ShadowDragon tracks BabyCenter, a website for people expecting children, as well as social media sites specifically for Black people, bodybuilders, and the fetish community.

  • @[email protected]
    971 year ago

    Clemens concludes the snippet with this closing thought: “My word of advice for anybody that’s feeling invited into the rage mob of the day, is, hey man, get off social media. Go buy a lake house, get a beach house. Do something. Get in debt and get off social media. Don’t get invited into all this rage.”

    Ah yes the classic pacifying debt

      • @[email protected]
        421 year ago

        I mean buying things wont and fuck this guy, but if I could just casually buy a lake house I would’ve fucked off to an isolated one a long time ago. Like all these rich fucks should have done the moment they made enough money to do so.

        • Alto
          271 year ago

          It’s why I maintain it’s some sort a mental illness. There is absolutely something wrong with you if you have more than enough money to buy whatever the fuck you want and decide that’s not enough.

          • @[email protected]
            241 year ago

            So here’s the thing, you aren’t incorrect, but what is really troubling is that it might not be something you have from birth, for some sure it is(Musk is a great example of how being a piece of shit is congenital sometimes) but having that much money and power is straight up bad for your brain. I don’t have a source handy as I’m on mobile while i cook dinner, but I’m pretty certain Cody’s Showdy did an episode on it not too long ago, as in this year.

            Doesn’t give an excuse for becoming a bag of severed dicks but it does tell me if I ever luck into some crazy money to get myself set with the smallest amount possible so I never need to work again as quickly as I can, and give the rest away

            • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
              1 year ago

              It’s a thing I noticed from self observation. My fantasies about a billion dollar windfall are things like provide free high-speed internet to the populated parts of the world. All of them. It takes about $30 billion to feed the entire human population for a year (mostly freight). A smaller package would be to become a (figurative) god in Haiti by unconditionally rescuing them from a handful of humanitarian crises. A bronze statue of you would be in every public park there for centuries.

              There are very real sometimes globe-spaning humanitarian projects that billionaires could afford with a signature (if costing them a Twitter, more or less) that would leave a mark in history dwarfing Carnegie or Rockefeller or Nobel or Gates. And we have thousands of billionaires and not one is trying.

              Leeja Miller did a video ( on YouTube ) on how the usual charities billionaires use do actually very little, and they could do way better paying that money as taxes and letting social safety net programs and public science do those things instead. (e.g. Philanthropy is wholly a grift.) So yes, we have zero billionaires doing anything with their money but hoarding it like so many boxes of unused pogs and Funko Pops in the garage.

        • Piecemakers
          51 year ago

          Sure would make it more laborious, dragging the guillotine around to each of their doors, amirite?

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Honestly, if you make your money, take it and fuck off, and stop/never using it to manipulate/control other people and the world around you. I ain’t got a problem with ya. I can’t think of a single billionaire that does all of those things. I’m sure there’s some quite ones that are still fucking around behind the scenes, fuck them, they should be eaten too.

            But some dude that made 100 million on Mindspring or whatever and retired, stopped trying to make more. Isn’t flexing on the locals wherever they ended up. I’ll let that person slide, they’re not the real problem

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                I completely agree about your assessment of capital, and that’s sort of what I’m saying. Its really really uncommon for someone to get life changing wealth honestly. But statistically you have to have some outliers, I think ConcernedApe(the guy who made Stardew Valley originally all by himself) is a good example of what I’m talking about, dude is rich as fuck now that game is on all platforms and sells well, but I don’t think he’s a problem because as far as I know, he’s just using his money to keep making games, obviously that could change. But if he just keeps doing what he’s doing I wouldn’t consider him a capitalist even though he is rich.

                Obviously this is all a digression about exceptions to the rule, which is fuck the wealthy

  • @[email protected]
    601 year ago

    Of fucking course the government is tracking all this shit through a private corporation that’s owned by someone who doesn’t believe in protest.

    And yeah, buddy, we can’t afford a regular house much less one for fun on water. I hope he dies of kidney stones

  • Nepenthe
    1 year ago

    “Why not take advantage of information the bad guys share willingly online? After all, they have friends lists, too,” one SocialNet video says.

    *monitors random citizens’ pregnancies*

    This is acceptable. This is definitely normal.

    Side note for anyone with a few days and $2 to spare, Orwell is apparently on sale and I encourage its consideration. It’s literally what the government has decided to do, but with the player in the driver’s seat and it’s really good if you’re into stuff like that.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I’m kind of surprised this is the first comment I’ve seen mention the pregnancy part especially with Roe having fallen. This is terrifying.

  • The Barto
    281 year ago

    ShadowDragon tracks BabyCenter, a website for people expecting children, as well as social media sites specifically for Black people, bodybuilders, and the fetish community.

    This reads like that Stefan skit on snl.

    • ██████████
      31 year ago

      its literally just a python scraper script. the bar to become a TECHNOLOGY company is sooo low now im just going say f it and start my own Cyber Security company and grift these feds boy

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Went on this website for the first time today. The giant newsletter subscribe pop-up with 404 written in big letters made me think the link I used was dead. Went back to check again and finally understood that it was an annoying pop-up.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Does anyone know the specifics of this app? Is it calling public APIs on these sites, or do they pay for special access, or is it just scraping. I feel like most of us aware of the data collection prob put very little public data out there. RIP they might lose a bit of traffic from this article.