I know they are not the original actors, but the acting and enviroment look really good in my opinion. It’s a shame you can only play it on sweden, goodluck with that! https://www.svtplay.se/the-pirate-bay?kfx=BzwpyF9vC

Anyway, I here is a Base64 encoded link to a rentry.co page so you guys can watch both the 2013 documentary and the 2024 Series with english subtitles, regardless on the country or planet or species.


If anyone is willing to upload the subtitles to another cloud service as a mirror, let me know.

  • BakedCatboy@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Thanks for the reminder to grab the subs for this, sonarr downloaded the ollonborre release a while back and I couldn’t find subs.

    Looks like there’s now a season pack on 1337x from deadorbit with muxed eng subs, and all in DD5.1 too.