find one.