At best, the bill will simply lead companies to block all kinds of valuable speech to avoid having to fight about it in court. It would inevitably lead to overly cautious censorship in an attempt to avoid liability, doing real harm to free speech (including important speech around LGBTQ issues, health issues, and more).

I hate it when morons try to craft regulations on things they don’t understand (“it’s a series of tubes.”)

  • Snot
    2 个月前

    Oh yeah, here comes the hard sell, people.

    They’ve seen what people really talk about on the internet, and they haven’t dumped all this money into massive botfarms to push narratives (yeah Russia aren’t the only people who do this) without expecting a return on their investment, so now comes the hammer to shut out real people and make it even easier to propagandize the populace. Can’t have all that Luigi love out in the open.

    Cue the Barbossa Cyberpunk image.